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Christmas Event Planning

Dear Lucy Leader 
 Christmas Event Planning

Dear Lucy Leader,

Christmas time is coming soon. I want to do something special with my group, but I just don’t think I have the time or energy to do it. Can you help me?

Not So Merry Mary

Dear Not So Merry Mary,

Christmas time can be incredibly stressful these days. First, it is important for you to carve out time to spend in the Word to let the Spirit refresh you. But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint (Isaiah 40:31). God promises to give us rest. Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28).

Fear not! For behold, I have tidings of great joy! Start your planning early. LWML has a multitude of resources to help you plan special Christmas events for your group. Multi-session and short Bible studies to help your group focus can be found at You can find interactive litanies, responsive readings, and short programs at A birthday party for Jesus and other fun Christmas mission service ideas and directions to make Christmas paper ornaments can be found on You can find even more ideas by going to and typing “Christmas” in the search bar. LWML has so many good ideas for you that the hardest part will be choosing what you want to do! 

Let me leave you with this Bible verse:

For to us a child is born,
    to us a son is given;
and the government shall be upon his shoulder,
    and his name shall be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
    Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6).

Merry Christmas, Mary!

Lucy Leader

Do you have a question for Lucy Leader?
Write in to the Vice President of Organizational Resources here!

God's Blessings,
Lois Teinert, Chairman
Leadership Development Committee

2019-2021 LWML Leadership Development Committee Members
Marie McNary
Sherrie Smith
Lois Teinert, Chairman
Marie Chow, Vice President of Organizational Resources, Advisory

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Getting More Young Women Involved

Dear Lucy Leader 
 Getting More Young Women Involved

Dear Lucy Leader,

How do I get more young people involved?  Everyone is so busy these days working and raising children.  All that's left is us two older women!

Retired Rita and Tired Teresa

Dear Retired Rita and Tired Teresa,

You ask a very good question — one that women all around the country are asking these days. You are right! The younger women are busy working and raising children. But they also are looking for ways to serve the Lord and to make a difference in the world around them. 

Because your question is such a good one, LWML has put a lot of time and effort into creating resources that will help you involve young women. You can find those resources at Remember that your needs and interests are really not that much different than the young women’s needs and interests. What makes a group welcoming for you, also makes it welcoming for young women. Above all, remember our love for God is what binds us together as Lutheran Women in Mission.

May God help you listen to young women and try to meet their needs. May He help you to be flexible and give you the courage to try new ideas. Most importantly, may He use you to show His love to the young women in your midst.

Lucy Leader

Do you have a question for Lucy Leader?
Write in to!

God's Blessings,
Lois Teinert, Chairman
Leadership Development Committee

2019-2021 LWML Leadership Development Committee Members
Marie McNary
Sherrie Smith
Lois Teinert, Chairman
Marie Chow, Vice President of Organizational Resources, Advisory

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Reminders and Encouragement

Dear Lucy Leader 
 Reminders and Encouragment

Dear Lucy Leader,

How often should I remind someone of a deadline without making it seem like I am pestering her?

Pesky Patty

Dear Pesky Patty,

You ask a good question. The task needs to be accomplished in a timely manner, but you do not want to seem bothersome to your volunteer team member. 

Being a Christian leader is a relational experience. However, these experiences occur in the laboratory of life. Deadlines are a part of this real life. It is important to be clear about those deadlines at the very beginning of the task. Make sure your timeline is realistic. Be specific in what the task requires. Your Christian relationship with your volunteer team member is crucial. If you have established a friendly atmosphere, it will be easy to check in with her and see how she is doing. Ask if she needs help to meet that deadline. Let her know you are willing to help her succeed in what she has been asked to do. 

LWML has resources to support you in your walk as a leader of volunteers. “Volunteers in Christ’s Ministry”has many helpful suggestions. 

Cheer your team on. Encourage and motivate your volunteer team member. Most importantly, pray for her and with her. 

Let me leave you with a final thought from God’s Word: Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing (1 Thessalonians 5:11).

Lucy Leader

Do you have a question for Lucy Leader?
Write in to!

God's Blessings,
Lois Teinert, Chairman
Leadership Development Committee

2019-2021 LWML Leadership Development Committee Members
Marie McNary
Sherrie Smith
Lois Teinert, Chairman
Marie Chow, Vice President of Organizational Resources, Advisory

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How Do I Delegate and Mentor at the Same Time?

Dear Lucy Leader 
 Delegating While Mentoring

Dear Lucy Leader,

I think I need to learn to delegate. How do I delegate to a volunteer and mentor her at the same time? 

Challenged Mentor

Dear Challenged Mentor,

First, let me thank you for wanting to be a mentor. Mentoring does not mean, “What can I teach you?” Instead, it means, “How can I help you?” Being a mentor does not mean you need to be perfect or have all the answers. Remember, there is forgiveness even in mentoring. 

It is good that you recognize you cannot do everything by yourself. Delegating will help your group accomplish more and will give someone else the opportunity to serve. She will learn new skills, find a sense of purpose, connect with others in her community, and find enjoyment in her ability and calling, empowered by the Holy Spirit as she serves. 

When you delegate, ask your mentee to serve in a position she enjoys. Help her develop her gifts when she is placed in that position. Ask for her input in planning and decision-making. Observe how much work she can do. Some may work better with short-term assignments rather than with long-term goals. Know her capabilities. Let her be who God made her to be.

LWML has resources to support you in your walk as a mentor. “Volunteers in Christ’s Ministry” has many helpful suggestions. You can also find a wealth of information at

By the Holy Spirit’s power, we become mentors as we witness His love to others — the message of the Gospel is shared through the life of the believer. As children of God, we are truly blessed to serve, mentoring others by living our lives in Christ, led by the Spirit.

Lucy Leader

Do you have a question for Lucy Leader?
Write in to!

God's Blessings,
Lois Teinert, Chairman
Leadership Development Committee

2019-2021 LWML Leadership Development Committee Members
Marie McNary
Sherrie Smith
Lois Teinert, Chairman
Marie Chow, Vice President of Organizational Resources, Advisory

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Attending LWML Events

Dear Lucy Leader 
 Attending LWML Events

Dear Lucy Leader,

I’d like to attend LWML events. Where do I start?

Need A. Group Norma

Dear Need A. Group Norma,

Attending LWML events is certain to be a blessing for you. Begin by asking your pastor if there is an LWML group in your church. If there is, your pastor can give you contact information for the leader of that group. If there is no group in your church, you might prayerfully consider starting your own group or becoming an individual member. You can find information about starting a group or becoming an individual member at

There are events at the zone and district levels. You can learn about these events on your district’s website. You can volunteer in your zone, district, or even on the national level. Learn more about that at

You can attend an LWML district convention in the even-numbered years. Women from all over the United States — and the world — attend a national LWML convention in the odd-numbered years. You can find out about the next one at

Attending LWML events will help you draw closer to the Lord and encourage and equip you to use your God-given talents in sharing God’s love. You’ll be provided with opportunities for service within your congregation and for outreach to the community and the world. May God bless your LWML walk!

Lucy Leader

Do you have a question for Lucy Leader?
Write in to!

God's Blessings,
Lois Teinert, Chairman
Leadership Development Committee

2019-2021 LWML Leadership Development Committee Members
Marie McNary
Sherrie Smith
Lois Teinert, Chairman
Marie Chow, Vice President of Organizational Resources, Advisory

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Membership without a Group

Dear Lucy Leader 
 Membership without a Group

Dear Lucy Leader,

I like the LWML organization and would like to become involved in its mission of helping others. My church currently does not have an LWML group and is not interested in starting one right now.

Is there a way for me to become a member?

All Alone Alice

Dear All Alone Alice,

I am thankful that you would like to become involved in LWML. You certainly may become an individual member. Your LWML district president may be contacted for more information. Individual members have the same rights and privileges as members of groups, may serve on committees, and hold elective office at the zone, district, and LWML levels. To find out more about individual membership, go to

Once you complete and submit the Individual Membership Form, your zone president will be contacted and you will be notified of upcoming zone events. I would encourage you to attend zone and district events so you may experience the wonderful blessing of fellowship with your sisters in Christ. The national convention is also a mountaintop experience you don’t want to miss. The next convention will be in Lexington, Kentucky, June 24–27, 2021. You can find more information at  

May God bless your LWML journey!

Lucy Leader

Do you have a question for Lucy Leader?
Write in to!

God's Blessings,
Lois Teinert, Chairman
Leadership Development Committee

2019-2021 LWML Leadership Development Committee Members
Marie McNary
Sherrie Smith
Lois Teinert, Chairman
Marie Chow, Vice President of Organizational Resources, Advisory

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Stepping up from Local Leadership

Dear Lucy Leader 
 Stepping up from Local Leadership

Dear Lucy Leader,

I love serving with my local LWML group, but I feel that I would now like to step up to be a part of the bigger picture. What are the requirements to be on the District Executive Committee?

Ready to Serve Rita

Dear Ready to Serve Rita,

LWML is indeed the leading group for LCMS women to be involved in ministry, Godly inspiration, and service. Being active on the local level is indeed a blessing. And you are right – there is more – so much more. Thank you for your interest in serving on the next level. Serving on the zone level is a great blessing and opportunity to learn the bigger picture before advancing to the district level.  

You can find many officer guidelines at

If you feel that God is leading you to serve in one of these positions, your next step would be to talk with your zone president. You can contact your district president to learn your zone president's name and contact information. Go to Click on the “Contact the LWML Districts” tab. Your zone president will be able to give you more specific information on your zone Executive Committee and let you know what positions may soon be open.

May God bless you as you serve Him in whatever capacity He leads you to serve!

Lucy Leader


Do you have a question for Lucy Leader?
Write in to!

God's Blessings,
Lois Teinert, Chairman
Leadership Development Committee

2019-2021 LWML Leadership Development Committee Members
Marie McNary
Sherrie Smith
Lois Teinert, Chairman
Marie Chow, Vice President of Organizational Resources, Advisory

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