I am the Heart of LWML

Our Vision

… is to promote a strong LWML identity among the women of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.

Our Treasure

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also (Matthew 6:21).

… is Christ; our heart is with Him and is shown in service to others through the LWML.


We are the Heart of the LWML because we are HIS:

Held by His Word;

Inspired to share His Gospel; and

Surrounded by His grace.

Our Goals

A primary focus of the campaign is that each woman of the LCMS is the Heart of LWML. Christ is in the heart of each woman as she engages in mission education, mission inspiration, mission service, and mission support. Each woman of the LCMS is invited to embrace her role as a Lutheran Woman in Mission.

I am the Heart of LWML!

“As a Lutheran Woman in Mission, I will share the joy and wonder of what is done through the LWML by the grace of God — the resources created, the missions supported, and the ministries provided.”



LWML Resources