Guide to Organizing a Prayer Walk. 22 pages. Activity Handouts Included.

Before the Fall, Adam and Eve were able to walk with God in Paradise. They could talk with Him — free of worldly distractions, anxieties, and other temptations. During His ministry on earth, Jesus modeled prayer for us. Because of His sacrifice on the cross, our relationship with God has been restored. After Jesus ascended into heaven, the Holy Spirit was poured out upon God’s people to intercede and foster our faith. We are free to talk to the Triune God, share our burdens and cares with Him, listen to His responses, and enjoy spiritual renewal in our “walk” with Him.

Most of you have likely taken part in a Prayer Walk and view it as an interactive tool to use in a group setting for the purpose of practicing and encouraging individual prayer time. Walks are organized with participants pausing at several “stations” to focus on a prayer exercise.

This prayer walk guide includes ideas for interactive exercises for use in your Prayer Walk. They are organized into four different categories: Devotion/Prayer, Interactive Scripture, Mission Service, and Visual Prayer.

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Walking in Prayer: Organizing a Prayer Walk  (8 MB)


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