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How to Lead During a Pandemic

Dear Lucy Leader … Leading During a Pandemic

Dear Lucy Leader,

How do I lead during this coronavirus pandemic?

Panicked Pam

Dear Panicked Pam,

God has chosen you to be a leader at this particular time. God has called you for such a time as this.

So, what do you do? First – and most importantly – make sure that you are connected to the Leader, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Go to Him in prayer often. Spend time in the Word. Fill your head with Christ-centered music.  

Connect with the women you are blessed to lead. Use any means possible. Send texts. Post comforting words and Bible verses on Facebook. Make a video of yourself so your women can see your face. Use your Twitter account. Make video calls so you can see each other in real time. Send cards or notes to those who don’t have electronic forms of communication. (There are Heart Blessings cards that you can download from LWML at to send.) Make phone calls asking how they are doing. If you have the resources, ask them what they need.

Engage in Bible study with your women. You may do this together using electronic platforms or you may do this individually, keeping each other accountable and sharing what you are learning. You can find a list of downloadable LWML Bible studies at  

Give the women opportunities to serve. The women will feel better when they are helping someone else. Download and color cards for Phil’s Friends. Send a card to your pastor and teachers in a nearby Lutheran school. Impress upon the women how important it is to pray – even if they cannot do anything else – prayer is of utmost importance. They may want to keep a prayer journal or a written prayer list.

God has chosen you. He will not let you down!

God is our refuge and strength,
a very present help in trouble.
Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way,
though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea,
though its waters roar and foam,
though the mountains tremble at its swelling (Psalm 46:1-3).

Praying with and for you,
Lucy Leader

Do you have a question for Lucy Leader?
Write in to!

God's Blessings,
Lois Teinert, Chairman
Leadership Development Committee

2019-2021 LWML Leadership Development Committee Members
Marie McNary
Sherrie Smith
Lois Teinert, Chairman
Marie Chow, Vice President of Organizational Resources, Advisory

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All About Being a Zone President

Dear Lucy Leader … Zone Presidency

Dear Lucy Leader,

How much time does it take to be a zone president? What's all involved? What is a zone, anyway?

Clueless Clara

Dear Clueless Clara,

LWML districts organize local LWML groups into zones, corresponding to district circuit boundaries as much as possible. Zones offer opportunities for participants from different congregations and settings to meet for spiritual development, Christian fellowship, and sharing of ideas and information.

The zone president presides at zone meetings and attends meetings of the LWML district board of directors. She is an important link in sharing information from the district with her zone.

Serving as a zone president may at first seem scary. Don’t worry —– LWML has resources to help you be the best zone president you can be. Check out

May God bless you as you prayerfully consider what your position in LWML may be!

Lucy Leader


Do you have a question for Lucy Leader?
Write in to!

God's Blessings,
Lois Teinert, Chairman
Leadership Development Committee

2019-2021 LWML Leadership Development Committee Members
Marie McNary
Sherrie Smith
Lois Teinert, Chairman
Marie Chow, Vice President of Organizational Resources, Advisory

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Speaking in Front of a Group

Dear Lucy Leader … Speaking in Front of a Group

Dear Lucy Leader,

I was recently chosen to serve as the Christian Life leader for our local group. Help! I’m not good at speaking in front of people. Can you give me some tips so I feel more comfortable when I’m leading the devotion or Bible study?

Tongue-tied in Tallahassee

Dear Tongue-tied in Tallahassee,

Sometimes God’s plan for us requires us to step out of our comfort zones. It sounds as though that is what you are being asked to do. Know that you are not alone. Many people are afraid of speaking in front of people! Know that the audience is there to support you. But more importantly, God will be with you as you speak. There also may be a woman in your group that can help mentor you.

LWML has resources that will help you. Past LWML President Linda Reiser has a great video that offers many suggestions for speaking. You can find the video at The video begins with an example of what not to do — so don’t stop watching it too quickly.

May God bless you as you joyfully assume your new position!

Lucy Leader


Do you have a question for Lucy Leader?
Write in to!

God's Blessings,
Lois Teinert, Chairman
Leadership Development Committee

2019-2021 LWML Leadership Development Committee Members
Marie McNary
Sherrie Smith
Lois Teinert, Chairman
Marie Chow, Vice President of Organizational Resources, Advisory

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Ideas for Doing Something New and Different

Dear Lucy Leader … Fresh Ideas

Dear Lucy Leader,

I’ve been leading my LWML group for years, and up until now everyone has been satisfied. Now my members say they want to do something new and different. Help! I need ideas!

Susie from Samesville

Dear Susie from Samesville,

First of all, let me say “thank you” for leading your LWML group for years. Thank you for being open to trying something new!

LWML has resources that can help you with this. May I suggest Creative LWML Events? This wonderful resource can be found at It offers fun new ideas and themes for your gatherings.

May God bless your planning!
Lucy Leader


Do you have a question for Lucy Leader?
Write in to!

God's Blessings,
Lois Teinert, Chairman
Leadership Development Committee

2019-2021 LWML Leadership Development Committee Members
Marie McNary
Sherrie Smith
Lois Teinert, Chairman
Marie Chow, Vice President of Organizational Resources, Advisory

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Planning a Christian Life Retreat

Dear Lucy Leader … Christian Life Retreat

Dear Lucy Leader,

I’ve been tasked with planning a Christian Life retreat. Where do I start?

Panicked Paula

Dear Panicked Paula,

Planning a Christian Life Retreat is an exciting task, but it may seem to be a bit daunting. There is no need to panic. LWML has resources to help you!

You will find retreat packages at These free, downloadable packages include schedules, Bible studies, crafts, and more. To help minimize your last minute anxiety as you plan, The Event Planning Timeline can be found at

May God help you to find joy in the journey as you plan a retreat!
Lucy Leader

Do you have a question for Lucy Leader?
Write in to!

God's Blessings,
Lois Teinert, Chairman
Leadership Development Committee

2019-2021 LWML Leadership Development Committee Members
Marie McNary
Sherrie Smith
Lois Teinert, Chairman
Marie Chow, Vice President of Organizational Resources, Advisory

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