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Understand the District Treasurer Position

Dear Lucy Leader … Understand the District Treasurer Position

Dear Lucy Leader,

I have been nominated for the position of district treasurer. What resources are available to help me understand this officer position?

Am I a Treasurer Tracy

Dear Am I a Treasurer Tracy,

First of all, let me thank you for your willingness to understand this position. You are considering a very important role, and it is necessary that you recognize how you would be serving God. 

Your best resource is your LWML district website. Find your district bylaws. Those bylaws will specify the duties for the position of district treasurer. It is also helpful to talk with someone in your district who has recently served in that position.

Another source of information for financial officers is the LWML website. Check out and review the documents.

Prayerfully consider whether or not you would enjoy using the financial skills which this position requires. May God bless your deliberation!

Lucy Leader

Do you have a question for Lucy Leader?
Write in to the Vice President of Organizational Resources here!

God's Blessings,

2019–2021 LWML Leadership Development Committee Members
Marie McNary
Sherrie Smith
Lois Teinert, Chairman
Marie Chow, Vice President of Organizational Resources, Advisory

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Planning a Prayer Event

Dear Lucy Leader … Planning a Prayer Event

Dear Lucy Leader,

Prayer is a very important part of a Christian’s life. I would like to plan an event for my group that centers around prayer. Do you have any ideas to help with that?

Prayerful Pam

Dear Prayerful Pam,

It is wonderful for you to want to plan an event that centers around prayer. What a special way for your group to be connected with Jesus and with each other!

LWML does have resources that are written especially to engage your group in  prayer. The 2021 Prayer Service, written by past LWML Pastoral Counselor Rev. Robert Mundahl, is “He Prayed with Them,” based on Acts 20:36b. This can be found at A guide to organizing a prayer walk can be found at Walking in Prayer: Organizing a Prayer Walk — Lutheran Women's Missionary League (

LWML has an abundance of other resources that will greatly enrich your activities. Devotions, Bible studies, litanies, and more can be found at LWML Resources on Prayer — Lutheran Women's Missionary League.

May God bless you and your group!  Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you (1 Thessalonians 5:16–18).

Lucy Leader

Do you have a question for Lucy Leader?
Write in to the Vice President of Organizational Resources here!

God's Blessings,

2019–2021 LWML Leadership Development Committee Members
Marie McNary
Sherrie Smith
Lois Teinert, Chairman
Marie Chow, Vice President of Organizational Resources, Advisory

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Start a LWML Group in Your Church

Dear Lucy Leader … Start a LWML Group in Your Church

Dear Lucy Leader,

The church I recently joined has not had an active LWML for years, but I’m trying to revive it. I have two others on board. Any tips for us?


Dear Renee,

It is very exciting that you want to revive LWML in your church and that you have two women who are already on board. Your very first step is to go to the Lord in prayer. He will guide your steps along the way. 

LWML has resources on the website that are very helpful. The “LWML New Group Welcome Packet” ( has information to get you started. Check with your LWML district president to see if your church already has a charter. She can also let you know about zone and district events. She will walk by your side.

Personally invite women to your first meeting. Start that meeting with a Bible study. Don’t conduct too much business. Let the women get to know each other by doing a servant activity together. You can find ideas for service projects here:

LWML has resources to help let women know what LWML is all about. is great in explaining the basics of LWML. 

LWML is a wonderful place for women to come together, to grow closer to the Lord, and to serve others joyfully. May God bless you as you bring the joy of LWML to the women of your new congregation!

Lucy Leader

Do you have a question for Lucy Leader?
Write in to the Vice President of Organizational Resources here!

God's Blessings,

2019–2021 LWML Leadership Development Committee Members
Marie McNary
Sherrie Smith
Lois Teinert, Chairman
Marie Chow, Vice President of Organizational Resources, Advisory

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Welcoming New People

Dear Lucy Leader … Welcoming New People

Dear Lucy Leader,

Our group is meeting in person again and a couple new women have joined. How can we get to know each other and work together as a team?

Wendy Wants to Work Together

Dear Wendy Wants to Work Together,

Praise God that you are able to meet together again! Praise God that you have new women join your group! It is good that you want to help the women get to know each other and work together as a team.

First, remember your bond as sisters in Christ; spend time together in the Word. LWML recognizes the importance of team building and has resources to help with that goal. You can find these resources at

God will bless your efforts to strengthen your team. And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near (Hebrews 10:24–25). 

Lucy Leader

Do you have a question for Lucy Leader?
Write in to the Vice President of Organizational Resources here!

God's Blessings,

2019–2021 LWML Leadership Development Committee Members
Marie McNary
Sherrie Smith
Lois Teinert, Chairman
Marie Chow, Vice President of Organizational Resources, Advisory

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Characteristics of a Good Leader

Dear Lucy Leader … Characteristics of a Good Leader

Dear Lucy Leader,

I have just been elected president of my local group. I am very excited to serve in this manner, but I am also nervous. I want to be the best leader I can be. What are the characteristics of a good leader?

Elected Elaine

Dear Elected Elaine,

I thank God that you are excited to serve as president of your local group! Your excitement and passion will be very beneficial in your new leadership role.

The most important thing as you begin your new role is to remain connected to the leader — Jesus. Stay in the Word and in prayer. Ask others to pray for and with you.

Leadership is not only a position to which we are elected or appointed, but it’s also a way of living and thinking. LWML understands the importance of strong leadership and has material that can be used for personal study and learning. These materials will help you to understand what a good leader looks like. You will find these materials at

May God use you to be a blessing to the group you are leading!

Lucy Leader

Do you have a question for Lucy Leader?
Write in to the Vice President of Organizational Resources here!

God's Blessings,

2019–2021 LWML Leadership Development Committee Members
Marie McNary
Sherrie Smith
Lois Teinert, Chairman
Marie Chow, Vice President of Organizational Resources, Advisory

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Connecting With a Deaf Woman

Dear Lucy Leader … Connecting with a Deaf Woman

Dear Lucy Leader,

Recently a woman who cannot hear became a member of our congregation. I would like to reach out to her and let her know that our LWML cares about her. We would like to involve her in LWML, but we don’t know how. Can you help with this?

Caring Carol

Dear Caring Carol,

It is so wonderful that you want to reach out to a deaf woman in your congregation. LWML has compiled resources to help you to welcome her into fellowship and service with Lutheran Women in Mission. You can find these resources at Deaf Ministry at

Kaye Wolff is currently the LWML Deaf Ministry Liaison. From her experience, Kaye writes, “The deaf culture is beautiful, funny, and forgiving!” She can be contacted at

God will bless you as you invite and connect with your new friend in Christ.

Lucy Leader

Do you have a question for Lucy Leader?
Write in to the Vice President of Organizational Resources here!

God's Blessings,
Lois Teinert, Chairman
Leadership Development Committee

2019–2021 LWML Leadership Development Committee Members
Marie McNary
Sherrie Smith
Lois Teinert, Chairman
Marie Chow, Vice President of Organizational Resources, Advisory

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Reaching Out to New Church Workers in Our District

Dear Lucy Leader … Reaching Out to New Church Workers in Our District

Dear Lucy Leader,

There are new church workers in our district, and we would like to let them know about LWML. Can you give us ideas for how we can reach out to the new church workers in our district?

District President Jan

Dear District President Jan,

Professional church workers and LWML women have so much in common. We are all firmly rooted in God’s Word and want to share Jesus’ love with others. Starting with that common ground, you can welcome the new workers to your district. LWML has a welcome letter ready for your use and a compilation of resources. These are designed for you to engage your local church workers in conversation about what LWML can do for them in their ministry and how they may share in the mission of LWML. These resources are found at

God bless you as you reach out to the new church workers in your district!

Lucy Leader

Do you have a question for Lucy Leader?
Write in to the Vice President of Organizational Resources here!

God's Blessings,
Lois Teinert, Chairman
Leadership Development Committee

2019–2021 LWML Leadership Development Committee Members
Marie McNary
Sherrie Smith
Lois Teinert, Chairman
Marie Chow, Vice President of Organizational Resources, Advisory

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