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Let’s Do Something Exciting

Tips for Leading with Confidence

Dear LWML Leaders,

Welcome back to Tips for Leading with Confidence. Let’s try something new!

Let’s Do Something Exciting

Progressive dinners are a fun way to socialize with our Sisters in Christ. Plan a meal where participants eat a different course hosted and prepared by different people in their homes. Add a section of a Bible study (divided into four parts) to be held at each stop for a fun and inspirational LWML event.

The first part of the Bible study would be at the home that is serving the appetizers.

Then consider soup and/or salad with the second part of the Bible study.

The third home serves the main course along with the third part of the Bible study.

The final section of the Bible study wraps up at the home that serves dessert.

For more creative ideas, check out the Creative LWML Events article on the LWML Leadership Development webpage.

God's Blessings,

Susan Brunkow, Chairman
Leadership Development Committee

LWML 2017–2019 Leadership Development Committee Members
Deb Vinkemeier
Cheryl Killham
Susan Brunkow, Chairman
Debbie Larson, Vice President of Organizational Resources, Advisory

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Planning a Meeting


Tips for Leading with Confidence

Dear LWML Leaders,

Welcome back to Tips for Leading with Confidence. Congratulations, you have just been chosen to lead a board or committee! You may be asking yourself, “Where do I begin?”

Planning a Meeting

As you begin to think about your first gathering you may want a refresher on basic protocol. Meetings 101 on the LWML Leadership Development webpage is a wonderful resource to help with meeting preparation and to keep the meeting flowing smoothly. Here is a sample of the Leader’s Checklist from Meetings 101.

  • Begin by asking God’s direction through personal devotion and prayer.

  • Organize yourself before you arrive at the meeting by making a meeting outline. 

  • Upon arrival at the meeting place, and at least 30 minutes before the meeting starts, complete the following steps:

    • Check that the area is set up appropriately.

    • Make sure that all the equipment requested is in place.

    • See that those in attendance will feel comfortable and welcome in the setting.

    • Greet the speaker, verify the topic, and confirm the time allocated to the speaker.

    • Check with those assisting, ensuring that all details are covered and to encourage those who are faithfully giving of their time and talents.

    • Welcome those arriving with enthusiasm and a warm smile.

God's Blessings,

Susan Brunkow, Chairman
Leadership Development Committee

LWML 2017–2019 Leadership Development Committee Members
Deb Vinkemeier
Cheryl Killham
Susan Brunkow, Chairman
Debbie Larson, Vice President of Organizational Resources, Advisory

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Small Changes in Your Events May Bring Big Results


Tips for Leading with Confidence

Dear LWML Leaders,

Welcome back to Tips for Leading with Confidence. Consider small changes that may bring big results.

Small Changes in Your Events May Bring Big Results

Change is difficult for most, but small changes can foster better communication at your next LWML event.

  • Instead of holding your event in pews, try using tables to encourage interaction among the guests.

  • Consider scheduling fun breaks during the event that could include standing, singing, or playing an ice breaker game.

  • Use a short sketch, song, poem, or cheer to report on a successful mission outreach.

  • Assign greeters to welcome participants at the door and give directions to a well-staffed registration area.

  • Show the LWML Mission Grants video or one of LWML’s short “Your Mites Have Made a Difference” videos.

These tips and more can be found in LWML Event Tips on the LWML Leadership Development webpage.

God's Blessings,

Susan Brunkow, Chairman
Leadership Development Committee

LWML 2017–2019 Leadership Development Committee Members
Deb Vinkemeier
Cheryl Killham
Susan Brunkow, Chairman
Debbie Larson, Vice President of Organizational Resources, Advisory

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Successful Communication with Event Speakers


Tips for Leading with Confidence

Dear LWML Leaders,

Welcome back to Tips for Leading with Confidence.

Everyone is excited about the speakers for our LWML Convention in Mobile, Alabama! Here are some tips on communicating with speakers for your events.

Successful Communication with Event Speakers

Maintaining communication with your event speakers ensures a successful experience. You have their initial acceptance and the contract is signed. It is important that you continue to communicate. Send them information they will appreciate 3–4 weeks prior to the event:

  • Indicate anticipated attendance numbers.

  • Confirm physical arrangements:

    • Setting: classroom, sanctuary, auditorium, or other location;

    • Speaker placement: on stage, podium available, on floor at same level as participants, etc.;

    • Indicate, if requested, that equipment has been secured: ïŹ‚ipchart, laptop, projector, screen, fixed or portable microphone, extension cords, other equipment;

    • If requested, supply a display table;

    • Indicate if audio or videotaping will be part of the event.

  • Share name and cell phone number of person meeting speaker and share speaker's cell number with the driver. Are they meeting at airport? Which door? Be specific.

  • Supply location and phone number where speaker will be staying.

  • If arrival is by car, supply exact address and parking instructions.

  • Request handouts or other materials; confirm who makes necessary copies.

The brochure Event Planners and Guest Speakers on the LWML Leadership Development webpage is a useful tool in providing ideas and suggestions in order to develop an effective working relationship with your guest speaker.

God's Blessings,

Susan Brunkow, Chairman
Leadership Development Committee

LWML 2017–2019 Leadership Development Committee Members
Deb Vinkemeier
Cheryl Killham
Susan Brunkow, Chairman
Debbie Larson, Vice President of Organizational Resources, Advisory

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You Have Been Asked to Plan an Event, Now What?


Tips for Leading with Confidence

Dear LWML Leaders,

Welcome back to Tips for Leading with Confidence.

You’ve been asked to plan an LWML event. When is it time to begin planning?

You Have Been Asked to Plan an Event, Now What?

A timeline makes planning any event less stressful. District conventions and retreats are often in the early planning stages two to three years in advance, but zone and local events need less lead time. Here are some questions to consider:

  • How far do the participants need to travel? Longer travel times for participants require earlier planning.

  • Are my guest speakers and presenters in great demand? Popular speakers may need to be booked at least a year in advance.

  • How far in advance do I need to book my desired venue on specific dates? Give the facility a call and find out.

  • What are the publicity deadlines? Details for publicity at national or district levels often necessitates knowing the details well in advance.

The LWML Event Planning Timeline on the LWML Leadership Development webpage is a great resource to assist with outlining how soon you should reserve your facility, appoint an event chairman, decide on speakers, and more.

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven (Ecclesiastes 3:1).

God's Blessings,

Susan Brunkow, Chairman
Leadership Development Committee

LWML 2017–2019 Leadership Development Committee Members
Deb Vinkemeier
Cheryl Killham
Susan Brunkow, Chairman
Debbie Larson, Vice President of Organizational Resources, Advisory

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Using God’s Gift of Time


Tips for Leading with Confidence

Dear LWML Leaders,

Welcome back to Tips for Leading with Confidence.

Time is a most precious resource. Each one of us have been given the same amount of time and you have chosen to use much of your time in serving as a leader in the LWML. We thank God for you! Time cannot be managed, but you can manage yourself!

Using God’s Gift of Time

Here are some tips to help you manage the time God has given you.

  • Be realistic with what you can accomplish in the time allotted. This will help you feel positive about your accomplishments.

  • Prioritize your day. Make a list of activities in order of most important to least important.

  • Focus first on the #1 task on your priority list as you begin your day. Life sometimes doesn’t go as planned and even if you don’t get everything on your list done, you will have accomplished all or part of an important task.

  • Include things you enjoy as well as tasks that must be dealt with.

  • Examine your daily routine to discover if you’re wasting time with a particular activity. For instance, are you checking social media more often than you feel you should?

  • Wise leaders know when to say no.

  • Wise leaders know when to set their tasks aside to listen or help someone in need.

More tips to help you manage God’s gift of time can be found in the LWML resource Time Management, Manage Yourself, not Your Time.

God's Blessings,

Susan Brunkow, Chairman
Leadership Development Committee

LWML 2017–2019 Leadership Development Committee Members
Deb Vinkemeier
Cheryl Killham
Susan Brunkow, Chairman
Debbie Larson, Vice President of Organizational Resources, Advisory

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Making Small Changes


Tips for Leading with Confidence

Dear LWML Leaders,

Welcome back to Tips for Leading with Confidence. 

Most people struggle with making big changes in their lives but change is inevitable and small adjustments in our habits and actions can give us a much welcome boost.

Making Small Changes

Making small changes is beneficial as we strive to follow our Leader, Jesus.

  • Set goals that will help you be a better leader, then choose objectives (steps to reach your goal). Write them down and include these in your daily prayers.

  • Think outside the box. Small changes in the way you normally approach a task or challenge can build excitement and provide a sense of accomplishment.

  • Build a relationship with someone you’ve wanted to get to know better. One person, one conversation, and one more blessing from God!

  • Begin journaling. Write something each day. It may be a prayer, challenge, blessing, or frustration. In the future, when you look back on these, you will see how God is working in your life.

Small changes with big benefits, all gifts from our Father in heaven.

God's Blessings,

Susan Brunkow, Chairman
Leadership Development Committee

LWML 2017–2019 Leadership Development Committee Members
Deb Vinkemeier
Cheryl Killham
Susan Brunkow, Chairman
Debbie Larson, Vice President of Organizational Resources, Advisory

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