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Tips for Leading with Confidence

Dear LWML Leaders,

Welcome back to Tips for Leading with Confidence. We pray this leadership tip will be beneficial as you serve our Lord through the LWML. We welcome your feedback and suggestions.

Email Correspondence

Keep it short and simple. Over half of all emails are now read on mobile devices and the average person spends just 20 seconds scanning an email, so it is imperative to make our messages count.

1. Include LWML in the subject line.

2. Keep the subject line to the point and under 55 characters so it is easily read.

3. Avoid too many images that take excessive time to load. People may give up on your email before it is ever opened.

4. Respond to each email within 24 hours. If you will be unable to check or reply to email for an extended period of time notify key people ahead of time.

5. Remember to sign your full name.

God's Blessings,

Susan Brunkow, Chairman
Leadership Development Committee

LWML 2017–2019 Leadership Development Committee Members
Deb Vinkemeier
Cheryl Killham
Susan Brunkow, Chairman
Debbie Larson, Vice President of Organizational Resources, Advisory

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Financial Accountability and Transparency


Tips for Leading with Confidence

Dear LWML Leaders,

Welcome back to Tips for Leading with Confidence. We pray this leadership tip will be beneficial as you serve our Lord through the LWML. We welcome your feedback and suggestions.

Financial Accountability and Transparency

Does your LWML group conduct a financial review at the end of each year? Engage a non-member to look over the financial books and match up receipts. An extra set of eyes can prevent embarrassing and expensive mistakes. It protects you and assures that your financial books are in order. This is true at all levels of our organization.

Additional direction to society/zone/district treasurers and financial secretaries can be found at Keeping good financial records is an integral component in the ministry of the LWML group, zone, and district.

Moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found trustworthy (1 Cor 4:2).

God's Blessings,

Susan Brunkow, Chairman
Leadership Development Committee

LWML 2017–2019 Leadership Development Committee Members
Deb Vinkemeier
Cheryl Killham
Susan Brunkow, Chairman
Debbie Larson, Vice President of Organizational Resources, Advisory

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A Clear Presence on Your Church’s Website


Tips for Leading with Confidence

Dear LWML Leaders,

Welcome back to Tips for Leading with Confidence. We pray this leadership tip will be beneficial as you serve our Lord through the LWML. We welcome your feedback and suggestions.

A Clear Presence on Your Church’s Website

Does your church’s LWML have a section on your congregation’s website where you can include your local information for Bible studies, servant events, and fellowship opportunities? This is the perfect place to share and invite all women to LWML activities. Here is a sample to get you started.


All women who attend ____________Lutheran Church, (including seasonal residents, college students, etc.) are welcome and invited to attend our LWML activities.

We gather for Bible study on the ___________(day) of each month at _____ a.m./p.m., in the _________ Room, unless otherwise noted.

You are also invited to the Fall and Spring Events of the __________ Zone, the LWML ________District Convention, and the National LWML Convention. We are here and encourage you to use your God given gifts to His glory. Contact ________(contact person in church) for more information.

For additional information on LWML go to

LWML — Lutheran Women in Mission — is the official women’s auxiliary of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. For over 75 years, the LWML has focused on affirming each woman’s relationship with Christ, encouraging and equipping women to live out their Christian lives in active mission ministries and to support global missions. Lutheran missions around the world are supported through our monthly mite collections and from our fundraisers.


If you have a lot of information and activities to share, ask that a link be available on your congregation’s website to a page where you can share Bible studies, servant events, and fellowship opportunities.

God's Blessings,

Susan Brunkow, Chairman
Leadership Development Committee

LWML 2017–2019 Leadership Development Committee Members
Deb Vinkemeier
Cheryl Killham
Susan Brunkow, Chairman
Debbie Larson, Vice President of Organizational Resources, Advisory

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Change Begins with Leaders


Tips for Leading with Confidence

Dear LWML Leaders,

Could your LWML group benefit from a little change? Sometimes all it takes is a small modification in how we do things to make a big difference and add a fresh feel to your gatherings. This month’s Tip to Lead with Confidence gives ideas that make changes go smoothly.


Explain what is changing and why it is a good idea before making that change. Communication is key! Everyone involved should be contacted and be given notice and an explanation.

Example: “The monthly gathering will be changed to
 (a different day or time.) We pray that this change will allow moms with children to attend and still be home before bedtime. This will certainly liven up our time together!

After making the change: Continue to share the what and why every time you communicate for at least six months. Share the information through church bulletins, social media, verbal announcements, flyers, and other group leaders. Has it made a difference? Share your successes.

God's Blessings,

Susan Brunkow, Chairman
Leadership Development Committee

LWML 2017–2019 Leadership Development Committee Members
Deb Vinkemeier
Cheryl Killham
Susan Brunkow, Chairman
Debbie Larson, Vice President of Organizational Resources, Advisory

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Staying Energized as a Leader


Tips for Leading with Confidence

Dear LWML Leaders,

Welcome back to Tips for Leading with Confidence. We pray this leadership tip will be beneficial as you serve our Lord through the LWML. We welcome your feedback and suggestions.

Staying Energized As a Leader

Being a leader can be exhilarating but sometimes a leader may feel chronically tired, lose interest in their goals, or lack motivation to serve.  These are all signs of Leader Burn Out.

Here are some suggestions to stay energized as a leader.

  • Find a friend that you can fully trust. Discuss what you are feeling and experiencing. Share your concerns of how it might be impacting your leadership.
  • Write down everything that has happened in your life over the past year. Both the relaxing and stressful times. Review the list with your trusted friend for items that may cause burn out.
  • Ask other leaders what they do to stay motivated. Leaders need others they can rely on as difficulties arise.
  • Explore the “CliftonStrengths assessment” a self-personality profile. This will identify ways you naturally lead and will point you towards success.
  • Journal your thoughts and questions. Take them to God in prayer, asking for the wellness of being the leader He has called you to be.
  • Recharge by doing something you enjoy on a regular basis. Be creative. It can be writing, taking pictures, going for a walk, or just spend a few days with family or a friend.

Be proactive in preventing burn out so that you may accomplish great things as a leader.

But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint (Isaiah 40:31).

**adapted from KevinWilson360 February 14, 2018 post

God's Blessings,

Susan Brunkow, Chairman
Leadership Development Committee

LWML 2017–2019 Leadership Development Committee Members
Deb Vinkemeier
Cheryl Killham
Susan Brunkow, Chairman
Debbie Larson, Vice President of Organizational Resources, Advisory

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Ministry Information Sharing


Tips for Leading with Confidence

Dear LWML Leaders,

Welcome back to Tips for Leading with Confidence. We pray this leadership tip will be beneficial as you serve our Lord through the LWML. We welcome your feedback and suggestions.

Ministry Information Sharing

There are many different ministries in the church. Invite other ministry leaders in your church to your gathering and share your LWML mission goal with them. This could be leaders of men’s groups, the church council, Sunday School teachers, or Bible study groups.  Encourage them to partner with your LWML in a mission project or supply them with Mite Boxes so they, too, have the opportunity to support missions.

God's Blessings,

Susan Brunkow, Chairman
Leadership Development Committee

LWML 2017–2019 Leadership Development Committee Members
Deb Vinkemeier
Cheryl Killham
Susan Brunkow, Chairman
Debbie Larson, Vice President of Organizational Resources, Advisory

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New Lutheran Hour Ministries Courses


Tips for Leading with Confidence

As servant leaders in the LWML we appreciate doctrinally sound resources. The Leadership Development Committee recommends the following resources to you:

New Lutheran Hour Ministries Courses

Lutheran Hour Ministries Courses are available for anyone and free just by signing up. They are self-paced learning, include self-reflection and journaling, are easy to access on any digital device, include a variety of learning methods, and an optional group discussion guide.

Follow Me: The Calling of Jesus

Do you completely understand what it is to be a member of God’s Kingdom? Lutheran Hour Ministries has an online learning course “Follow Me: The Calling of Jesus”. In this course study Jesus points out His ministry. You will learn the five spiritual reflections of Jesus description of life. To include Christ in your life daily; being Jesus follower is not always easy; doing things differently from what is expected; to share the mission of spreading God’s Word; and to be His Hands and His feet to the world.

Everyday Opportunities

Do you have anxiety on how and what you are to say when sharing your faith and your gifts? This four session course “Everyday Opportunities” from Lutheran Hour Ministries will help you through your anxiety feelings and build relationships. You will learn your identity in Christ and discover how to use your gifts and talents in various vocational roles and relationships where God has placed you. You will learn that God is preparing you and that you are a blessings to others.

Go to the Lutheran Hour Ministries website to find their Learning Library. Sign up and click on the course that interests you.

God's Blessings,

Susan Brunkow, Chairman
Leadership Development Committee

LWML 2017–2019 Leadership Development Committee Members
Deb Vinkemeier
Cheryl Killham
Susan Brunkow, Chairman
Debbie Larson, Vice President of Organizational Resources, Advisory

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