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Call to Meeting


Tips for Leading with Confidence

Dear LWML Leaders,

Welcome to Tips for Leading with Confidence. Clear and timely communication is extremely important as we lead the women of the LWML. We pray that these tips regarding what to include in your next Call to Meeting or invitation to an event will be beneficial to you as you Serve the Lord with Gladness.

Call to Meeting

  • Date, time, and location
  • Meeting purpose (don’t meet just because it’s scheduled. Why are you meeting?)
  • Agenda
  • Reminder of responsibilities (devotion leaders, hosts, etc.)
  • Items to bring such as Gifts from the Heart or tools for a servant event
  • Contact information for questions and to RSVP
  • Directions to the location if needed

Send the Call to Meeting or invitation 4–6 weeks in advance when members are traveling from a distance to attend district or zone events.

God's Blessings,

Susan Brunkow, Chairman
Leadership Development Committee

LWML 2017–2019 Leadership Development Committee Members
Deb Vinkemeier
Cheryl Killham
Susan Brunkow, Chairman
Debbie Larson, Vice President of Organizational Resources, Advisory

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Share Commonalities


Tips for Leading with Confidence

Dear LWML Leaders,

Welcome back to Tips for Leading with Confidence. Today we encourage you to share faith stories. We would love to hear feedback of your group’s results.

Share Commonalities

Build relationships among group members by sharing life story experiences. Below are possible conversation starters:

  • a memory from Sunday School
  • a prayer answered — even better than you desired.
  • an unexpected blessing
  •  a time God’s direction was evident in your work

Hearing stories from both young and experienced generations helps to develop and build spiritual relationships and may lead to meaningful mentoring.

God's Blessings,

Susan Brunkow, Chairman
Leadership Development Committee

LWML 2017–2019 Leadership Development Committee Members
Deb Vinkemeier
Cheryl Killham
Susan Brunkow, Chairman
Debbie Larson, Vice President of Organizational Resources, Advisory

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Beware of Unintentional Cliques


Tips for Leading with Confidence

Dear LWML Leaders,

Welcome back to Tips for Leading with Confidence.  We pray this leadership tip will be beneficial as you serve our Lord through the LWML. We welcome your feedback and suggestions.

Beware of Unintentional Cliques

Reach out to additional women that are talented and gifted and invite them to serve. The same volunteers serving over a long period of time can, unintentionally, become a close clique causing newcomers to feel intimidated. If your committees have the same women on them year after year, mix the groups up and tap the creativity and ideas of new people. Encourage all women to use their God given talents to His glory.

God's Blessings,

Susan Brunkow, Chairman
Leadership Development Committee

LWML 2017–2019 Leadership Development Committee Members
Deb Vinkemeier
Cheryl Killham
Susan Brunkow, Chairman
Debbie Larson, Vice President of Organizational Resources, Advisory

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Connecting Generations


Tips for Leading with Confidence

Dear LWML Leaders,

Welcome back to Tips for Leading with Confidence.  As we celebrate Mother’s Day soon, we look to ways to connect women of all generations so they are enabled to serve our Lord through the LWML. We welcome your suggestions for ways to connect women of all ages.

Connecting Generations

Each generation is unique. Be creative in breaking down barriers between generations, showing it is beneficial as we serve Christ together. A multi-generational event for Mother’s Day might connect a young woman who has lost her mother with an older woman who has no grandchildren.

God's Blessings,

Susan Brunkow, Chairman
Leadership Development Committee

LWML 2017–2019 Leadership Development Committee Members
Deb Vinkemeier
Cheryl Killham
Susan Brunkow, Chairman
Debbie Larson, Vice President of Organizational Resources, Advisory

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Spring Workshop Information


Tips for Leading with Confidence

Dear LWML Leaders,

Welcome back to Tips for Leading with Confidence.  The Leadership Development Committee is praying for you and your upcoming zone spring events. 

Spring Workshop Information

Time for your Spring Workshop/Event? Share a little information about the location. A bit of trivia about the congregation or the city is always fun. Participants may want to make a quick visit to a museum, park or shopping center before heading home. Clue them in on the local’s favorite shops or attractions in town.

God's Blessings,

Susan Brunkow, Chairman
Leadership Development Committee

LWML 2017–2019 Leadership Development Committee Members
Deb Vinkemeier
Cheryl Killham
Susan Brunkow, Chairman
Debbie Larson, Vice President of Organizational Resources, Advisory

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Meetings with Meaning


Tips for Leading with Confidence

Dear LWML Leaders,

Welcome back to Tips for Leading with Confidence. We pray these will be helpful as you serve our Lord with gladness.

Meetings with Meaning

Meetings are necessary to conduct the business of LWML, but they don't have to be long snooze fests! Below are some tips to help with efficiency.

  • Prayer, devotions and Bible study — Keep God the central focus of your entire gathering. Never omit time in prayer and in the Word! Browse free downloadable program helps for ideas.

  • Planning — What do you want to accomplish in Jesus’ name? Evaluate your agenda, asking if each item has meaning.

  • Meeting Packet — Consider sending via email a copy of the minutes, financial report, officer and committee reports 7–10 days prior the meeting. This allows members to arrive informed and prepared.

  • Business — Encourage officers and committee chairmen to bring recommendations and motions prepared in writing. (The secretary will love you!)

  • Mission and Mites Update — Keep the focus mission-minded with information regarding district and national mission grants and the status of the mite goal. Learn more about national mission grants. View the status of the national mite goal.

  • Open and close with prayer and thanksgiving for our Lord’s blessings.

  • Evaluate — Were all participants enriched? Was this gathering worth everyone’s time and energy?

What have you done to make your meetings more efficient and meaningful? We welcome your tips and suggestions.

God's Blessings,

Susan Brunkow, Chairman
Leadership Development Committee

LWML 2017–2019 Leadership Development Committee Members
Deb Vinkemeier
Cheryl Killham
Susan Brunkow, Chairman
Debbie Larson, Vice President of Organizational Resources, Advisory

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High Engagement of Members


Tips for Leading with Confidence

Dear LWML Leaders,

Welcome to this issue of Tips for Leading with Confidence. Every few weeks you will receive a timely leadership tip from the LWML Leadership Development Committee to assist you as you serve our Lord through the LWML. We welcome your feedback and suggestions.

High Engagement of Members

Encourage high engagement of your board of directors or committee members. 

Encourage them to:

  • Attend Worship regularly
  • Participate in Bible study
  • Volunteer with one of your mission grant recipients’ projects
  • Participate in a mission trip
  • Take a leadership development class or read a book on the subject
  • Hold each other accountable and pray for each other by name

God's Blessings,

Susan Brunkow, Chairman
Leadership Development Committee

LWML 2017–2019 Leadership Development Committee Members
Deb Vinkemeier
Cheryl Killham
Susan Brunkow, Chairman
Debbie Larson, Vice President of Organizational Resources, Advisory

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