
Featured Mission Grant Resources

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November 2018

Sharing Jesus with People with Disabilities

2017–2019 Mission Grant 15 — $100,000

nullMinistry Consultant Rev. Philemon Ngare helps a person we support complete Bethesda's Faith in Action workbook.

Bethesda Lutheran Communities desires to enhance the lives of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities with services that share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Operating at program locations across the United States, they provide homes and support, promoting awareness and advocating for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Over 1,900 people at 300 program sites in 13 states are served. Travel is essential in achieving this mission. Costs are not subject to state reimbursement when faith supports are at the heart of the mission. Relying on the support of donors, Bethesda is able to nourish relationships and grow their network to support people of all abilities with their faith journey. Grant funds would be used to support ministry consultant travel.

Resources for Mission Grant #15

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Featured October 2018

Laborers of Love

2017–2019 Mission Grant 14 — $100,000

nullLBW's ministry lovingly reaches out to people who are visually impaired to create a connection to the Word of God and His church. As messengers of the gospel, we walk hand-in-hand with faith that love works.

Lutheran Braille Workers (LBW) has been providing God’s Word to the visually impaired since 1943, utilizing the New International Version of the Bible for the past 25 years. With the use of the English Standard Version (ESV) by the LCMS, LBW desires to offer people with visual disability the opportunity to worship and study with the same translation of the Bible as sighted people of the Church. These funds will assist in the cost of the production of the zinc plates for each Braille Work Center along with producing the ESV Bible in large print.

Resources for Mission Grant #14

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Featured September 2018

Equipping Youth to Witness for Life — Y4Life

2017–2019 Mission Grant 13 — $25,000

nullLaura Davis, director of Y4Life at Lutherans for Life, leads a group of high and middle school Y4Life student volunteers in prayer outside a Planned Parenthood in Orlando, Fla., during the Y4Life servant event on Saturday, Sept. 12, 2015. Photo credit: LCMS Communications/Erik M. Lunsford

Y4Life seeks to equip young people to be the voices for life in a culture that glorifies the choice of death. The need is especially true for teens, college students, and young adults who are bombarded with secular life styles that are contrary to God’s wonderful plan for life. Currently, the Y4Life program is serving college campuses. The mission grant funds will go directly towards expanding the initiative to include Lutheran high school campuses. By training student leaders and providing ongoing mentorship and support for the individual campus ministries, they can raise their voices for life.

Resources for Mission Grant #13

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Featured August 2018

Completion of Lukonda Lutheran School Buildings, Uganda

2017–2019 Mission Grant 12 — $48,000

nullCompleting Phase II of Kakiika School with RLC volunteers

This grant will complete Phase II of construction of two schools in Kayunga District, Uganda. Between 100 and 200 children, ages 4 to 12, will be educated in these schools. The villages of Kakiika and Lukonda will provide bricks and land for the school, with Resurrection Lutheran Church and The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) Southeastern District supporting the remaining costs of labor and materials. When complete, each of the two school buildings will have four classrooms. Two of the classrooms in one building will also be used for weekly Lutheran worship services. This grant will enable completion of the school building complex begun in 2012.

Resources for Mission Grant #12

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Featured July 2018

Training Lutheran Middle Eastern Missionaries

2017–2019 Mission Grant 11 — $93,000

nullPastor Naeem with Somali convert after baptizing her

The mission of the Biblical Orthodox Lutheran Mission (BOLM) is a ministry primarily to Arabic-speaking peoples and Muslims in particular. They bring the Good News of salvation through their teaching and by the power of the Holy Spirit. BOLM’s outreach impacts lives in the United States and in the Middle East. They educate and disciple new believers and, as the Lord wills, commission them as missionaries. They need funds to support their internet seminary for two years; acquire Bibles in various languages for distribution, acquire and distribute copies of Luther’s Small Catechism in Arabic, and for expenses for phone and internet.

Resources for Mission Grant #11

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LWML Resources