
Featured Mission Grant Resources

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Featured January 2018

Current Missionary Need

LCMS International Mission

2017–2019 Mission Grant 5 — $100,000

nullWe can barely comprehend the magnificent presence of the Holy Spirit as this community is all baptized in the same service. These people can now grow in Christ together.

With fervent, sustained support of LCMS mission projects, Mission Central, located in Mapleton, Iowa, seeks to serve as an avenue for continued support for missionaries throughout the world to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This grant would provide for a variety of necessary missionary resources such as orientation and training, language training, transportation to and in the country of service and on furlough, various types of insurance, housing, medical care, utilities, and education of missionary children, to name a few.

nullThese children WANT to learn, their young minds are thirsty for the knowledge that a missionary teacher can give them. They will also receive the unbounded blessings that come as they hear the Gospel in school daily.



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December 2017: Tanzanian Sewing Center

Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania (ELCT)

2017–2019 Mission Grant 4 — $25,000

nullThe first women's dormitory at the Sewing Center gets a new, improved roof!

In southeastern Tanzania, many young women from villages do not attend school or have jobs, and so seek unskilled jobs in larger towns, often ending up involved in prostitution. Some end up with AIDS or unexpected pregnancies, with no means of supporting themselves. The ELCT has established the Bishop Makala Sewing Center to teach young women sewing, life skills, and the Gospel. The ELCT goal is to build classrooms with a 50 student capacity, along with a dormitory. Within one year of training, their sewing skills enable women to have pocket money, purchase a sewing machine, and buy materials to create sewn items to sell for income.

nullVibrant active worship and beautiful music fills the space at the nicest building at the Sewing Center Complex — the church of course!



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November 2017: Christ for Veterans …

LCMS Ministry of the Armed Forces

2017–2019 Mission Grant 3 — $27,750

nullOperation Barnabas, an extension of MAF, provides a network of care through trained congregations that want to reach out to members of the military, their families and the veterans in their congregations and communities. Operation Barnabas, the only program of its kind in the U.S., together with LCMS congregations seeks to care for Reserve Chaplains and their families and congregations; train and assist local congregations in their care and support of local military members and their families and veterans.

Funds requested by the Ministry to the Armed Forces (MAF) will be utilized to host national training events for Operation Barnabas, an extension of MAF, which provides a network of care through trained congregations that want to reach out to members of the military, their families, and the veterans in their congregations and communities.



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October 2017: Mercy House for Women and Children

Franklin Avenue Mission, Flint, Michigan

2017–2019 Mission Grant 2 — $100,000

nullFuture home for women and children — an extension of Franklin Avenue Mission. The Mission purchased this abandoned house adjacent to its site where interior demolition is completed. Plans are underway to redesign, remodel and add on to the structure.

The Franklin Avenue Mission in Flint, Michigan, has purchased a residence next door to the mission, and is seeking funds to redesign, renovate, refurbish, and furnish the residence. Named Mercy House for Women and Children, the facility will house six to eight homeless, pregnant, and/or abused women and their children. Located in one of the poorest cities in America, the home will attempt to break the cycle of poverty and decrease the potential for abuse, by housing women and children in a safe, caring, Christian environment, where the best practices of parenting and relationship building can be modeled and taught.


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September 2017: Food and the Gospel to Children

Providing Food and the Gospel to Starving Children

Mercy Meals of Siouxland

2017–2019 Mission Grant 1 — $40,000

nullChristian volunteers in Haiti prepare Mercy Meals and serve them to the children in feeding lines.

Jesus gives the same command today, to feed the hungry, that He gave His disciples. Mercy Meals of Siouxland, a ministry of Faith Lutheran Church, Sioux City, Iowa, began packaging fortified rice/soy meals in 2012. Mercy Meals donates all packaged meals to Orphan Grain Train for transportation and delivery to Christian organizations in many countries, including India, Haiti, Romania, and Ecuador, as well as to Navajo reservations in the Southwest and Ysleta Mission in El Paso, Texas. Children and families receive food and hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. An LWML grant will feed from 50,000 to 75,000 hungry children.


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LWML Resources