2017–2019 Mission Grant: Prison and Jail Ministry Synod-wide Conference in 2018; $36,500 fully paid
I was in prison and you came to me ... (Matthew 25:36). Though you may never personally enter a prison cell, you are making an impact for those who have. This grant of $36,000 to help fund the third Synod-wide Prison and Jail Ministry Conference for 2018 has been paid in full thanks to your mite donations and prayers! Many of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) districts have or are organizing a Prison and/or Jail Ministry. This conference provides an opportunity for participants to share the difficulties and struggles for LCMS Volunteers ministering in our correctional facilities; receive training and support; and network with others in this very challenging ministry. The goal of this conference is to equip beginners, coordinators, and professional church workers and laity involved in prison/jail ministry with purposeful information through the workshops. Attendees will also be furnished with special resources specific to this ministry from the LCMS, Concordia Publishing House (CPH), Lutheran Hour Ministries (LHM), and other Recognized Service Organizations (RSOs) of the LCMS.
“We are very grateful for the generous grant monies we received from you in January, 2018. We praise the Lord for this blessing. With the use of the LWML Grant Monies, we are very busy preparing for our next Synod Wide Prison Ministry conference on August 17 and 18, 2018 at the Hilton St. Louis Airport. Our Theme and Scripture Verse is: ‘Captive Souls - Mercy for All’ from Romans 11:32 For God has consigned all to disobedience, that He may have mercy on all,” shares Rev James Rivett, Head Coordinator of Prison Ministries of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod Southern Illinois District.
Rev. Rivett also requests that if not attending, “please be praying about the Conference and direct others you know who are interested in or are already doing Prison or Jail Ministry to join us. It is very important that we get connected, share resources, and celebrate our Lord using us.”

From left to right----Rev. David Kollmeyer, Pastor at Trinity Lutheran Church, Conant, and Zion Lutheran Church Pinckneyville (where the presentation was made). Pastor Kollmeyer is the Associate Coordinator of the Prison Ministry for the Southern Illinois District LCMS. Next are Mr. Jeffrey Fick, the Schools and General Executive of the Southern Il District of the LCMS; Helen Mayer, Past President of the SID LWML and Rev. James Rivett, Head Coordinator of Prison Ministries of the SID Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.

At this conference is a panel discussion regarding funding - the panel includes from the left – Pastor Rivett, Pastor Kollmeyer. Pastor at Zion, Conant and one of the Southern Illinois District Prison Ministry Coordinators; Mr. Roger Smith, member of Our Redeemer Lutheran Greenville, IL. And Pr. Jeff Nehrt, Pastor of Our Redeemer and a SID Prison Ministry Coordinator.

Pastor Herb Mueller, presenting at a Conference

During the Conference: discussion time at each table.
For more information about this mission grant, view the individual mission grant page here.