
Featured Mission Grant Resources

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September 2020

Hope and Healing Hub of Downtown Lincoln

2019-2021 Mission Grant 14 — $50,000

nullIt is the hope of the Nebraska District to use this building and its location as a hub of hope and healing for the students and young adults in the downtown community who are suffering with hopelessness, depression, and thoughts of suicide.

God has used the ministries of the University Lutheran Chapel (ULC) to reach students with the Good News of Jesus Christ. The connection between ULC, international students, and young adults in the downtown community is an important one which will provide those in need with Christian counseling services in a comfortable, easily accessible space. Research shows young adults are especially susceptible to depression leading to suicide making it the second most common cause of death among college students. ULC sits on the very edge of the University of Nebraska campus in the heart of Lincoln. It is the hope of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod Nebraska District to use this building and its location as a hub of hope and healing for the students and young adults in the downtown community. It is our prayer that the students and community members who use this Hope and Healing Hub might be drawn into a relationship with Jesus, leading to faithful participation in the Word and Sacrament ministry offered there. This grant will make the building more inviting while offering Christian counseling services through GracePoint Institute for Relational Health.

Resources for Grant #14

Learn more about this mission grant and view more photos here.

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August 2020

Digital Media Development

2019-2021 Mission Grant 13 — $30,000

nullAbortion, embryo experimentation, and assisted suicide afflict millions of our neighbors with fear, grief, and guilt that drive them away from the Heavenly Father and leave them searching for answers and salvation.

The mission of Lutherans For Life (LFL) is to equip Lutherans to be Gospel motivated voices for life. Life issues, like abortion, embryo experimentation, and physician assisted suicide are not political or personal choices but matters of the heart that effect people, neighbors, loved ones, and family. In America some 30 million women have undergone abortions since 1973 of which 54% identify as Christians. Suicide rates nationwide are rising. Physician assisted suicides are escalating. Digital media offers an open mission field to address these and other life issues. Yet much online communication degenerates, disrespects, and devalues life. LFL believes our Savior is calling us to speak the truth in love. This grant would fund infographics, memes (pop culture snapshots with captions), shareable video clips, webinars, and podcasts. This digital media initiative will serve as a visual witness and virtual conversation for Lutheran individuals and congregations to engage people using social networks like YouTube, Facebook, iTunes, and Instagram.

Resources for Grant #13

Learn more about this mission grant and view more photos here.

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July 2020

Women's Witness and Mercy Asia

2019-2021 Mission Grant 12 — $100,000

nullThe pure joy of children at Concordia Middle School Taiwan

Asia is a harvest field ripe for the gospel. Women in Mission realize that our grants to missionaries in the field bring God’s Word to a dying world. Asia is predominately secular with Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu and other false religions. Throughout Taiwan, Thailand, Hong Kong, Macau and Southeast Asia, ten women do various mission works such as teaching, acts of mercy and witnessing the gospel. Some have husbands and families working alongside of them while others work with a team or alone. One missionary teaches 242 students about Jesus in Taiwan while another has served for 10 years planting seeds of mercy and witnessing in Southeast Asia. Whether teaching English as a Second Language in Thailand or building relationships to open doors for sharing the gospel, each woman in the mission field helps in the growth God’s Kingdom. This grant will help support these women in their unique mission setting in Asia. 

Resources for Grant #12

Learn more about this mission grant and view more photos here.

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June 2020

Touching the Living Word

2019-2021 Mission Grant 11 — $100,000

nullA number of young men at a school in India who are excited to be reading their volumes of a Braille Bible.

Lutheran Braille Workers (LBW) has been bringing the gospel to blind and visually impaired people around the world since 1943. In its 76 year history, LBW has produced and distributed for free over 14 million volumes of braille, large print, and audio materials. Many volunteers help produce these Bibles and other materials using zinc plates, braille presses, specialized paper, covers, and spiral bindings. Currently these materials are published in 11 languages and sent to over 130 countries. They have published over 220,000 volumes over the last 42 months as the demand keeps increasing. This incredible volume takes its toll on the production equipment since each page requires separate zinc plates which are produced by a plate embossing device. The main challenge facing LBW’s goal is having the machines and technology available to produce the zinc plates. With this grant LBW will be able to purchase a PUMA plate embossing device capable of creating the necessary number of zinc plates to meet production needs. It will also allow the production of more plates in different languages, reaching even more people with the Good News of Salvation.

Resources for Grant #11

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May 2020

Ministry in Motion at Trinity in Mobile, AL

2019-2021 Mission Grant 10 — $58,000

nullTeacher Jonathan Clausell reads to his class. LCMS photo

Trinity Lutheran School, modeled after the ministry of Rosa J. Young, has remained a stronghold of Christ centered education in a community dealing with inter-generational poverty and the challenges of urban living. Today Trinity serves 200 students from infants through fifth grade, and reaches another 45 students daily from four public schools through its afterschool program and Good News Bible Club. Daily prayer, chapel, and devotions help children, many from unchurched homes, develop spiritually in knowing God loves them. Grant funds are needed to purchase a handicapped accessible church bus for school children, elders, neighbors, and church members to participate in church and school ministries.  

Resources for Grant #10

Learn more about this mission grant and view more photos here.

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LWML Resources