
Featured Mission Grant Resources

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September 2021 Featured Mission Grant Resources

Deaconess Ministry Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

2021–2023 Mission Grant 1 — $81,680

deaconess at campDakota Boys and Girls Ranch's Deaconess Kelly Bristow making the Bible come alive for children during an outdoor chapel service on the Ranch's Minot Campus.

Matthew 25:40 assures us that whenever we serve the “least of these brothers and sisters” of Christ, we are serving the Lord. The healing ministry of the Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch creates an eternal, life-giving impact in the lives of children age 10–18 who face unimaginable abuse, neglect, and trauma — truly “the least of these.”

This is especially true for female children who have been victimized by male figures, resulting in trust-related issues that are hopelessly difficult for a child to bridge. The specialized ministry of a deaconess bridges this gap with the transformational care of Christ, helping both young girls and boys.

Resources for Grant #1

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2021–2023 Mission Grants video

These are the LWML Mission Grants selected by delegates for the 2021–2023 biennium.

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June 2021 Featured Mission Grant Resources

After the Grants Have Been Paid


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April 2021

LCMS Deaconess Ministry

2019-2021 Mission Grant 21 — $39,523

nullStudents in Philippines with resources purchased by LWML

LCMS Deaconesses are women who are full time professional church workers, trained to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ through a ministry of works of mercy, spiritual care, and teaching the Christian faith. The LCMS Deaconess Ministry program will provide LCMS students the opportunity to become a church professional, learning and training to understand the diaconal leadership, the work of deaconesses as applied to body and soul ministry. This grant will provide educational and financial support to our partner churches who introduced deaconess training programs within their church bodies like the Philippines, Latvia, Liberia, Indonesia, Malaysia, and India.

Resources for Grant #21

Learn more about this mission grant and view more photos here.

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March 2021

Music Outreach, Classes, and Resources on the Border

2019-2021 Mission Grant 20 — $98,400

nullChildren sing, smile and rejoice as they join in praising at a weekly mission outreach program.  Grant funds would enable YLM to expand its classes for young children reaching families who already come each week to YLM's mission campus as a part of other ministry efforts.

The ministry of Ysleta Lutheran Mission Human Care (YLMHC) impacts the lives of 400-500 students with educational programs, classroom space, and equipment. For the past 17 years YLMHC’s music ministry has proven successful in reaching out to the unchurched by witnessing to the mercy and grace of Christ.  The Adelante Ministries offers music classes and leadership training to youth and adults while it also provides service to the church and community. Through involvement in this music program, many students have come to faith in Christ. This grant will enable YLMHC to better equip their classroom and rehearsal space so they can serve and teach a larger range of students. It will also allow them to adapt existing space for music instruction, purchase recording equipment, create video tutorials for online instruction, fund a music intern position, and purchase musical instruments for students unable to afford their own. 

Resources for Grant #20

Learn more about this mission grant and view more photos here.

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LWML Resources