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2/11/2018 Weekly article

Reading About Jesus

Did you have a favorite Bible story or Bible storybook when you were young? Wasn’t it wonderful to be able to read them or have them read to you?

Mission Grant #6 seeks to provide Bible storybooks to people around the world in their native “heart” language. Read more here about this opportunity to impact families’ lives with the Good News!


Lutheran Women in Mission know that there is a need to share about our Savior closer to home, too. When the LWML Board of Directors met in St. Louis in January, participants brought books for Lutheran Hope Center (LHC) in Ferguson, MO. These donations, called Gifts From the Heart, will support the Center’s mission “to share the hope that is ours in Jesus Christ by providing opportunities for youth and families to improve academic performance, to build strong character and leadership skills, to foster positivie biblical relationships … to share the good news of God’s message of salvation for us in Jesus Christ.”

A total of $1,070 in books, gift cards, and cash donations was gratefully received by LHC Executive Director Rev. Micah Glenn. To learn more about the Center click here or follow them on Facebook.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in faith so that you overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit (Romans 15:13). 


2/4/2018 Weekly article

What Did You Say?

nullHow do you communicate? What means of communication do you regularly use that maybe you didn’t a few years ago?

Our website,, through its articles, insights, and program ideas, helps to develop clear communication about our connections with each other as sisters and brothers in Christ. Through social media, LWML offers many avenues to communicate God’s blessings and share the many opportunities we have to serve Him with gladness. What are some of those ‘avenues’?

Do you receive updates about LWML happenings through eNews? Or maybe you’re signed up to receive daily Mustard Seed Devotions, 2-Minute Tuesday writings, or President Patti’s blog?

FaceBook, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, Google+, Instagram … LWML communicates through a variety of ways. How do you get connected with these communication avenues? If you’re reading this, you’re on the right page. Scroll to the bottom of our homepage. Connect with LWML by clicking on one or more of the icons for social media posts to find out the latest news. Connect with LWML by clicking on Sign Up Today and choose which inspirational message(s) and/or news updates you would like to receive. Or get all these by downloading the LWML App from the App store!

God bless you as you discover ‘new-to-you’ or continue using one or more of the avenues available to connect with the LWML. 

For here we have no lasting city, but we seek the city that is to come. Through him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge his name. Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God (Hebrews 13:14–16).


1/28/2018 Weekly article

God’s Blessed Connections

Recently a group of young adults, students at the University of Missouri, traveled to Silver Spring, Maryland to assist homeless persons in the area. Their plans were finalized and at the last minute the availability of a place to shower was lost. One member of the group, through her grandmother, was placed in touch with LWML members in the area. They made available a Lutheran Church with facilities to help the students. Isn’t it wonderful to see the connection God offered across the many miles?

Consider the connections you have with other women in mission. We are connected when we study God’s Word, actively pray for and reach out to others with His love. Explore the connections offered here: A DVD Bible study, Peter … from Fisherman to Fisher of Men # LWML68934; Every Picture Can Tell God’s Story #LWML20422; Embracing Diversity, Power Point presentation; the 2018 Prayer Service, Living as God’s People, which is available as a free download.

Be alert! Look for the opportunities God places in each of our lives. What connections is He placing before you?

And they went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them (Mark 16:20).



1/21/2018 Weekly article

Miracles Happen!

Marilyn presenting the check at Mission Central.

Early in December I had the privilege of presenting the very first check of the 2017–2019 biennium for one of the 22 Mission Grants adopted at the LWML Convention in Albuquerque. That check was for Grant #5, Current Missionary Need, in the amount of $100,000 presented to Ole Missionary Gary Thies and Rev. Brent Smith, co-workers at Mission Central, Mapleton, Iowa.  

Gary Thies sharing with Marilyn the missionaries to receive support.

As Missionary Gary said “Yes, miracles keep on happening at the Lord’s Mission Central!” and that’s exactly how this $100,000 gift is viewed. Ten missionaries, including several women missionaries world-wide, each received $10,000. Every penny of this [miracle] gift is used for the missionaries’ support so they can continue to share the salvation story.  What a joy and privilege it is for the LWML to support these missionaries for the sake of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and His dear people — especially those who do not yet know His saving grace.

You too can support these missionaries and help make it all happen! Visit LWML’s website to discover the many different ways.


1/14/2018 Weekly article

Blessed and Possessed


The LWML 2018 Prayer Service is a chance for us to gather around the Word and prayer together as the LWML family. It is an easy service to invite friends or neighbors not familiar with church to attend with us. It is an opportunity for us to “be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith” as Paul asserts to the Roman Christians in Romans 1:12. 

The Prayer Service is designed to be used at any time, by large or small groups. It is an abbreviated worship service. This year’s service, “Living as God’s People,” is written by long-time missionary and church planter, Rev. Dr. Robert Roegner, a previous LWML Pastoral Counselor from 2013–2017. I urge you to use this in your congregations, zone LWML’s or at an LWML event.

The service is based on 1 Peter 2:9–12. Many factors come to mind when we think of who we are — our identity. In his first letter, Peter continually reminds his readers of their identity. Rather than focus on inane worldly details, he zeroes in on what’s most important: our standing in the eyes of God or our place in His kingdom.

Peter reminds his readers of who they were prior to being made part of God’s family, contrasting that non-status with the present reality of what God had made them. This was especially important for Peter’s readers as they compared themselves to the unbelievers around them, and as they fought to retain hope in what may have seemed like hopeless times.

This prayer service speaks to all of us. Make plans now to use it. Remember the United States’ National Day of Prayer is May 3, 2018 if you’d like to use this on that day.

Let’s bow our heads and pray!


The 2018 Prayer Service is now available as free downloads on

Patti Ross

1/7/2018 Weekly article

Epiphany Enlightens and Enlivens

star decorationThis little Gospel light of mine, I’m going to let it shine;
All around the neighborhood, I’m going to let it shine;
Hide it under a bushel? No! I’m going to let it shine;
Let it shine, all the time, let it shine!

During Epiphany, we celebrate the glorious manifestation of baby Jesus, born in Bethlehem. As the wise men were led by the star’s light to Jesus; we too are guided by the Bible to follow and radiate the brilliant Gospel message. As Simeon spoke at the presentation of Jesus in the temple in Luke 2:32, “…a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and for glory to your people Israel,” we too are blessed to see Christ’s saving grace. Jesus tells us in John 8:12, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

Christmas coloring notecardsMay our “little Gospel light” so shine that others are enlightened by the joy of the Gospel. Let us share the splendor of Epiphany light by fellowshipping and studying the Word together to enliven other women of our congregations to join the LWML excitement. Invite a woman who attended the LWML Christmas party to an LWML Bible study or ask someone who was unable to attend the Christmas party to another LWML sponsored event such as a card coloring servant event using these notecards found at

nullFor the woman who hasn’t yet accepted an invitation to an event, share a copy of the Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly with a highlighted article of interest to her, or shine the Epiphany light with a copy of Radiant Reflections.


12/31/2017 Weekly article

My True Love

A Merry and Blessed Christmastide to you.

I often refer to my husband as the love of my life. While I love him dearly and he does bring joy to my life, he is not my true love.  The song the 12 Days of Christmas reminds me of who my true love really is, Jesus Christ. The Son of God, born to die so that we may have eternal life. Now that is true love, freely given.

  • The Partridge in a Pear Tree is Jesus Christ, my true love whose birthday we celebrate on the first day of Christmas, December 25.
  • The two turtle doves represent the Old and New Testament.
  • The Three French Horns stand for Faith, Hope, and Love (1 Corinthians 13:13).
  • The Four Calling Birds are the four Gospels, which proclaim the Good News of God's reconciliation of the world to Himself in Jesus Christ.
  • The 5 Golden Rings recall the first Five Books of the Old Testament, known as the Torah or the Pentateuch.
  • The six Geese A-laying stand for the 6 days of creation (Genesis 1).
  • The Seven Swans A-Swimming represent the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit (Romans 12:6-8; cf. 1 Corinthians 12:8-11).
  • The Eight Maids A-Milking are the eight Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-10).
  • The Nine Ladies Dancing are the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22).
  • The Ten Lords A-Leaping are the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1-17).
  • The Eleven Pipers Piping represent the eleven faithful Apostles (Luke 6:14-16).
    This does not include the twelfth disciple, Judas Iscariot who betrayed Jesus.
  • The Twelve Drummers Drumming symbolize the twelve points of doctrine in the Apostles' Creed.

Happy Thanksgiving! Yes, Merry Christmas and Happy Thanksgiving. We have so much to be thankful for. For these twelve days and every day that the Lord has given us through His word.

Happy New Year. 



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