Where does love abide?
The new DVD Bible study, authored by Donna Pyle, is titled Where Love Abides. It was filmed at a vineyard in upstate New York, where not only grapes, but fruit of all kind is grown.
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So, the question is, where does love abide?

This DVD study suggests that love abides, when we are “Abiding in the True Vine to Bear Lasting Fruit”.
During this Christmas season, rejoice that “Love” has come to us through our Savior, Jesus Christ.
The King of Kings and Lord of Lords became a human man for us, who were lost in sin. Born in a lowly stable, He fulfilled the Law for us, when He gave Himself totally, on that cross on Calvary. Triumphantly, He rose from the dead as our Victor over death.
This is where love abides, in Him, in us as we worship our God, when we share His Word, when we gather together at His church, during Holy Communion, singing His praises, praying for each other, showing compassion to those in need.
May our lives be filled with His Love, during this Christmas season and for years to come!
As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Abide in my love (John 15:9).