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3/2/2025 Weekly article

Scripture Journaling During Lent

By the sweat of your face you shall eat bread, till you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; for you are dust, and to dust you shall return” (Genesis 3:19).

Ash Wednesday, which signals the beginning of Lent, is this week. This time in the church year we concentrate on our Savior’s sacrifice for our sins and culminating in the joyous resurrection on Easter. As a child, I did not enjoy the solemness of this season. It seemed the music was always sad and slow. I have since grown to love the words that express God’s great act of love and sacrifice.

Wanting to grow in my faith, I have since tried different ways to study God’s Word. A helpful tool offered by LWML is a Lenten journal to help you weave through the Scriptures and gain a deeper understanding of Christ’s love for us.

May your faith grow during this Lenten season.

Cheryl Mattil

2/23/2025 Weekly article

Plans to give you hope!

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11 NIV).

Does one of God’s plans for you include attending the 41st Biennial LWML Convention in Omaha? The convention theme is “Growing in God’s Grace”. But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen. (2 Peter 3:18 ESV).

Have you read about the convention plans?

  • Bible Studies
  • Worship Services
  • Mission Grant Selection
  • Mission Impact Luncheons
  • Mites in Action Speakers
  • Gifts from the Heart Ingathering
  • Bi-State Mission Walk
  • Servant Activities and Blood Drive
  • Exhibits
  • Tee Up 4 Mites Golf Outing
  • Shopping at the LWML Shop

And we are blessed to do all this with our sisters in Christ! To read more about all the plans click here. Convention registration begins March 1.

I hope to see you there!

Leslie Colligan

2/16/2025 Weekly article

Beautiful in God's Eyes

He has made everything beautiful in its time (Ecclesiastes 3:11).

As I write this article, I am wearing a cast on my right foot. It is boring beige, not a pretty purple. And I don’t feel very attractive. Have you ever felt the same? A fun sketch you may enjoy doing at your next Lutheran Women in Mission meeting is A Time for Beauty. The sketch reminds us that even though we may feel unattractive on the outside, God sees us as His redeemed child that is holy in His eyes because of Jesus. We may have a few wrinkles, gray hair, and less energy than we once had and yet we are precious and beautiful in God’s eyes. What a gift God has given us — we are His. Remember every day that you have been made in the image of God and He has redeemed you from sin and death. When God finished His creation, He called it good and so you are!

Arlene Naasz

2/9/2025 Weekly article

Songs of Thankfulness and Praise

Grant us grace to see Thee, Lord, Present in Thy holy Word–Grace to imitate Thee now And be pure, as pure art Thou; That we might become like Thee At Thy great epiphany And may praise Thee, ever blest, God in man made manifest. (LSB 394 v. 5)

As we celebrate the fifth Sunday of Epiphany, one of my favorite hymns is “Songs of Thankfulness and Praise.” The final stanza reads, “God in man made manifest.” Manifest is defined as clear or obvious to the eye or mind. Verse five above encourages us to study God’s word to discern the meaning.

Check out the Bible studies on our website at such as Resolutions or We Begin Anew to kick off your new year in God’s word. These and all the resources you will find there are available as free downloads. All are doctrinally reviewed and ready for you to use in your small group Bible studies or at your Lutheran Women in Mission group meeting.

He was foreknown before the foundation of the world but was made manifest in the last times for the sake of you (1 Peter 1:20).

Anita Werner

1/26/2025 Weekly article

Experience the Joy

After the flurry of activity and colorful decorations of Christmas and New Year’s Eve, I find this time of year dull and dreary. What better way to shake off the winter gloom than to gather with your LWML sisters for Bible study. I am recommending to my local group that we start the year with the LWML study Experience the Joy—Then Share it! This 3-session Bible study is available as a free download from the LWML SHOP. Author Miriam Maassel Neumann writes in her introduction “Happiness is temporary and based on events that are happening at the time. Joy, however, is deeper and is based on God’s promises and presence with us.” We can experience joy even during a dull and dreary time in our lives.

I pray that you find peace and joy in the New Year in the presence of our loving Savior.

Debbie Yocky

1/19/2025 Weekly article


I once read, “The smallest gesture is worth more than the grandest intention,” and I agree. It doesn’t take much to brighten someone’s day with a word of encouragement, a smile, or a gentle touch. I have been blessed to receive notes of encouragement or Bible verses. Sometimes they come in a purchased card or a handmade work of art. They have also been sent on scrap paper, in an email, or as a text. Once, my husband wrote me a love letter on graph paper – all in block capital letters! (engineer)

I have also received smiles that made me smile back, a gentle touch on my arm, and hugs. Those intimate gestures may be small, but they are most definitely worth more than the grandest of intentions!

Paul writes, Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing (1 Thessalonians 5:11).

Thank you for being an encourager! If you need a card, check out all the options on our website here.

Eden Keefe

1/12/2025 Weekly article

Time for a Clean Sweep?

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me (Psalm 51:10).

As the new year begins, it is time to reflect on areas where we can improve our lives. Many make resolutions to do something specific for their health, home, family, or personal devotion time for faith-building and prayers.

Individuals are not alone on this improvement journey. The Lutheran Women in Mission Board of Directors is working through strategic planning. Looking to the future, we discuss practices in our organization that need a “clean sweep.” Our communication methods, event planning, and volunteer structure benefit from a review of their importance, relevancy, and efficiency. We also review whether practices need to be eliminated, streamlined, or updated.

Your local group may wish to do the same thing by using helpful Group Development resources on the LWML website. I recommend using “Time for a ‘Clean Sweep?’” to challenge your group to self-evaluate — all for the ultimate purpose of proclaiming Christ, supporting missions, and equipping women to honor God by serving others.

Happy cleaning!

Brenda Piester


LWML Resources