
Word — The Time is NOW

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Searching This Site

Two Minute Tuesday

Recently, I opened my Bible and found an unused “Read the Bible” schedule tucked inside. That made me wonder what the LWML might offer on the topic of Bible reading. So, I went to my favorite place on the LWML website — the “search this site” field. 

In the search field I typed “Bible Reading,” and up popped many, many resources: articles such as “Time Management” (organizational tips to help me find time to study the Bible); “Lessons with Shirley” (reading the same Bible passages as a friend and then sharing with each other); and “For Times Such as This” (which offers a variety of resources including links to sign up for daily Mustard Seed Devotions and LWML on the Go Podcasts). 

I encourage you to search a key word, topic, or Bible passage at, such as “Amazing,” “Praise,” or “Psalm 100:2” and discover the wealth of resources available from LWML to help you grow in faith by studying God’s Word. 

“Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it!" (Luke 11:28).

Serving with Gladness,
Cinda Poppe, President
LWML South Wisconsin District

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In an Ever-Changing World

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Change is one word Lutherans dislike hearing. “What’s wrong with the way things are?” is what we hear from many people. Change happens whether we want it to or not; we may not have any input as to how some changes come about, but we have learned how to use change to be of service to others.

This past year LWML members have seen many changes. We have become creative and innovative in how we hold gatherings with our fellow sisters. We have held virtual conventions, Zoom meetings, and online Bible studies.

Have you downloaded the updated LWML App to your smart phone or tablet? The LWML On The Go Podcasts found there are a great way to listen to devotions. With the app, you can connect with your LWML sisters through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram.

The website is continually changing. You can find resources there that are helpful for many occasions. Use it today! 

Let us always be thankful for an unchanging God in an ever-changing world.

Barb Schaer, President
LWML Wyoming District

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“Silence!” and “Be Still!” are strong, demanding commands. But some commands are blessings, such as “Silence is Golden” and “Be Still and Know that I am God.” With so much noise around us every day, everywhere we go, it is difficult to know where to focus our attention or who or what to believe.  

One thing is certain and can be trusted in the midst of all the noise: God’s Word, the Bible.

I prefer silence to the noise of the world, but when I discovered the talking Bible on my phone’s LWML App, I found a way to fill the silence with something meaningful and dependable — the Word of God. One- and two-year plans to read through the Bible don’t work for me. However, as I listen to the Bible being read to me as I drive, it allows me more time to be in the Word and gives me the opportunity to forget the noise of the world and focus on God’s plan of salvation.  

Margaret Kistler, President
LWML Iowa East District

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Be in the Word

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The year 2020 has been unique, and the unprecedented challenges can be overwhelming. I find myself reaching for my Bible, searching for peace and comfort. Spending quiet time with the Lord and participating in an online Bible study helps me know that I’m not alone. One of my favorite Scripture verses is Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him (Colossians 3:16-17). 

The LWML encourages women to stay focused on the Word. Even when we can’t gather in person, we can be with our LWML sisters through video calls and social media, encouraging and supporting each other. Many Bible study resources are available on the LWML website and on the LWML app. Check out Donna Snow’s “Overflowing Abundance” video Bible study and “The Task-Filled Life” Bible study Podcast. 

Debbie Yocky, President
LWML Rocky Mountain District

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I received a Mustard Seed Devotion booklet, Trust and Talents, from my mentor, Marie Chow, after my installation as the new LWML Oregon District President. In it, I found a devotion that had been written especially for me! The first line says, “Jill stared in the mirror, examining her limp hair and not-so-perfect teeth. Why can’t I have _______” (Fill in your own wants.)

This really hit me. I usually compare myself to others, and not always in the best way. The devotion continues, “God didn’t use a cookie cutter when He created us.” God created each of us as a unique individual to fulfill the plans He has for us.

He has created us in Christ Jesus to live lives filled with good works that he has prepared for us to do (Ephesians 2:10b GW).

Abba Father, thank You for creating each one of us and placing us in this time and place to do Your will. Help remind us that we have a purpose in Your plan and to look to You for that purpose. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Carol Reis, President
LWML Oregon District

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This is the Day that the Lord has Made

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In the center of the Bible is Psalm 118, which Luther called his own beloved Psalm. Verse 24 tells us: This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Our world currently gravitates toward the negative: Coronavirus, isolation, loss of income, civil unrest, etc. As Christians, however, we know that This is the day that the Lord has made. In the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League, we rejoice to be called His own, and we serve the Lord with gladness in all circumstances.

The LWML provides many resources to grow in our faith. These resources encourage us to trust that this is the Lord’s day, with the knowledge that our salvation is secure. At the top of the homepage, “The Word” tab offers Bible Studies, Mustard Seed Devotions, Program Helps with spiritual offerings, as well as litanies and responsive readings in the Summer Resources section.

When we immerse ourselves in God’s Word, we are encouraged and reminded: This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it (Psalm 118:24).

Sally Handrick, President
LWML Missouri District

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No Matter What

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Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable (Philippians 4:8).

The word “whatever” is mentioned in the Bible, and it’s also used in casual conversation. One definition Webster gives us for this word is “no matter what (can happen or you do).” This is relevant, especially with the health situations we are experiencing now.

An LWML sister found a Bible study on the LWML website that speaks to “whatever.” “Whatever — Keeping Your Heart in Tune with Whatever Life Brings” by Anneke Hudson. It’s based on Philippians 4:8-9: Whatever is true … if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. How appropriate this message is for us in times such as these! Rest assured, no matter what life brings us, we praise and thank God that we have the promise of our Savior. He is holding us close to His heart, no matter what.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for Your promise to be with me always, no matter what situations come my way. Help me to remember that You have my hand in Yours, leading me day by day. Amen.

Lois Anderson, President
LWML Utah–Idaho District

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