
Word — The Time is NOW

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Two Minute Tuesday

The “November Eucharisteo Project” on the LWML website caught my attention. Maybe because my son’s name Risto is part of the word — or perhaps it was my own need for a reminder. This project encourages us to slow down for reflection and Eucharisteo by reading Scripture and then writing it down.

Eucharisteo is the Greek word symbolizing not the bread itself, but rather the emotion of being thankful or grateful for the bread. As Lutheran women of the LWML, we have so many reasons to give thanks! 

I recall a Dale Carnegie classmate’s speech in which listeners were challenged to count their many blessings and compare them to the leaves of the trees. What a great visual this is, especially in the fall. This reminds me of the work we are all doing for the “What’s Your 80?” campaign for which I am so thankful. As vast as the number of leaves in November are your “80” plus blessings.  I encourage you to continue finding creative ways to bless others.

I also encourage you to post your daily verse on social media #lwmlintheword as you share some Eucharisteo with your family and friends.

MaryBeth Heikkinen
LWML Michigan District President

Celebrating Our Pastors

LWML is celebrating 80 years of serving the Lord. Lutheran Women in Mission find strength in the Word of God. We appreciate our faithful pastors who keep us in His Word. 

Two Minute Tuesday

For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths (2 Timothy 4:3-4). The Bible is our authority. We are blessed by God and His Word that encourage us to support our LWML mission grants and spread the Gospel wherever and whenever He has need of us.

LWML Sunday is typically observed on the first Sunday of October. October is also Pastor Appreciation month — the Word and the mission of the LWML recognized in the same month! On the LWML website, you will find a great resource for Church Workers in Mission. There are ideas of how we can welcome our new pastors to our districts and show appreciation to our current pastors who keep us in the Word.

LaurieAnn Totenhagen
North Dakota District President

The Mustard Seed

Two Minute Tuesday

At the LWML Louisville Convention in 1971, a series of 31 mini-studies in a gold vinyl wallet titled “The Joy of Being,” was introduced. These Mustard Seeds were designed for the working woman to use on her lunch hour as a witness tool. Over the next 50 years the popularity of the Mustard Seed Devotions grew and prompted the development of many additional series. 

Today, the Mustard Seed Devotion found on the LWML App or in daily emails is “on the go” and interactive. Recent updates provide an audio option and an interactive Bible link. Hover over the passage reference to open the link for an opportunity to read the passage in context. 

A small seed, planted in 1968 and germinated in 1971, continues to grow and bless the LWML in 2022. Sign up for Mustard Seed Devotions on the LWML website, but don’t forget its original intent — a God-given opportunity for a busy woman to stay in God’s Word and a tool to witness to the unchurched.

Cinda Poppe
LWML South Wisconsin District President

Never Alone

Two Minute Tuesday

Have you ever felt like the “new kid on the block” or a “fish out of water?” That’s what it may feel like if you move from one district (zone or group) to another. You learn there are different ways the new group conducts business compared to your former one. This is also true in other situations, moving generates changes! LWML districts may conduct business differently from one another, but the goal is consistently the same. Mite offerings for missions, goals to meet, conventions to plan, gatherings to attend soon, you feel like one of the group! When you put your donation in the Mite Box, or read the Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly, you are joining with LWML sisters across our nation, supporting the mission of telling others about Jesus Christ.

Changes are inevitable, so remember Jesus’ words, And behold, I am with you always, to the ends of the age (Matthew 28:20b). We are never alone!

Joan Berquist
LWML North Wisconsin District Presiden

2-Minute Tuesdays 1/11/2022

Two Minute Tuesday

Walking Each Day with Our Lord

What are you looking forward to in the months ahead? Our new calendars begin with a clean slate; however, soon the dates fill up with appointments and meetings. Some plans can be made well in advance while others develop more slowly. Whatever your plans are at this time, remember the saying, “The best thing about the future is that it comes only one day at a time.”

Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself (Matthew 6:34).

Our loving God faithfully walks beside us, giving us strength to meet the needs of each day. Check out the Mustard Seed Devotion, Joy in our Daily Lives, and others, on the LWML’s website under The Word tab at These devotions will sustain you as you look to Christ, praising Him each day for His grace and mercy. May God grant you blessings upon blessings in this New Year.

Lois Anderson
LWML Utah-Idaho District President

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2-Minute Tuesdays 12/28/2021

I Am Not Alone

Two Minute Tuesday

As Christmas celebrations slow down and friends and family return homewe may feel all alone at times. However, God is always with us. Isaiah 41:10 says, So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

As Lutheran Women in Mission, serving others keeps us from being alone. Visiting the shut-ins of your church; calling an LWML member you have not seen for a while and inviting her to lunch; sharing your time with a young mom by caring for her children (you will never feel alone with children around); or offering your service at the church office — all opportunities to counter loneliness. 

The best way —pick up your Bible and spend time in God’s Word. He promises to be with you. You may be by yourself, but you are never alone. 

Pam Kercher, President
LWML Montana District

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2-Minute Tuesday 11/30/2021

Two Minute Tuesday

Making Jesus the Center of My Focus

The four short weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas can feel like a ride down a slide; each day gaining momentum causing me to take my eyes off Jesus and get wrapped up in the trappings of the holiday. 

This year I’m going to make a conscious effort to center my mind and heart on Jesus, and push aside the many distractions that so easily entangle me. My plan is to reduce my cookie baking, relax my desire for a perfectly decorated home, and to stay well within my budget for gift giving. 

My focus will be on Jesus — our Redeemer and Risen Lord. 

My plan is to read the Bible daily, pray regularly, attend worship services, and to limit my social visits and obligations. Some resources I can use to guide my Scripture readings are the many Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly Bible studies, archived and available for everyone at Why not see which of these studies can help you keep your eyes on Jesus — the true Reason for the Season!

Linda Guteres
LWML Atlantic District

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