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Dealing with the Shock of Death

Dealing with the Shock of Death

The news is full of tragic shootings, bomb blasts and other works of evil. I found this Mustard Seed Devotion from the Mustard Seed Packet, “In Times of Need”, to share with you.

nullDealing with the Shock of Death

And there followed [Jesus] a great multitude of the people and of women who were mourning and lamenting for him (Luke 23:27).

As Jesus was being led away to be crucified, the community was in shock. Mourning and lamenting ensued. From triumph to tragedy, He was being led out of the city to die. Things had changed so quickly.

When news breaks of unexpected, often tragic, deaths in a community, the shock spreads rapidly. The lives of police officers, firefighters, public officials, even innocent children can be ended suddenly while going about their daily routines. Communities are shaken to the core in the wake of such deadly tragedies.

Coping with tragic community deaths is difficult. But Jesus understands such circumstances. He walked in them. He died for them. In the midst of mourning and lamenting He brings hope and consolation. St. Peter reminds us, Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you (1Peter 5:7 NIV). Tragic times call for transcending faith in Jesus who overcame death so we can spend eternity with Him.

We pray: O Lord, help me to cope with death and tragedy in my community, looking to You for hope and consolation because You went the way of the cross for me and for my salvation. In Your holy name. Amen.

May your hearts and minds be filled with God’s peace as only He can give.
President Patti

Taken from “In Times of Need” Mustard Seed Devotions, written by Rev. Larry Krueger, Rev. Mike Mattil, and Rev. Kris Whitby.

Be sure you are signed up for emailed Mustard Seed Devotions and LWML eNews by going here.


Walking for Missions

Walking for Missions

nullImagine taking a walk with several thousand individuals who are all wearing the same color shirt, all of them walking for the Lord. Yes, it has happened in the past, and it can happen again, and it will be done when you attend and join the Mission Pledge Walk at the LWML convention next summer in Albuquerque, New Mexico on June 22–25, 2017.


nullIn 2015 at the LWML convention in Des Moines, Iowa over $101,500 was pledged and received for the 2015–2017 biennium’s new $2,000,000 mite goal (the largest goal ever), all as a result of thousands of individuals putting one foot ahead of the other and walking together for the Lord’s work in mission fields around the world. Let’s do it again! Put on your comfortable shoes and walk with joy-filled hearts for the Lord’s mission of bringing the Good News to those around the world. You’ll never regret your commitment to Serving the Lord with Gladness! I’ll be walking with you.


God’s Time or Yours?

God’s Time or Yours?

null2015-2017 Nominating Committee

Years ago, a friend gifted me with a framed and embroidered saying: “God is Never Early.”

It took me a few more years and some additional spiritual maturity to grasp the significance of that adage. God is never in a hurry, but He is always on time.

The Bible is filled with various examples of God’s perfect timing, such as Moses wandering in the wilderness for 40 years before receiving an answer to his question, “Is it time yet?”

Is this the time for your service in LWML or is God nudging you to nominate someone you know? Nominations for the following positions are being accepted through August 15, 2016:

  • Vice President of Christian Life
  • Vice President of Communication
  • Vice President of Gospel Outreach
  • Recording Secretary
  • Nominating Committee (5)

These offices will be elected at the 2017 LWML Convention in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Check out nomination information on the LWML website.

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11).


5-30-2016 Weekly article

Partners in Mission

I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing (John 15:5).

Our work is nothing without our Savior Christ Jesus. This verse reminds me of the relationship that the LWML has with pastors and other Church Workers in Mission. As branches, our work is intertwined, strengthened, and bears fruit. As we serve the Lord in our societies, zones, and districts, we look to our pastors and deaconesses for spiritual leadership, encouragement, and counsel. We all pray for each other, spend time in the Word, and help the church proclaim the Gospel. Please share your thoughts on other ways of engaging, encouraging, and enjoying the mission together. Contact the Vice President of Special Focus Ministries. Our love and thankfulness goes out to our church workers for the support, love, and encouragement you give your sisters in the LWML.


Structure – Yes, it’s Important

Structure – Yes, it’s Important

Structure is important in every facet of our lives. As children we were taught basic hygiene, how to share, not to play in the street, etc. Structured activities prepare children for the real world where boundaries and following rules lead to a peaceful existence for those who abide by them.

We do not, however, want our children to mindlessly obey, not questioning practices they feel are unfair, but without structure chaos would reign.

In the LWML, our structure is built around our Vision and Mission Statements and our bylaws. Structure in the LWML should never confine your group to a fixed schedule where you can’t be creative or productive but enhance the productivity and joy of group activities. This structure keeps us centered on Jesus Christ and serving Him. If your group needs help keeping organized without feeling confined, contact us at


Paint the Planet Purple with Servanthood

Paint the Planet Purple with Servanthood

Have you ever thought about what happens when there is a Servant Event or a Gifts from the Heart gathering? The work done and the items donated affect people’s lives in a wide variety of ways and the physical location could be nearby or far away. God uses the LWML to share His love and spread His word all over the world.

The Mission Servants Committee has a new logo that we feel expresses that idea and we hope that you like it, too. The new logo shows a world being painted with purple paint. The idea is that whenever there is a LWML Mission Servants Event, we are touching (or painting) a part of the planet with our purple LWML hearts. Everywhere the items are sent the LWML has “Painted the Planet Purple”.

You’ve done the Servant Events. Now why not tell people about LWML and wear the LWML shirt? Check out the new servant’s shirt at

Serve the Lord with gladness! (Psalm 100:2)


How Can Our Photos Be A Winsome Witness?

How Can Our Photos Be A Winsome Witness?

It’s that time of year when cameras and smartphones and iPads are snapping photos at class parties and graduations, LWML district conventions, family reunions, and summer vacations. As we share those photos on social media or preserve them in scrapbooks, let’s look for ways to include witness opportunities by adding “faith flags” in our posting, tweeting, and journaling.


You might also be interested in using “Every Picture Can Tell God’s Story” as a personal or group study. This resource is designed to show new ways in which you can be a winsome witness of Jesus using your own personal photographs and experiences. The Leader Edition has suggestions for adapting it for mother-daughter study, youth groups, a workshop, or retreat. It comes in both a print and a downloadable format.

Let your photos bear witness to your faith in Christ!



LWML Resources