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9/1/2019 Weekly article

Is the Labor You Do Meaningful?

Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain (1 Corinthians 15:58).

Labor Day is being celebrated across the United States of America this week. Have you ever wondered if the labor or tasks you do are meaningful?  St. Paul assures us that when we do our labors to the glory of God, they are pleasing to Him. Christ did the ultimate labor for us by giving His life as atonement for our sins. Now we know our labors, from changing diapers to serving in the military to taking food to a shut-in, when done to the glory of God will not be in vain. As you go about your labors this week, thank God for His Son and the ability to serve Him in all your labors.

nullAfter thanks comes the action. Look at the Mission Service Activities under the Service tab on this website. What activity or service of love could you do this week? Perhaps an encouraging post one someone’s Facebook page or a personal note in their mailbox at church. Labor for the Lord in all you do.

Arlene Naasz

8/26/2019 Weekly article


The disciples had other occupations before Jesus called them to be His disciples. Peter was a fisherman and Matthew was a tax collector.  Many of us began with one job and ended up doing another.

When I went to my first LWML meeting, the president said, “You’d make a good secretary.” Who knew? God did. I served as secretary, later as LWML District President, and most recently as chairman of the LWML Mission Grant Committee which was a joy.  Here I am now, wondering what God has in store for me as I change courses yet again to serve as the new LWML Public Relations Director. What a tremendous opportunity to serve our Lord in an entirely new way and I am excited.

We need to open our eyes, ears and hearts to know where God wants us to go, to be, to serve. Pray and be ready for when God calls you. Find opportunities to serve here!

And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here I am! Send me” (Isaiah 6:8).

Susan Donnelly

8/18/2019 Weekly article

Friendship … Sisterhood

As I read through some LWML devotions I came across one that caught my eye. When I began reading, it felt familiar. It wasn’t so much the words used, but how the words were used that drew me to it.

I glanced at the bottom of the page to see if I might know the author, and much to my surprise it was someone I had worked with for 10 years in the LWML. Her distinct writing style was what was familiar. Over the years we had formed a very special bond, along with our third task force member, to the point that when I read the devotion, I just knew those were her words and phrases.

Friendship comes in many shapes and forms. Friendship — dare I say “sisterhood” — in the LWML is unique. Our friendship is based on the bonds we have through God’s Word and service to Him. He is the source and the example of love shared between friends.

Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. … Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another (1 John 4:7, 11 NIV).

Lord God, Heavenly Father, bless our times together in service, witness, and study of Your Word. Help us through our LWML friends to find ways to support and encourage one another in our daily walk, keeping our eyes focused on You. In Jesus’ name we pray. AMEN.

(For resources like the one my friend wrote, check out Devotions, Bible studies, litanies and planning helps are available free on the LWML website.)

Deaconess Betty Knapp

8/12/2019 Weekly article

Variety of Gifts – For God’s Purpose

I was privileged to serve on a committee in a Christian organization that was made up of people with different gifts. Everyone wanted to pull their weight on this committee; yet many of the tasks that the committee had to do were of an administrative nature. These tasks did not play to the strengths of certain members and assumed that certain members would spend more time on committee work than others. As time went on, the tasks the committee needed to complete required the gifts of each member. By the time the committee reached its goal, some of the committee members remarked that they were surprised to find out that they indeed felt like they were part of this committee. It was definitely God’s plan to put us together.

It was really cool to see people with various gifts work together for God’s purpose, just like there are many parts but one body. That is how it is in our church and in LWML. We work together with the goal of sharing the Gospel. So, use your gifts and serve the Lord with gladness! Encourage others to do the same.

Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone (1 Corinthians 12:4-6).

Marie Chow

8/5/2019 Weekly article

The Importance of Words

Sing to the Lord, all the earth! Tell of his salvation from day to day.
Declare his glory among the nations 
(1 Chronicles 16:23–24a).

The 2019 LWML Convention Bible verse continues to resonate with me in regard to the theme, In Praise to the LORD! Each day we are given opportunities to share Jesus’ joy and love. God directs our paths, Jesus walks beside us, and the Holy Spirit gives us the words to use.

Do I always share Jesus in a loving way? Do my words always speak truth in love? Am I seeking God’s will for what He wants me to do as I speak to others? As I declare His glory?

Listening to a Christian radio program, I heard a good analogy of how words can be used to help or hinder a situation. A mother wanted to help her middle school aged daughter understand that how she spoke to others and the words she used could either help or hinder her relationships. She told her daughter to take a tube of toothpaste and squeeze out all the paste. Then she asked her to put the paste back in the tube. The daughter very clearly said, “Mom, I can’t do that. That’s impossible,” to which her mother replied, “Of course, you can’t. Once words are spoken, you can’t take them back. Use them wisely.” I thought about how I use words. Are they always God-pleasing? Do they always declare God’s glory and truth to others?

Even when they don’t, I praise God that He sees Christ in me because of the free gift of salvation won for me on the cross. To God be the glory!

Dear Lord, help me when my mouth opens to declare Your glory. Help my words be a loving witness of Your truth. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.


7/29/2019 Weekly article

Always Say a Prayer — ASAP

Worth repeating …

God is good! All the time! He supplies our every need — even taking care of us before we know what we need. Indeed, He is an amazing God! Yet, how do we connect with God?

Consider the acronym “ASAP.” We usually associate ASAP with work to be done and deadlines to meet. Four letters can make us feel there’s no time to spare! We hurry and scurry; we might even be in the midst of a family crisis or work dilemma, with little time to meet the deadline.

However, even when our worries and needs seem to be more than we can bear, we can remember ASAP … Always Say A Prayer. It’s better to slow down, take a breather, and ASAP … Always Say A Prayer.

God knows how stressful life can be. He wants to ease our cares. He will respond to all our needs and He will answer us ASAP … Always Say A Prayer.

If the Lord had not been my help, my soul would soon have lived in the land of silence. When I thought, “My foot slips,” your steadfast love, O LORD, held me up. When the cares of my heart are many, your consolations cheer my soul (Psalm 94:17–19).


7/22/2019 Weekly article

Meet our LWML On The Go Podcast Presenter


Rebecca (Becca) is the wife of Jonathan Futty and the mother of Jonathan, age six and Benjamin, 11 months.

As a member of Christ Memorial Lutheran Church in Malvern, PA, Becca sings with the church praise team on Sunday mornings. She also enjoys participating with local high schools and community theaters as a director/choreographer.

Currently she is serving as LWML Eastern District Leader Development Chairman and Vice President of her LWML group. 

Becca says, “I am thrilled to be serving the LWML as podcast presenter and so grateful for the beautiful words from Praying the Psalms, by Sheila Lutz, that I get to read every week.”

LWML On The Go, is available through your podcast provider, at, and on the LWML App.

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path (Psalm 119: 105).



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