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2/21/2021 Weekly article

Inspired to Serve

In unpacking an old LWML box, I found a padded envelope containing a letter from Past LWML President Linda Reiser and a lovely embroidered handkerchief from the 2005 LWML Tampa Convention. It reminded me why I love this organization and the women and men with whom I serve.

The handkerchief was an inspirational reminder from Rev. Barry Keurulainen’s sermon during the convention’s opening worship service. He shared these words, quoting theologian Frederick Buechner: “In His holy flirtation with the world, God occasionally drops a handkerchief in the naïve hope that the world, that someone, will notice and pick it up and give it back and in so doing notice God.”

I have been blessed by the many handkerchiefs that God has dropped at my feet. Whether He inspired me to serve as a district delegate or as a national LWML Recording Secretary, He has led me on a path to be HIS servant.

May the dropped handkerchiefs in your path inspire you in your service to the Lord! All you need to do is pick them up.

Ginger Starrett


2/14/2021 Weekly article

LWML: A Love that Endures

Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever! (Psalm 107:1).

As we approach Valentine’s Day, a “thanksgiving” verse might seem odd. But let’s focus on that last part: his steadfast love endures forever!

The women and men of LWML have a heart for faith, family, and mission-giving. What better way to pass on that legacy of faith and mission service than including the Lord’s work in your estate plan?

Whether you seek to

  • share your faith by using a Christian preamble for your will or living trust,
  • bless your family by recording your wishes and instructions for end of life to guide them, and/or
  • impact ministry with a simple bequest or beneficiary designation,

one of our professional, trusted Gifts of Love Planning Counselors can help you! This LWML program is offered as a free service to LWML members and their families. For more information or to contact one of our Gift Planning Counselors, go to

Eden Keefe

1/24/2021 Weekly article

Gift Sharing

Christmas and Valentine’s Day gift-giving focuses on exchanges between friends and relatives. The quiet time between these two holidays provides an opportunity to reflect on other kinds of gifts. We can appreciate the gifts our Lord gives us, such as the sacrifice of His life, His death, and His resurrection, as well as His gifts of Holy Baptism and Holy Communion.

In addition, we can thank God that He created us with unique gifts, talents, and abilities. We pray that He will enable us to use them to His glory!

As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies — in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ (1 Peter 4:10-11a).

Learn more about what Scripture tells us concerning gifts by reading the LWML devotion, "Maybe Your Gift Is..." May your God-given gifts be a blessing to many in 2021 and beyond!.

1/17/2021 Weekly article

God's Word is a Comfort

“And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:20b).

The above was my father’s favorite Bible passage. Dad quoted the verse frequently; it was read at his funeral. Often when facing a difficult situation, I remember my dad saying this verse. More importantly, our heavenly Father uses these words to remind us that no matter what happens, He is always with us.

What Bible verses come to you when problems assail you? God’s Word is a source of reassurance of our redemption and His strength. As LWML members, we strive to share that saving knowledge with others. Our LWML Mission Grants help to spread the Gospel message far and wide.

Check the Mission Grants section under the Mission tab to learn more about the impact your mites make. May God bless our grants so that many learn of Him and how His Word is a comfort in all situations.


1/10/2021 Weekly article

Mission Grant Selection Process Covered in Prayer

The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) Mission Grants Selection Committee has just completed their recommendations of mission grant proposals for the 2021 LWML Convention ballot. The committee received 67 proposals for consideration, totaling $5,214,381. This recommendation will now be sent to the LWML Board of Directors and then to the LWML Presidents Assembly for their approval. Upon approval, this list of proposed grants will be shared with all women of the LWML and the grants will be voted on by the convention delegation.

Having served on this committee in the past, I appreciate the challenge of the vetting process. Yet, I’m certain the committee members were filled with joy seeing so many proposals showing God’s mercy and bringing the Gospel to the lost. This whole process is covered in prayer.

It’s a privilege to remember who we are — Lutheran Women in Mission. On this website, read about the current biennium’s grants. Continue to pray for all our mission grants as you donate mite offerings to support these opportunities to share God’s love. … You will be my witnesses … (Acts 1:8).


1/3/2021 Weekly article

A New Year – A New Me!

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come (2 Corinthians 5:17).

When it comes to the new year, does the above verse come to mind? It does to me, especially now, since 2020 was an interesting year! However, that is now in the past and we look forward to the new year of 2021. The verse above also reminds us that our old self is gone and we have a new self in Jesus. What a great reminder!

Check out one of the LWML Bible studies, We Begin Anew, that you can do yourself or study with friends or family. This Bible study has you looking back and also has you thinking about how to approach this new year.

Happy and blessed new year to you!

Marie Chow

12/27/2020 Weekly article

It’s Not Over Yet!

Arise, shine, for your light has come (Isaiah 60:1a).

For some, the week after Christmas is one of the most depressing weeks of the year. It doesn’t take long for Christmas trees to find their way to the curb, lights on houses to disappear, and for the red and green of Christmas in the stores to yield to the red and pink of Valentine’s Day.

Yet, there are 12 days of Christmas. The celebration of the birth of our Lord continues. While many people are happy for the “Christmas rush” to be over, the Church still boldly proclaims, “Christ, the Savior, is born for us!”

To keep the Christmas season from fading away too quickly, there are a number of wonderful winter resources which include Bible studies, crafts, and service projects on the LWML website. These can help you observe the 12 holy days of Christmas and continue to bear witness to the Light that has come in to our darkened world.

It’s not over yet! Merry Christmas! Christ is born for you!!




LWML Resources