Lutheran Friends of the Deaf Honors LWML
The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League has been selected as the winner of 2016 Lutheran Friends of the Deaf John of Beverley Award.
This award is presented only when a nominee is deemed to have made a significant meritorious contribution to mission and ministry to the Deaf consistent with the ideals of the founders. The nomination committee has determined LWML has met their criteria. It is very rare that an organization is honored.
The Lutheran Friends of the Deaf was founded in 1947 by a small group of clergy and lay people who committed themselves to helping deaf individuals both physically and spiritually. Their Mill Neck Manor School on Long Island, New York, was dedicated September 23, 1951. In their first newsletter it was noted that LWML Atlantic District and LWML English District had adopted the school as a mission grant. A more recent grant from LWML was a grant for Bible Story Books in Sign Language and Written Text funded during the 2013-2015 biennium.

During a recent visit, President and CEO, Michael Killian, his wife, Susan, and Deaconess Tiffany Manor presented the letter announcing the award which will be formally presented in Milwaukee following the LCMS Convention. They brought samples of these amazing books made possible by your mite offerings and other financial gifts.

Lutheran Friends of the Deaf recognizes opportunity to share the Gospel with the deaf who are 92% unchurched. They are active domestically and internationally. The school in Mill Neck has expanded its ministry and education opportunities to include children affected by autism and other special needs such as Down’s Syndrome. Services and outreach have expanded to include adult job placement, mobile audiology units, “hearing ear” dogs and assisting our returning veterans with service-related hearing problems.
Lutheran Women in Mission continue to engage in ministry, and to encourage and equip God’s people through their support of missions. LWML women are invited to visit the school when they are in the area. Please take a moment to “enjoy” this award and praise God for His Goodness!
For more information on Lutheran Friends of the Deaf and Millneck School, visit their website at