A while back, President Patti asked members of the LWML Executive Committee to describe a missionary. Obviously, the responses were varied.
One of the responses, “A missionary is a faith-raiser, not a fundraiser”, however, I wonder if we aren’t both.

LWML’s adopted Mission Grants are great examples of missionaries in action. You and me! Sharing His love, including our monetary gifts, to help bring His saving light into a very dark world. As a Missionary, even one in training, we are able to live out our Christian life in mission ministries and support of missions in and around the world.
The spring issue of the Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly highlights four Mission Grants from this biennium that are still in need of our financial support. We are called to be the Light of the World and Christ’s witnesses through acts of mercy. Let’s share God’s light through prayer and monetary support. We are faith-raisers and fundraisers.