Shine Your Light

And you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth” (Acts 1:8).

Years ago, while teaching in the public schools, I had a 7th grade student whose family fled from Burma to escape religious persecution. He spoke of how he and thirty others left before they were killed for their belief in Jesus. As brave witnesses for Christ, they cleared a section in the forest, placed an enormous cross in the center, and burned it on the side of a mountain to shine for all to see as they flew away into the night sky.

This week, let the fireworks remind us of the freedom that our Savior has given us through His life, death, and resurrection and to always share this news with others. I recommend the LWML resource, A Missionary, Me? No Passport Needed for ideas.

Cheryl Mattil