Gardening and Growth

My husband Carl was the gardener in our family, and it was his outdoor leisure. He would allow me to help plant onion sets because I could squat down, and I oversaw harvesting the bounty, but he had the green thumb. After Carl died, I thought I could try gardening since I love fresh homegrown vegetables. Truthfully, my gardens have never looked like his. I have encountered the notorious weeds, but I am to this day still attempting a small garden!

As I thought about the process of gardening – from seeds to produce, this verse came to mind: Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted, and built up in him and established in the faith (Colossians 2:6–7). It is only through God’s grace that our faith is rooted in Him. He allows us to grow and gives us the opportunities meant for us. We are so blessed!

In this growing season of your life, I suggest you read the devotion Day By Day β€” Growing in the Lord.

Karol Selle