Happy Mother’s Day?

To all mothers and those whose mothers are living, Happy Mother’s Day! Blessings abound!

For some women though, Mother’s Day is viewed through a different lens and may be a painful reminder of infertility, the grief of miscarriage, the untimely loss of a child, or the death of her own mother. Others, single or married, have no children. The informative Sharing Jesus’ Love in Action — Mother’s Day and Beyond suggests how to reach out to women who may not see Mother’s Day as a day of celebration.

As Lutheran Women in Mission, we thank God for ALL women who nurture in numerous ways — aunts, nieces, colleagues, medical workers, teachers, neighbors, friends, sisters, sisters-in-Christ, and countless more faithful, tireless, and loving servants.

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you (Jeremiah 29:11–12).

Happy Mother’s Day — and beyond!

Brenda Piester