Experience the Joy

After the flurry of activity and colorful decorations of Christmas and New Year’s Eve, I find this time of year dull and dreary. What better way to shake off the winter gloom than to gather with your LWML sisters for Bible study. I am recommending to my local group that we start the year with the LWML study Experience the Joy—Then Share it! This 3-session Bible study is available as a free download from the LWML SHOP. Author Miriam Maassel Neumann writes in her introduction “Happiness is temporary and based on events that are happening at the time. Joy, however, is deeper and is based on God’s promises and presence with us.” We can experience joy even during a dull and dreary time in our lives.

I pray that you find peace and joy in the New Year in the presence of our loving Savior.

Debbie Yocky