National Basics

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The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League is an auxiliary of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS).


The object of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League is to develop and maintain a greater mission consciousness among the women of LCMS through mission education, mission inspiration, and mission service; and to gather funds for mission grants either directly sponsored or approved by LCMS boards or LCMS district presidents, especially those for which no adequate funding provision has been made in LCMS national or district budgets.

The phrase “Lutheran Women in Mission” reflects the purpose of LWML.


  • Departments, in concert with the Board of Directors, develop biennial plans of action.
  • Each department is comprised of one or more standing committees whose members implement the program of work for the organization.


  • LWML mission work is funded through Mite Box offerings and other voluntary means.
  • The districts collect mite offerings and retain seventy-five (75) percent or less in the district treasury to fund district grants and programs. The remaining twenty-five (25) percent or more is remitted to the LWML organization to fund the LWML mission grants and programs.


View printable PDF of this article, National Basics


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