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The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (hereinafter referred to as LWML) is composed of individual women and women’s groups within congregations of The Lutheran Church— Missouri Synod (hereinafter referred to as LCMS), on campuses, in resident homes, or in other settings.

The LWML is organized into districts which are organized into zones which consist of individual women and women’s groups from LCMS congregations in their geographical areas. Districts and zones shall conform to LCMS district and circuit lines where possible.


Section 1

  1. A woman who is a communicant member of an LCMS congregation is eligible for membership as an individual or in a group.
  2. Women’s organizations within congregations of the LCMS, on campuses, in resident homes, or in other settings shall be eligible for membership as groups.
  3. One (1) or more groups affiliated with the LWML from the same congregation, campus, resident home, or other single setting shall be considered one (1) unit.
  4. Groups formed in a setting other than a congregation, a campus, or a resident home by women who hold membership in an LCMS congregation shall be eligible for membership upon acceptance by the respective LWML district.
  5. Individual membership is available to a woman in an LCMS congregation with or without a group affiliated with the LWML. Individual membership is not considered a group or a unit, nor does it confer voting privileges at the national level.
  6. Requests for recognition of membership shall be processed by the LWML district in which the individual or group resides.

Section 2

Application for membership as a district shall be made to the LWML Board of Directors for approval and is subject to ratification by the LWML Presidents Assembly.

Section 3

  1. Women’s organizations in a church body that is in a partner relationship* with the LCMS shall have partner status with the LWML upon fulfillment of the following:
    1. The women of the organization shall be members of a church in current partner relationship with the LCMS.
    2. Application shall be made to the LWML Board of Directors for approval and is subject to ratification by the LWML Presidents Assembly.
    3. The governing rules of the organization shall be in harmony with the object and the basic principles of the LWML, and a copy of these rules shall be submitted to the LWML Board of Directors for approval.

      * A partner church designates a church body that is (i) in confession with the LCMS and (ii) has achieved independent status.
  2. Representation at LWML conventions shall be at the discretion and the expense of the partner women’s organization and shall include the privilege of voice.


Section 1

Each district shall organize into zones its member groups within congregations of the LCMS, on campuses, in resident homes, and those formed in settings other than these. The zones shall:

  1. promote the object of the LWML: Mission Education, Mission Inspiration, and Mission Service;
  2. have their bylaw article on Name (Lutheran Women’s Missionary League _______ District_______ Zone) conform to the respective article in the district bylaws and in the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of the LWML;
  3. elect delegates for the purpose of representation at the biennial convention of the LWML.

Section 2

Each LWML district shall be under the guidance of its respective LCMS district(s).

Section 3

  1. Each district shall write its own bylaws.
  2. The articles on Name (Lutheran Women’s Missionary League _______ District), Object, Members, Representation (at national conventions), and Parliamentary Authority shall conform to the respective articles in the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of the LWML.
  3. When reference is made in district bylaws to national officers, personnel, committees, and programs, the correct official title shall be used.
  4. The bylaws and any subsequent proposed amendments shall be submitted as outlined in the Procedures Manual before being presented to the district LWML membership for adoption.

Section 4

The request for LWML representation at district conventions shall be made through the LWML President. Any member of the Board of Directors may serve as the representative.


Section 1

  1. A convention for the purpose of transacting the business of the LWML shall be held biennially in the odd-numbered years.
  2. Convention sites and dates shall be determined as outlined in the Procedures Manual.
  3. The official call to convention shall appear in the winter issue of the official publication prior to convention.

Section 2

The voting assembly of the convention shall be:

  1. one (1) certified delegate from each zone having ten (10) or fewer units and one (1) certified delegate for each additional ten (10) units or major fraction thereof,* as of January 1 preceding the convention;
  2. voting members of the Board of Directors;
  3. district presidents or their designated alternate;
  4. appointed officers;
  5. chairmen of departmental committees;
  6. past presidents of the LWML who are currently members of LWML.

* A major fraction of ten (10) is defined as six (6) or more.

Section 3

A member of the voting assembly shall vote in one (1) capacity only. Proxy votes are prohibited.

Section 4

  1. Each certified delegate shall have a certified alternate.
  2. The names of the delegates and the alternates shall be presented to their respective district president for certification.
  3. The names of the certified delegates and alternates shall be received by the LWML Recording Secretary prior to the convention.
  4. In the event neither the delegate nor the alternate is able to serve, a member of the same zone may serve as delegate upon certification in writing by her LWML district president and presentation to the LWML Recording Secretary.

Section 5

A majority of the registered voting assembly shall constitute a quorum.


Section 1

The elected officers shall be as follows:

• President
• Vice President of Christian Life
• Vice President of Communication
• Vice President of Gospel Outreach
• Vice President of Organizational Resources
• Vice President of Special Focus Ministries
• Recording Secretary
• Treasurer

Section 2

  1. The elected officers shall be elected by ballot at the convention to serve a term of four (4) years or until their successors are elected and shall not be eligible for reelection to the same office. Newly elected officers shall assume their duties at the close of the convention in which they are elected.
  2. The election of officers shall be as follows:
    1. The President, the Vice President of Organizational Resources, the Vice President of Special Focus Ministries, and the Treasurer shall be elected in one convention.
    2. The Vice President of Christian Life, the Vice President of Communication, the Vice President of Gospel Outreach, and the Recording Secretary shall be elected in the following convention.
    3. A majority vote shall elect.
    4. In the event that there are three (3) or more candidates for office and a majority vote has not been reached after two (2) ballots have been cast, the candidate with the lowest number of votes shall be removed from each successive ballot.
  1. The retiring Treasurer shall, within sixty (60) days following the election, transfer to her successor all materials pertaining to the office. All other retiring officers shall, within thirty (30) days following the election, transfer to their successors all material pertaining to their offices.

Section 3

  1. In the event of incapacity or other situation creating a vacancy in the office of President, the Vice President of Organizational Resources shall fill the temporary vacancy until the President is able to resume her duties or until the Presidents Assembly and Board of Directors meet to elect a new President (see Article VI, Section 5a).
  2. The Presidents Assembly, along with voting members of the Board of Directors, shall fill any permanent vacancy occurring in the office of President (see Article X, Section 4c).
    1. The election shall be by ballot vote.
    2. The candidates eligible to fill the vacancy shall be the Vice Presidents who are serving in the third or fourth year of their terms of office.
  3. If there is no regularly scheduled meeting of the Presidents Assembly within thirty (30) days of a permanent vacancy in the office of President, a special meeting shall be called by the Vice President of Organizational Resources within thirty (30) days of such vacancy for the express purpose of electing a new President.
  4. In the event a vacancy occurs in any other elective position, such vacancy shall be filled by the Board of Directors (see Article X Section 3q).

Section 4

Any officer may be removed from office prior to the expiration of her term of office by the Board of Directors by a vote of three-fourths (3/4) of all members of the Board; provided that the members of the Board (including the individual officer involved) shall be notified at least two (2) days prior to the Board meeting in the event any such action is contemplated and the individual officer involved shall be afforded the opportunity to be heard at such meeting.*

* Missouri law requires that this statement be included in the LWML Bylaws.


Section 1

The President shall:

  1. preside at conventions of the LWML and at all meetings of the Board of Directors and Presidents Assembly;
  2. be responsible for appointing departmental committees, appointed officers, appointed personnel, and special committees, with the approval of the Board of Directors;
  3. be responsible for supervising the LWML Office;
  4. approve payments for legitimately incurred expenditures;
  5. be an ex officio member of all departments and committees except the Nominating Committee;
  6. be responsible for the execution of resolutions passed by the convention body, Board of Directors, and Presidents Assembly;
  7. provide a rĂŠsumĂŠ of Board of Directors meetings to members of the Presidents Assembly, including cost and source of funding for new programs;
  8. report to the Board of Directors and Presidents Assembly;
  9. prepare a report for the convention, including activities of the Board of Directors and the Presidents Assembly;
  10. perform other duties as set forth in the Procedures Manual.

Section 2

The Vice President of Christian Life may perform the duties of the office of the President in the absence of, or at the request of, the President and shall:

  1. be coordinator of the Christian Life Department;
  2. report to the Board of Directors and Presidents Assembly;
  3. prepare a report for the convention, including department activities;
  4. perform other duties as set forth in the Procedures Manual, and as requested by the President.

Section 3

The Vice President of Communication may perform the duties of the office of the President in the absence of, or at the request of, the President and shall:

  1. be coordinator of the Communication Department;
  2. report to the Board of Directors and Presidents Assembly;
  3. prepare a report for the convention, including department activities;
  4. perform other duties as set forth in the Procedures Manual, and as requested by the President.

Section 4

The Vice President of Gospel Outreach may perform the duties of the office of the President in the absence of, or at the request of, the President and shall:

  1. be coordinator of the Gospel Outreach Department;
  2. receive mission grant proposals;
  3. chair the Mission Grants Selection Committee;
  4. present to the Board of Directors and Presidents Assembly for consideration and approval the proposals selected for the mission grants ballot;
  5. prepare the mission grants ballot for the convention;
  6. prepare an impartial presentation of the approved proposed grants for the convention;
  7. requisition and disburse mission grant funds and monitor the progress of each recipient until completion;
  8. report to the Board of Directors and Presidents Assembly, including a report on the progress of each adopted mission grant until its completion;
  9. prepare a report for the convention, including department activities;
  10. perform other duties as set forth in the Procedures Manual, and as requested by the President.

Section 5

The Vice President of Organizational Resources may perform the duties of the office of the President in the absence of, or at the request of, the President and shall:

  1. in the event of an emergency or unexpected vacancy in the office of the President, fill the temporary vacancy until an election is held by the Board of Directors and the Presidents Assembly (see Article V, Section 3a);
  2. be coordinator of the Organizational Resources Department;
  3. report to the Board of Directors and Presidents Assembly;
  4. prepare a report for the convention, including department activities;
  5. perform other duties as set forth in the Procedures Manual, and as requested by the President.

Section 6

The Vice President of Special Focus Ministries may perform the duties of the office of the President in the absence of, or at the request of, the President and shall:

  1. be coordinator of the Special Focus Ministries Department;
  2. report to the Board of Directors and the Presidents Assembly;
  3. prepare a report for the convention, including department activities;
  4. perform other duties as set forth in the Procedures Manual, and as requested by the President.

Section 7

The Recording Secretary shall:

  1. record the convention proceedings and meetings of the Board of Directors and the Presidents Assembly;
  2. provide each member of the Board of Directors with a copy of the minutes of its meetings;
  3. provide each member of the Presidents Assembly with a copy of the minutes of its meetings;
  4. report to the Board of Directors and the Presidents Assembly;
  5. receive credentials of certified delegates and alternates prior to the convention;
  6. compile the convention manual;
  7. provide a copy of the convention minutes to each member of the Board of Directors and the Presidents Assembly and to the LWML Office for distribution upon request;
  8. prepare a report for the convention;
  9. perform other duties as set forth in the Procedures Manual, and as requested by the President.

Section 8

The Treasurer shall:

  1. chair the Finance and Operations Committee;
  2. review with the Finance and Operations Committee the proposed budgets of the organization;
  3. review with the Finance and Operations Committee the proposed convention budget as prepared by the Convention Manager;
  4. supervise convention finances;
  5. be authorized to sign checks in an emergency;
  6. report to the Board of Directors and the Presidents Assembly;
  7. prepare a report for the convention;
  8. perform other duties as set forth in the Procedures Manual, and as requested by the President.


Section 1

  1. A Nominating Committee of five (5) members shall be elected by ballot at each convention from a slate of nine (9) candidates from as many districts. A member is not eligible to serve consecutive terms. Plurality vote shall elect.
  2. The candidate receiving the highest number of votes shall be the chairman.
  3. The chairman shall attend Presidents Assembly meetings at the request of the President.
  4. If a member of the Nominating Committee agrees to have her name submitted for an office under consideration, she shall resign from the Nominating Committee.
  5. A vacancy on the committee shall be filled by the candidate receiving the next highest number of votes.

Section 2

The Nominating Committee shall:

  1. submit the names of at least two (2) candidates, if possible, for each elective office to be filled;
  2. with the exception of Pastoral Counselors, select candidates who are members of the LWML and have served on an LWML district Board of Directors;
  3. select candidates for President who have served as a district president or a member of the LWML Board of Directors;
  4. submit nine (9) candidates for the Nominating Committee;
  5. submit two (2) candidates for Pastoral Counselor from the nominees selected by the Presidents Assembly (see Article XII, Section 2);
  6. obtain written consent of all nominees to serve if elected;
  7. submit report to be published in the official publication prior to convention;
  8. submit for publication in the convention manual a rĂŠsumĂŠ of each nominee;
  9. prepare ballots with the names listed in alphabetical order for each office.

Section 3

  1. Suggestions for nominations for elective office shall be made by submitting completed nomination and consent forms to the chairman of the Nominating Committee by August 15 in the even-numbered years.
  1. Nominations for elected officers may be made from the floor of the convention provided written consent of the nominee has been secured and she meets the stipulated qualifications for office.

Section 4

The Nominating Committee shall present to the President names of qualified persons for appointment.


Section 1

The appointed officers shall be Meeting Manager, Strategic Plan Facilitator, and Public Relations Director, appointed by the President, and shall:

  1. be members of the LWML;
  2. serve a term of two (2) years or until their successors are appointed, and be eligible for reappointment;
  3. be advisory members of the Board of Directors;
  4. be voting members at the convention;
  5. be responsible to the President;
  6. report to each regular meeting of the Board of Directors and the Presidents Assembly;
  7. prepare a report for the convention;
  8. perform other duties as set forth in the Procedures Manual, and as requested by the President.

Section 2

The Meeting Manager shall develop and administer meeting service support for all LWML events as directed by the President.

Section 3

The Strategic Plan Facilitator shall be responsible for focusing the LWML vision through the planning process.

Section 4

The Public Relations Director shall:

  1. interact with LCMS entities to inform them of the mission and ministry of the LWML and to develop partner relationships;
  2. interact with the church and the world-at-large to influence perceptions and attitudes toward Lutheran women in mission;
  3. be coordinator of convention publicity.


Section 1

The appointed personnel shall be Archivist-Historian, Convention Manager, and Parliamentarian, appointed by the President, and shall:

  1. be members of the LWML;
  2. serve a term of two (2) years or until their successors are appointed, and be eligible for reappointment;
  3. attend meetings as advisory members at the request of the President;
  4. be responsible to the President;
  5. report as directed by the President;
  6. perform other duties as set forth in the Procedures Manual, and as requested by the President.

Section 2

The Archivist-Historian shall:

  1. write a history of the activities of the LWML for the biennium;
  2. gather and preserve records and other materials of historical significance to the LWML.

Section 3

The Convention Manager shall:

  1. serve as liaison between the Convention Programming Committee and Convention Host Committee;
  1. assist in the preparation of and review the convention budget.

Section 4

The Parliamentarian shall serve as adviser on parliamentary procedure upon request.

Section 5

There may be additional appointed personnel as deemed necessary to carry on the work of the LWML. The Board of Directors authorizing the appointed personnel shall determine the authority and responsibility of the appointed personnel.

Article X—Board of Directors

Section 1

The Board of Directors shall be composed of the elected officers. The Pastoral Counselors and the appointed officers shall be advisory members.

Section 2

  1. The Board of Directors shall meet annually and at the call of the President. The Board of Directors may take action by mail, by telephone, or electronic messaging.
  2. Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by request of five (5) voting members of the board.
  3. Five (5) voting members shall constitute a quorum of the Board of Directors.

Section 3

The Board of Directors shall:

  1. transact business between LWML conventions;
  2. approve the budget of the LWML;
  3. evaluate, promote, and coordinate the activities of the LWML in relation to its object, initiating programs to meet the needs of the membership that includes strategy, goals, and measurable objectives;
  4. present to the Presidents Assembly for consideration and approval all programs/activities requiring financial support from the districts;
  5. along with the Presidents Assembly, fill any permanent vacancy occurring in the office of President;
  6. along with the Presidents Assembly, select a maximum of six (6) nominees for Pastoral Counselor from the list of possible nominees submitted by the Nominating Committee;
  7. approve and present to the Presidents Assembly for their consideration and approval proposed mission grants for the convention ballot as recommended by the Mission Grants Selection Committee;
  8. determine and present to the Presidents Assembly the proposed mission goal for convention;
  9. determine and present to the Presidents Assembly proposed convention offering recipients for approval;
  10. present to the Presidents Assembly proposed bylaw amendments for convention;
  11. approve convention site as outlined in the Procedures Manual;
  12. carry out the business of the LWML approved in convention;
  13. consider and approve changes that occur in mission grant plans after the recipients have been selected in convention;
  14. consider and approve changes that occur in plans of convention offering recipients;
  15. plan and supervise the program of the convention and approve the convention budget;
  16. approve appointed officers, committee members, and appointed personnel;
  17. fill vacancies occurring in elective office, except the office of LWML President;
  18. consider and approve the job descriptions of and employ the LWML Office staff;
  19. approve the amounts of bonds of those who are authorized to receive or disburse funds;
  20. approve financial institutions for deposit of funds;
  21. approve and implement the investment decisions of the LWML;
  22. approve and implement policies of the LWML;
  23. approve the Procedures Manual and any updates;
  24. determine the subscription rate of the official publication;
  25. arrange for insurance coverage for the benefit of the organization;
  26. receive and take appropriate action on applications for partner status from women’s organizations of church bodies that are in partnership with the LCMS.

Article XI—Presidents Assembly

Section 1

  1. The Presidents Assembly shall be composed of the LWML President and the district presidents. The other members of the Board of Directors shall be advisory members, attending at the request of the President.
  2. When a district president is unable to attend a Presidents Assembly meeting or a convention, any elected district officer from that district shall be substituted to attend as the district’s representative and shall have voice and vote. Notice of the substitute’s name and address shall be given to the LWML President.

Section 2

  1. Regular meetings of the Presidents Assembly shall be held annually.
  2. A preconvention meeting shall be held in the convention city.
  3. Special meetings of the Presidents Assembly may be called by request of nine (9) district presidents. Time and place for holding such meetings shall be determined by the President with the approval of the Board of Directors.
  4. Action may be taken by mail, by telephone, or by electronic messaging.

Section 3

Representation consisting of district presidents from a majority of LWML districts shall constitute a quorum.

Section 4

The Presidents Assembly shall:

  1. evaluate, promote, and coordinate the activities of the LWML in relation to its object, initiating programs to meet the needs of the membership that includes strategy, goals, and measurable objectives;
  2. consider and approve programs/activities that require financial support from the districts;
  3. consider and approve proposed bylaw amendments before presentation to the convention;
  4. consider and approve the mission goal for presentation to the convention voting body for consideration and adoption;
  5. consider and approve proposed mission grants for the convention ballot;
  6. consider and approve recipients of convention offerings;
  7. along with the voting members of the Board of Directors, fill any permanent vacancy occurring in the office of President;
  8. along with the voting members of the Board of Directors, select a maximum of six (6) nominees for Pastoral Counselor from the list of possible nominees submitted by the Nominating Committee;
  9. consider and ratify the membership of new or reorganized LWML districts;
  10. approve partner status with women’s organizations of church bodies in partner relationship with the LCMS.


Section 1

The Pastoral Counselors shall be two (2) pastors of the LCMS who are serving in the parish ministry and have served as district pastoral counselors. They shall serve a term of four (4) years and be ineligible for reelection. One (1) counselor shall be elected at each convention. A newly elected counselor shall assume his duties at the close of the convention in which he is elected.

Section 2

The Nominating Committee shall:

  1. obtain nominations for pastoral counselors from LWML district presidents by October 31 in the odd-numbered years;
  2. submit names of these nominees to the LCMS President for review;
  3. submit names of approved nominees to the Presidents Assembly, who shall select six (6), if possible, by plurality vote;
  4. obtain the written consent of the nominees to serve if elected;
  5. select two (2) candidates from the six (6) selected nominees.

Section 3

Pastoral Counselors shall:

  1. serve the LWML in an advisory capacity;
  2. serve as spiritual leaders to the officers and members of LWML;
  3. prepare devotions and worship services as requested;
  4. serve as doctrinal advisers to committees as assigned by the President;
  5. attend LWML conventions and meetings of the Board of Directors and the Presidents Assembly as advisory members;
  6. perform other duties as set forth in the Procedures Manual, and as requested by the President.


Section 1

Departmental committees shall be appointed to carry out the object of the LWML. The departments shall include Christian Life, Communication, Gospel Outreach, Organizational Resources, and Special Focus Ministries, with a Vice President serving as coordinator of each department. The coordinator shall be an ex officio member of the committees in the department. The purpose and duties of each committee shall be set forth in the Procedures Manual.

Section 2

Departmental committees shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the Board of Directors.

Section 3

Departmental committee members shall serve a term of two (2) years or until their successors are appointed, and shall be eligible for one (1) reappointment. Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the Board of Directors if special expertise is required.

Section 4

The President shall assign a Pastoral Counselor to each committee.

Section 5

Departmental committee chairmen shall have voice and vote at convention.

Section 6

  1. At least one (1) Interdepartmental Meeting shall be held during a biennium.
  2. Department meetings may be called by the coordinator. Approval of the President is required if meeting expenses may be incurred.
  3. Committee meetings may be called by the chairman. Approval of the President is required if meeting expenses may be incurred.


Section 1

The Special Committees shall be Finance and Operations and Mission Grants Selection.

Section 2

The Finance and Operations Committee, consisting of the Treasurer as chairman and three (3) or more additional members, with a Pastoral Counselor as adviser, shall:

  1. review and evaluate the financial practices of the organization;
  2. review and recommend the proposed organizational budgets;
  3. review and recommend the proposed convention budget as prepared by the Convention Manager;
  4. prepare job descriptions for the LWML Office staff for approval by the Board of Directors.

Section 3

The Mission Grants Selection Committee shall select the mission grant proposals, which will appear on the convention ballot subsequent to approval by the Board of Directors and the Presidents Assembly. This committee will consist of the Vice President of Gospel Outreach as chairman, at least two (2) committee members as outlined in the Procedures Manual, the two Pastoral Counselors, and the President.

Section 4

There may be additional committees as the Board of Directors, Presidents Assembly, or the convention deem necessary to carry on the work of the LWML. The assembly authorizing the committee shall determine the authority and responsibility of the committee.


Section 1

The official publication of the LWML shall be edited and produced by the Publications Committee.

Section 2

The purpose of the official publication shall be to:

  1. promote the object of the LWML;
  2. provide information about the programs and activities of the LWML;
  3. provide topics for study and discussion.

Section 3

The Publications Committee shall have editorial privileges.

Section 4

The subscription rate shall be determined by the Board of Directors.


The LWML Office staff shall be employed by the LWML and be responsible to the President. Job descriptions for the office staff shall be prepared by the Finance and Operations Committee for approval by the Board of Directors.


Section 1

  1. Mission grant proposals may be submitted by LWML members, groups, zones, districts, and LCMS Offices.
  2. Proposals for all mission grants shall be submitted to the Vice President of Gospel Outreach by September 1 in the even-numbered years.
  3. Proposals for all mission grants, except those submitted by LCMS Offices, shall:
  1. have the approval of the LWML President of the district in which the submitter resides;
  2. have the approval of the President of the LCMS district in which the proposed grant recipient is located and, for international grants, require the review of the LCMS Chief Mission Officer.

Section 2

  1. The Vice President of Gospel Outreach shall present the mission grant proposals to the President of the LCMS or his representative and to the LCMS Chief Mission Officer and executive directors of LCMS Offices for evaluation.
  1. After consultation with LCMS International Center staff, the Mission Grants Selection Committee shall select the mission grant proposals which will appear on the convention ballot subsequent to approval by the Board of Directors and the Presidents Assembly.

Section 3

  1. Funds voted for a mission grant must be disbursed or put into use within two (2) fiscal biennia—the biennium in which they were voted upon and the one following—or be reallocated. The convention may extend the time for one (1) biennium in case of extenuating circumstances.
  2. In the event that changes in mission grant plans occur after the recipients have been selected in convention, the Board of Directors shall be authorized to approve the amended grant or reallocate the funds.


Section 1

Miscellaneous resolutions and appeals by groups, zones, or districts, other than for mission grants, may be presented to a convention upon approval by the Board of Directors. Such resolutions shall be sent to the LWML President by January 1 of the convention year.

Section 2

Resolutions not received in the prescribed time may, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board of Directors, be presented to the convention for consideration.


Section 1

  1. Mite offerings shall be gathered using Mite Boxes or other means.
  2. Mite offerings shall be remitted to the designated district financial officer.
  3. The district financial officer shall remit twenty-five (25) percent or more of the mite offerings to the LWML at least quarterly for funding mission grants and administration of the LWML.
  4. The district shall retain seventy-five (75) percent or less of the mite offerings in its treasury for funding district mission grants and administration of the district LWML.

Section 2

Expenses of meetings of the Board of Directors, Presidents Assembly, and departments, and other routine administration expenses incurred in the management of the LWML shall be paid from the LWML treasury.

Section 3

  1. The financial records shall be kept in accordance with GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) standards.
  1. An audit of the financial statements shall be conducted by a certified public accountant at the end of each biennium.


The fiscal biennium of the LWML shall be from July 1 to June 30 inclusive. The LWML shall adhere to these dates in closing its books.


In the event of any great emergency such as war, epidemic, disaster, or other prevailing conditions making the holding of a convention inadvisable, the Board of Directors shall have the authority to determine whether the convention shall or shall not be held; a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board of Directors shall decide, and vote may be taken by mail or electronic messaging. In the event the convention is not held, the Board of Directors shall have the authority to plan procedure for conducting the routine convention business.


The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the proceedings of the LWML in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the LWML Bylaws, applicable law, or Christian principles.


These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote at the convention. The proposed amendments shall have been presented for approval to the Board of Directors and the Presidents Assembly and published in the official publication in an issue previous to the convention or in a mailing to the delegates postmarked no later than forty-five (45) days prior to the convention. By unanimous vote a proposed amendment may be presented to the convention without prior notice. A three-fourths (3⁄4) vote shall be required for adoption.

Adopted July 1999
Amended July 2001
Amended June 2007
Amended June 2009
Amended June 2011
Amended June 2013
Amended June 2015
Amended June 2017
Amended June 2019
Amended June 2021
Amended June 2023

Standing Rules

  1. Since the English and SELC Districts operate within structures different from other districts, it is permissible for the English and SELC Districts to continue with zone grants.
  2. The offering received at the convention Communion Service shall be designated as a contribution to the mission goal of the LWML.
  3. The LWML shall have a Procedures Manual that is maintained by the Vice President of Organizational Resources and reviewed each biennium. The Manual shall include guidelines and policies pertaining to the administration of the LWML through its officers and committees.
  4. The LWML shall hold its biennial convention on a rotation basis of four (4) geographical regions.
  5. If there is a tie vote for the last chosen grant at a convention, the tie shall be broken by the voting assembly of the convention.
  6. The LWML shall have a mission statement and related goals and objectives. These goals and objectives shall be frequently measured and evaluated.
  7. The meeting to remove any officer from office shall be a closed meeting (see Article V, Section 4).

View a printable PDF of this article, LWML Bylaws (updated June 2023)


Related Resources

LWML Procedures Manual