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Update on Healthy Families

2015–2017 Mission Grant: Healthy Families — Lutheran Family Services of Nebraska, $60,000 fully paid


The grant funds so graciously provided to the Centers for Healthy Families will help ensure that free programs such as the successful Nurturing Parenting Program® will continue to be offered to assist at-risk parents and caregivers of children under five. 

One young single mother has shared her personal story of the love, care and support she received from the staff.  She has gained confidence in her ability to fulfil her role as a positive, capable mother to her young son and continues to utilize the various programs available.  Her words of witness to all are “I am so thankful for all the resources that have been provided to me by these wonderful programs, and for the support of the staff who are such amazing people I am so blessed to know.”  

Thanks be to God, the centers can continue to share the love of Christ through interactions with the participants. 

For more information about this mission grant, view the individual mission grant page here.

Update on Providing Hope For Detroit

2015–2017 Mission Grant: Providing Hope for Detroit — Acts 2 Enterprise, $100,000 fully paid


Acts 2 Enterprise (A2E) is an ongoing ministry that impacts the lives of people in Detroit daily. A2E provides a variety of outreach ministries as part of its overall outreach, each designed to impact residents of the city whom are served through A2E. Among the many aspects of outreach, two that were prominent during the past few months were the Urban Institute hosted by A2E Director Rev. Christopher Bodley, and the three A2E Sports Camps/VBS programs that were held. The Urban Institute is a multi-day conference designed to build and equip other leaders to serve the city of Detroit and other urban centers; while the Sports Camp/VBS program, a total of three week-long camps, involves several hundred children by teaching various sports skills, while providing a Vacation Bible School atmosphere to teach them about Jesus.

The Good News is shared through every component of A2E by either Pastor Bodley directly, or by one of the many volunteers (Urban Missionaries) who serve alongside of him. This practice applies to both children and adult outreach ministries. In September, the Urban Institute hosted over 50 attendees who learned under the theme “Transformed to Transform”. As People of Hope, they are thankful to have been chosen by God to be transformed by His grace. Attendees focused on the Biblical principles of spiritual formation, the process of transformation, and how they become catalysts of transformation in their spheres of influence.

View the PDF.

For more information about this mission grant, view the individual mission grant page here.

Update on Clean Water and Evangelism Ministry

2015–2017 Mission Grant: Clean Water and Evangelism Ministry — MOST Ministries, $50,000 fully paid


A grant of $50,000 was awarded to Mission Opportunities Short Term (MOST) Ministries at the 2015 LWML Convention. As of now, $25,000 has been disbursed making it possible for them to send out teams to help others with their physical need of receiving clean water.

In response to the great need for clean water in the third world countries, MOST Ministries purchased 250 water filters that were used in Nicaragua, Guatemala, and Africa. The Clean Water and Evangelism Grant enabled them to provide:

  • sustainable clean drinking water for 400 people (50 filters),

  • health, hygiene, and nutrition education workshops for entire communities,

  • nullA Nicaraguan family very thankful for their clean water.

    Oral Rehydration Spoons for 50 families, which allow mothers to follow simple Spanish instructions on the double-sided measuring spoon and create a hydrating drink from ingredients they already have,

  • water filters for 95 hosts in these countries to keep them healthy so they can continue to evangelize to their communities. These filters are also shared with local families,

  • Bible-based curriculum to share the Gospel for entire communities,

  • increased credibility as the church is seen as truly caring for both the physical needs in addition to preaching the Gospel, and

  • nullPictured is Sandy Hardies, former LWML EC member, in Nicaragua working with MOST Ministries.
  • 105 Sawyer Water Filters to be used for the first quarter of 2017.

The grant money has allowed the mission team to work with several local pastors who live and work in the La Cartonera and Maranonal communities. Sharing the love of Jesus is always the end goal and remains the reason for MOST Ministries to do what they do. MOST Ministries is thankful for the LWML’s support and prayers.

View the PDF.

For more information about this mission grant, view the individual mission grant page here.

Check Presentation to the LCMS

2015–2017 Mission Grants: LCMS Young Adult Corps (formerly LCMS Youth Corps) — Scholarships for Lutheran Mercy Young Adult Corps, $25,000 fully paid and Renovation of JEM Seminary Buildings — Nigeria, $120,000 fully paid

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President Patti and VP of Gospel Outreach Shelley attended chapel at the LCMS International Center and presented checks for Young Adult Corps and Renovation of JEM Seminary Buildings — Nigeria,  fully funding grants #17 and #4.

nullFor more information about this mission grant,
view the individual mission grant page here.
nullFor more information about this mission grant,
view the individual mission grant page here.

More News from Redeeming Life Maternity Home

2015–2017 Mission Grant: Redeeming Life Maternity Home — Sanford, Florida, $100,000 fully paid


The LWML grant made it possible for us …

… to provide safe shelter to at risk pregnant women and their babies. Our residents also received life skills classes and mental health counseling to improve their ability to care for their children.

The  grant was used to cover housing expenses including mortgage costs, food, utilities, resident counseling, and supplies for mothers and babies.

Danielle's Story

Danielle came to Redeeming Life completely homeless and abandoned by her boyfriend. While here, she was able to get employment, save enough money to purchase a small car, and begin putting her life back together. Danielle was confirmed in the faith and her dear baby was baptized.

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Sharing the Good News!

Many of our residents feel unlovable and rejected. We minister to them and help them see how very valuable they are to God. By helping us meet their physical needs, we have an opportunity to share the lifesaving Gospel, and whenever possible, witness the Holy Baptism of their children.

— Redeeming Life Outreach Ministries


For more information about this mission grant, view the individual mission grant page here.

Video from Redeeming Life Maternity Home

2015–2017 Mission Grant: Redeeming Life Maternity Home — Sanford, Florida, $100,000 fully paid

Watch this video from Redeeming Life Maternity Home, and hear one resident's story.

For more information about this mission grant, view the individual mission grant page here.

LCMS Disaster Response — Perryville, MO

2015–2017 Mission Grant: Disaster Response Trailers — LCMS Disaster Response, $80,000 fully paid

LCMS Disaster Response on the scene with volunteers in Perryville, MO, making use of a Disaster Response Trailer that was made possible through an LWML Mission Grant.

For more information about this mission grant, view the individual mission grant page here.


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