2015–2017 Mission Grant: Rosa Young Academies — Rosa Young Projects Initiative, $25,000 fully paid

A $25,000 grant was given to LCMS Black Ministry in the Office of National Mission for the purpose of helping to lay the groundwork for the Rosa J. Young Academies project.
Rosa’s love for Christ our Savior and the confessional teachings of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod created a lasting legacy. Many of her students went on to serve nobly in secular professions, and many more became pastors and teachers. Her story is timeless and useful. It offers hope in adversity for rural and inter-city mission work today.
The legacy of Rosa J. Young has become the inspiration for educating a new generation. The Rosa J. Young Academies and After School Programs have the goal of re-establishing Lutheran Christian education in districts where there are large African American and immigrant populations.
The grant monies were used to prepare the Rosa J. Young Academies process for the completion of many stages before the opening of the first school in August 2018. Dr. Douglas P. Thaman, Ed.D, Executive Director, Missouri Charter Public School Association has been contracted as service provider of the process. Presently, they are working with goals in process as well as long term goals. Some of these include feasibility study/research, drafting a business and operating plan, establishing a 501c3 organization and governing body, coordinating and partnering with other entities to draft a management and curriculum plan, and drafting a charter school application.
Along with more fundraising, much still needs to be accomplished before the target opening of the 1st school in August of 2018. Rosa J. Young felt education was important, but a Christian education was better. Thanks be to God that we of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League are given the opportunity to help fund this worthwhile mission grant with our prayers and mite offerings.
For more information about this mission grant, view the individual mission grant page here.