2015–2017 Mission Grant: Disaster Response Trailers — LCMS Disaster Response, $80,000 fully paid

Since receiving the grant money from the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML), The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) has been able to grant 26 Disaster Response Trailer Grants spread throughout 21 districts! Each participating organization provided one-third of the funding toward the purchase of a trailer stocked with disaster response equipment and supplies. The $80,000 received from the LWML has multiplied into nearly $270,000 for equipment.
Presently, trailers are being made and the tools are being shipped to the receiving organizations. These organizations have promised to maintain the equipment and use them: generally in Mercy work throughout the year and specifically for Disaster Response when the need arises. LCMS Disaster Response provides a ministry of presence before, during, and after a disaster giving the volunteers a better position to speak the comforting truths of the Gospel to the individuals and families affected. This grant is helping to build our partners’ capacity to respond with Christian care to needs within the church and throughout our communities.
Additionally, while the intent of this equipment is for use in disaster response, it can certainly be used at other times. Disaster volunteers are encouraged to maintain their training in “down times’ by putting their equipment and training to good use, aiding those in their congregation and community who need assistance with maintaining their homes. In this way, they are provided with additional opportunities to act and speak of the love of Christ which motivates them in their love for others.
It is, indeed, a blessing to support this worthwhile grant with our mite offerings and continued prayers.
For more information about this mission grant, view the individual mission grant page here.