2015โ2017 Mission Grant: Cancer Care Packages โ Phil's Friends, $50,000 fully paid

Thank you from Phil's Friends, a 2015โ2017 LWML Mission Grant recipient, for the $50,000 grant to finance the cost of the care packages, which provide Christ-centered support and hope, for cancer patients across the nation.
"Thank you for saying YES and bringing hope to cancer patients through Phil's Friends in 2016. Your generosity allowed cancer patients to receive support and encouragement from someone who understands the journey. Your YES sent out comforting care packages, weekly cards of encouragement and met patients in a fight for life inside the hospital. Most importantly your YES let patients know they are not alone and loved by God."
"Here are a few highlights:ย
- Sent nearly half a million cards to cancer patients
- Sent nearly 500 care packages a month
- Engaged 7,000 volunteers of all ages at the Hope Center in Illinois
- Expanded to three floors at Northwestern Hospital
- Started hospital program at Rush University Medical Center
- Partnered with DePaul University Master's in Nursing Program
- Established a formal hospital training program for volunteers"
For more information about this mission grant,ย view the individual mission grant page here.