2015–2017 Mission Grant: Redeeming Life Maternity Home — Sanford, Florida, $100,000 fully paid

The LWML grant made it possible for us …
… to provide safe shelter to at risk pregnant women and their babies. Our residents also received life skills classes and mental health counseling to improve their ability to care for their children.
The grant was used to cover housing expenses including mortgage costs, food, utilities, resident counseling, and supplies for mothers and babies.
Danielle's Story
Danielle came to Redeeming Life completely homeless and abandoned by her boyfriend. While here, she was able to get employment, save enough money to purchase a small car, and begin putting her life back together. Danielle was confirmed in the faith and her dear baby was baptized.

Sharing the Good News!
Many of our residents feel unlovable and rejected. We minister to them and help them see how very valuable they are to God. By helping us meet their physical needs, we have an opportunity to share the lifesaving Gospel, and whenever possible, witness the Holy Baptism of their children.
— Redeeming Life Outreach Ministries
For more information about this mission grant, view the individual mission grant page here.