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Candlemas: The Middle of Winter
Most of us mark February 2 as the day we jokingly put our trust in a little ground hog (Ground Hog Day). In jest, we call upon this furry little fellow to predict our winter fate, and like many other things that we might falsely rely on, the ground hog certainly cannot be trusted. While we know Ground Hog Day will come and go without any real hope concerning the arrival of spring, we do have a Savior whose light and promise of new life in Him is always certain.
This second day of February, situated right in the middle of winter, is also celebrated by many Christians as “Candlemas.” Candlemas is 40 days after Christmas and marks the Feast of the Purification of Mary and the Feast of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple. It is in the second chapter of Luke that we hear how Mary presented herself and the Christ child in the Temple according to the Law of Moses. Luke also presents to us these certain words of salvation in Christ Jesus proclaimed by faithful Simeon:
Lord, now you are letting your servant depart in peace,
according to your word;
for my eyes have seen your salvation
that you have prepared in the presence of all peoples,
a light for revelation to the Gentiles,
and for glory to your people Israel (Luke 2:29–32).
Historically, Candlemas is also the day that the candles of the church are blessed. Candles give us light and remind us of Christ our Savior. Through the Word of God, we are given the gift of the Holy Spirit who creates faith in our hearts to believe in Christ and proclaim Him as our true source of light and salvation. This same Holy Spirit was upon Simeon as he proclaimed Jesus as the Messiah there in the Temple.
We never really know what that groundhog will do as February 2nd rolls around. However, when Candlemas comes, we hear and can be certain of Simeon's proclamation. This day, positioned right in middle of winter and spring, shines the light of hope, a hope that truly breaks the cold darkness of our sin and false winter hopes. Candlemas brings us a true and trustworthy proclamation of what is and what is to come. Only Christ Jesus breaks the darkness of sin and uncertainty and shines His everlasting light of salvation for all people!
Prayer: Dear Father in Heaven, you reveal to us Your light found in Mary’s Child. Thank you for sending this Light of salvation for all people. May Simeon’s proclamation also be ours as we fully put our trust and hope only in Jesus. Amen.
The Middle of Winter by Patti Miller, St. Louis, Missouri
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