Laura Esterly was a recipient of one of the scholarships provided through MOST Ministries because of the 2021–2023 LWML Mission Grant #18: Ends of the Earth Scholarship. The following story is in her own words.
“I traveled with a team to Kolkata, India on an eyeglass mission trip. 750 people came to receive glasses during the clinics, all of whom heard the gospel preached, many for the first time. Imagine the potential this has to reach the rest of India! An older gentleman who came hobbling in, with the help of two men, was so happy to see clearly after he received his glasses, that he came back through to thank everyone at each station.
During the trip, I was impressed by the ingenuity of the local men who managed to build make-shift tents using bamboo as supports so that everyone could be in the shade for a long day of working and waiting. On another occasion, we were inside the local school building, it wasn't adequately lit for eye tests, and within a matter of minutes extra lights were added.
The Indian people are an inspiration and so easy to love. I am grateful for the opportunity to have worshipped and served with our brothers and sisters in Christ in India.”
“Thank you for helping to make this mission trip possible.”

For more information about this mission grant, view the individual mission grant page here.