2021–2023 LWML Mission Grant #13 Gospel Outreach to Women and Children in Mongolia, Lutheran Hour Ministries — $100,000

Gospel Outreach to Women and Children in Mongolia
By Lois Engfehr with Eden Keefe, Mission Editor
A generous grant from the LWML — Lutheran Women in Mission — has given Lutheran Hour Ministries (LHM) the opportunity to proclaim the Gospel in a region that is, at best, limited when it comes to hearing the message of hope and the love of Jesus. Mongolia is a country that is slightly more than one percent Christian. In a region of extreme hardships and challenges, minority groups live on the fringes of society. Through the grace of God, for the very first time, the message of hope in Jesus Christ is being shared with these people.
Traditionally, the people are nomadic and have little opportunity to hear the Gospel. Due to the economic situation, unemployment, alcoholism, and general religious apathy among the male population, women, especially, face many challenges. Historically, women’s roles in society are difficult because of prejudice, lack of education, language barriers, and other issues. Fortunately, the current political climate in Mongolia provides Lutheran Hour Ministries an opportunity to expand their ministry in the region.

LHM has seen an openness among women to hear and respond to the Gospel. They meet monthly in Women’s Listener Groups to study the Bible, pray, create handicrafts, and share their faith. In these groups, they receive Christian booklets, Bible studies, radios, and MP3 players which have the Bible installed. They hear Lutheran Hour Ministries’ Christian radio programs while they fellowship together. With these resources, the women learn about the Christian faith and teach it to their children. Women’s Listener Groups and radio programs are growing, and thousands of women are being reached. Praise God!
One woman who participated in a Women’s Listener Bible study shared her experience. As the group was studying John 1:1–14 and Genesis 1–2, she learned why people must die and why God sent His Only Son, Jesus. By sharing her faith with the other women, she planted the seed for many to want to go to church.
Lutheran Hour Ministries is very grateful to the LWML for this mission grant in Mongolia. In private phone conversations, small group women’s Bible studies, youth events, religious broadcasts, audio Bibles, discipleship materials in the local language, and through outreach technology, the Word of God is being shared in their language. This mission grant has enabled LHM to share the Good News, directly reaching people from non-Christian faith backgrounds who may have never heard about the hope and love of Jesus. A very special “Thank You” goes to Lutheran Women in Mission for spreading the Gospel to people who are in desperate need of hearing this saving message!
Lois Engfehr is the Director of Grants and Foundation Relations for Lutheran Hour Ministries.
This story was originally featured in the Winter 2023 Lutheran Woman's Quarterly. Order your subscription here.
For more information about this mission grant, view the individual mission grant page here.