Mission Grant #15 “Pre- and Post-Seminary Training for Local Church Workers” $62,650 fully funded
God’s Perfect Timing for Pre- and Post-Seminary Training in Africa
But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed … to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus (2 Timothy 3:14–15).

God's timing is always perfect and you, as God’s Gracious Givers, were part of His plan. In early November 2020, the first wave of the coronavirus had come through, and many African countries were beginning to relax some constraints and allow churches to gather again. This is when the 2019–2021 LWML Mission Grant #15 was paid in full — $62,650.
Project Manager, LCMS Missionary John Wolf, Africa Region, writes: “The grant offers the opportunities to strengthen pastors and evangelists in villages across Africa to better shepherd the congregations and communities God has entrusted into their care. In one particular country, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), a church body desired to bring their pastors together for theological training and to encourage church members in their response to the COVID situation in their country. This church, the Evangelical Lutheran Community in Eastern Congo (ELCEC), had just requested assistance, and through the LWML grant, we were able to help.
“Located in the eastern DRC where French and Swahili are commonly spoken, the ELCEC has about 6,200 members who are supported by only 12 pastors and eight evangelists, not all of whom received formal theological training before beginning service within the church. Through this grant, 20 individuals received two weeks of training on pastoral care, Luther's small catechism, liturgy, and theology to be better equipped to ensure quality teachings in a spiritual framework to their congregations.
In December 2020, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Kenya (ELCK) requested pre-seminary training for lay leaders who often lead worship due to the shortage of pastors. “Through the gift from the LWML, we are able to support the ELCK for their Mission Training Center program, which helps cover transportation and meals, plus the provision of training material.”
“Your support came at just the right time, as many in Africa struggle with the economic impacts and school absences that resulted from COVID-19. However, people are encouraged when they learn from a pastor or other church worker about the love of God and forgiveness through Christ. Through the efforts of the LWML and the mite offerings contributed, God's hand is already at work to bring even more people unto Himself. [We are deeply grateful] for the gift of support to equip pastors and evangelists to share the Gospel with so many on this continent who need to hear about their salvation through Christ.”
For more information about this mission grant, view the individual mission grant page here.