Mission Grant #4 “God's Grace for This Generation — LAMP Ministry Inc.” $100,000 fully funded

Led by the Spirit, you gave, and your grant to LAMP Ministry Inc. for its cross-cultural ministry in remote areas of northern Canada has been hard at work. Here are a few examples illustrating how the love of Jesus is shared in the North.
Inspired by the Spirit, Roger and Pam Heiden have been serving with LAMP for 18 years. When they recently arrived in South Indian Lake, they were told a young mother had miscarried and asked Pam to share Scripture readings and prayer at the baby’s funeral. Pam writes, “We prayed that God would give me the words to share at this tragic time. Having taught this young mother in Vacation Bible School, now I was asked to give her peace at the loss of her child. It is such a privilege to share God’s love and hope with our family at South Indian Lake.”
David Schneeberger recently wrote: “On our sixth winter trip to the community of Shamattawa, we were able to get into ten classrooms to tell the Easter story, sing songs, hand out Easter storybooks, cross necklaces, bookmarks, and knitted hats. We also held a social event for the school staff and administration.”
Filled with the Spirit, those in the remote Ontario communities hear God’s precious Word and believe! LAMP’s staff and volunteer missionaries truly appreciate the prayers and financial support of LWML donors generously given to impact lives with the love of Christ.
For more information about this mission grant, view the individual mission grant page here.