Mission Grant #17 “Christ for You, Anytime, Anywhere — KFUO Radio” $60,000 fully funded

Inspired to share His Gospel, Lutheran Women in Mission has partnered with KFUO Radio to expand its Gospel Outreach Ministry.
At the LWML 2019 National Convention in Mobile, Alabama, KFUO was awarded a mission grant of $60,000 with the purpose of improving KFUO’s current equipment and acquiring the latest technology. New technology will help increase listenership and bring the Gospel to more people around the world. This grant was PAID IN FULL in the Fall of 2020.
Upon receiving the grant, KFUO set into motion its first technology improvement project: creating a new KFUO app. This app will help KFUO’s listeners in a variety of ways.

Reaching the Younger Generation: Each new generation incorporates more and more technology in their daily routines. The new KFUO app will make God’s Word and faithful teaching more accessible to its listeners, hopefully creating a daily habit for all generations, but especially those in high school and college.
Supporting Our Military Men and Women: The new KFUO app makes the station’s Christ-centered programs accessible to people who are always on the move, including our military. Having the KFUO app on their smartphone means no need for a computer to bring great Bible teaching, sacred music, and Lutheran worship services to listeners. They will have access to God’s Word wherever their journey takes them. The app includes a feature called “Connected Car,” which enables traveling listeners to easily enjoy the KFUO live stream and on-demand programs in their car.
Helping Our Missionaries: Having the KFUO app means being able to hear the station’s programs in a simple and accessible way. They also can share KFUO with others.
Making the Gospel Accessible to the Homebound: The KFUO app on a mobile device or tablet makes live and on-demand programs accessible for the homebound. Having the app on these smart device means having Christ-centered programming at hand, even if their mobility is limited.

LWML President Debbie Larson (in Colorado) is “handing” the check to KFUO’s Andy Bates and Sarah Gulseth, hosts of “The Coffee Hour” (in St. Louis).
KFUO Radio broadcasts a variety of Christ-centered programing to people all around the world, including Bible studies, daily devotions, sacred music, apologetics, and more. “KFUO’s listenership has increased greatly since the beginning of COVID-19,” stated Gary Duncan, Executive Director of KFUO. “People want to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ now, more than ever. We are thankful for LWML and their generous grant, allowing us to stay current in this digital age.”
For more information about this mission grant, view the individual mission grant page here.