Lutheran Woman's Quarterly
Editor's Note

My daughter, Tirza, is what I term a “kid magnet.” At family gatherings, the little ones gravitate to her — no matter how often they’ve seen her (we live two states away from most of my family). At one family Christmas gathering, my nephew’s three-year-old daughter sat on Tirza’s lap, loving the time with the “big girl.” She decided that she should get to play cards like the “big people” in the other room. The toddler’s mother and I sat down to watch her deal the cards — her way. We asked, “What are the rules to this game?”
Easily and simply, little Peyton pointed and said, “Her and I win,” (meaning herself and my daughter). Then she pointed at her mother and me, “You two lose.”
That Christmas memory was a gift that, years later, still makes me smile. Simple rules — no extra effort — just deal the cards, and the outcome is certain.
For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast (Ephesians 2:8–9).
God granted us a gift with an equally certain outcome. The gift is awesome and simple: We’re saved by grace. No extra effort can help us win salvation. We win, because God says so. Satan loses. There’s no sleight of hand, no extra knowledge needed, and no expert gamesmanship which helps the outcome become any better. We are saved by grace through the faith God placed in us.
One blessed night, His star shone down to light the way. It led to our amazing Gift — so amazing, we, like the shepherds and the women in this issue, still have to go and share the story. He still shines on us and still is gracious to us … and we are still smiling at the Gift.
Sheila Lutz, Editor-in-Chief
3 | Signed … Sealed … Delivered. I'm Yours! — Devotion
8 | Love Knows No Borders
| 2023 Prayer Service Information
| 2023 Convention Information and Registration insert is found on the 2023 Convention webpage.
| Editor’s Note
2 | President’s Page — Call to Convention
23 | Shop LWML
28 | 2021–2023 Mission Grant Update and Mission Grant Highlights
29 | Grants at Work: Feeding Both Body and Soul in Lima, Peru or read it online here.
available to download and print
15 | Dilemmas and Decisions — Bible Study
Dilemmas and Decisions — Leader Guide
16 | Transforming Faith: A Gift from a Faithful God — Leader Guide
18 | Covered by God’s Grace — Leader Guide
20 | Cubiertos Por La Gracia De Dios — Bible Study
Cubiertos Por La Gracia De Dios — Leader Guide
We need your stories! Future Quarterly Themes
Share your stories with us at
SUMMER 2023: Proclaiming Christ
What does proclaiming Christ look like?
(Submit by January 1, 2023)
Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the peoples! (Psalm 96:3).
FALL 2023: Supporting Missions
How can missions be a family affair?
(Submit by April 1, 2023)
And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation” (Mark 16:15).