Lutheran Woman's Quarterly
Summer 2020 "Held by HIS Word"

Editor's Note
When the Quarterly staff met last fall, we chose the theme for the Summer 2020 issue: Held by His Word. As we received and wrote articles, we didn’t fully know what that would mean as this issue would be readied for print. But God knew! He provided: articles about helping others, His healing, and working behind the scenes to use different ways to tell others His story; devotions that teach us how to stay calm and use the Bible to pray and learn; mission stories of how we help others; and Bible studies to remind us that it is His Word in which we are held and anchored. He knew what we all would need to hear and how much we would need to be held in the weeks and months of a disease and dis-ease affecting our world.
Behind the scenes are our pastors, the men of God who may be using new ways of getting His Word to their congregations. Many may not have recorded or live streamed before, but now they are trying something new to reach people. They are working to find ways to keep Christians connected in the days of social distancing. Thank God for these men.
One pastor said God’s peace, when held in His Word, isn’t only when we have calm waters. We live it best when the waters are turbulent and His peace is in us. Another pastor shared that never before in history have so many people all over the world been focused on one thing. What will God do with this moment? He called it a divine moment.
What lessons will we learn as God holds us through the time of trial and recovery? May His Word hold you close, and the stories He’s given in this issue give you encouragement. Corona means “crown.” May we all focus on our King, lay any other crown at His feet, and know He holds us — at all times.
Sheila Lutz, Editor-in-Chief
1 Scripture Breathing
3 Held by God Through a Pandemic
4 Staci Geiger: Peace and Hope Found … Remaining in God’s Word
7 We Love Because He First Loved Us
9 I Love to Tell the Story: God Guides and Provides
10 Everyday Faith
11 Faith in the Family Prayer Walk
13 Look Behind the Scenes with New Eyes
In Every Issue
Editor's Note
2 Praying the Psalms
12 Special Focus Ministries
14 Grants@Work: Teaching Skills and Hope Through Christ or read it online here
15 Grants@Work: Mission Grants
24 Lutheran Women in Action
25 INK Spot
28 Shop LWML
29 President's Page: Held by God's Word
Bible Studies
available to download and print
16 Thy Word — Bible Study
16 Thy Word — Leader Guide
18 La Palabra de Dios
20 Held by HIS Word in Uncertain Times — Bible Study
20 Held by HIS Word in Uncertain Times — Leader Guide
22 Anchored in God's Word
Anchored in God's Word — Leader Guide