Lutheran Woman's Quarterly
Fall 2023 "Supporting Missions"
Editor's Note

It’s multiple choice time!
(Choose one or more answer.)
Define “mission." Mission is:
A. An important assignment carried out for religious purposes, typically involving travel.
B. The calling of a religious group, especially Christian ones, to go into the world and spread the Gospel.
C. An organization involved in a long-term assignment in a foreign country.
D. A strongly felt aim, ambition, or calling.
Where does your mind go when you hear, “You should go on a mission trip”?
A. It’s my job/assignment to share the Gospel. I’m ready for a fun expedition/journey.
B. That’s a lot of work/labor! It would be hard.
C. That’s the duty/business/calling of a Concordia grad.
D. That’s an ambition/goal/quest that I want to ponder and pursue.
E. My mission is at home.
How can I help with missions, even when I don’t like to/can’t travel elsewhere?
A. Try a mission trip — maybe a short one — and see.
B. Purchase items for others to take on the trip.
C. Pray daily for each mission and each grant supported by mites.
D. Encourage others at my church to go.
E. Write letters of encouragement to missionaries, those being served by a mission, or those being trained — or Zoom with them.
F. Connect your group — by support and communication — with a mission or missionary.
Read on to find some answers to the questions. Enjoy being in mission with God and supporting those who are in the mission field.
(By the way: there are no wrong answers, but not all answers are complete!)
Sheila Lutz, Editor-in-Chief
3 | Mission is God-Driven
| LWML Sunday
| Editor’s Note
1 | Praying the Psalms — Psalm 103
13 | 2023–2025 Mission Grants
14 | Grants at Work: Unshackled — Breaking the Hmong People’s Bondage or read it online here.
28 | Shop LWML
29 | President’s Page — Being Purposeful and Purpose-filled
available to download and print
18 | From Age to Age — Leader Guide
20 | Mission of Love — Bible Study
| Mission of Love — Leader Guide
22 | Sent, Go, Proclaim — Leader Guide
23 | Enviado, Ir, Proclamar — Bible Study
| Enviado, Ir, Proclamar — Leader Guide
We want to tell your story!
Share it with us at
Future Quarterly Themes:
Spring 2024: Serving Others
(Submit by October 1, 2023)
How does God gift me to serve?
As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace (1 Peter 4:10).
SUMMER 2024: Equipping Women
(Submit by January 1, 2024)
How does speaking the truth and working together help us grow?
Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love (Eph. 4:15–16).