
Handbook Resources

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Resources for Zones

A printable PDF can be found at the end of this article.


Check with the LCMS and the LWML district for speakers in the zone’s geographic area.


Resources are available online (many as free downloads) or from the LWML Catalog:

  • Bible studies;
  • devotions;
  • retreat programs with various themes;
  • leader training materials;
  • servant event suggestions;
  • mission service opportunities;
  • audio/video materials;
  • sketches and skits;
  • ethnic resources; 
  • PowerPoint presentations;
  • Guidelines for officers from A to V (“Archivist-Historian” to “Vice President” and everyone in between);
  • resources teaching planning and organizational skills; and
  • departmental newsletters, PowerPoint presentations, and articles.

The LWML Handbook offers many helps pertinent for zone leaders; check out the sections on meeting helps and resources.

The Planning Zone, available as a free, downloadable resource on the LWML website, is helpful for planning zone events.


View printable PDF of this article, Resources for Zones

Bylaws — Zones


Districts organize zones in different ways, and each zone should write basic bylaws that best describe its structure and method of transacting business. The person responsible for drafting the zone bylaws should study the district bylaws to determine the parameters set by the district. If help is needed, the Structure Committee Chairman should contact the district Structure Committee Chairman for guidance. Articles and sections on name, object, membership, representation at LWML conventions, and parliamentary authority must conform to LWML bylaws. Following are sample bylaws which zones may use as a guideline for writing zone bylaws. The sample is only a guideline for zones amending or revising their bylaws. If the zone combines some positions (such as Secretary-Treasurer) or assigns appointive positions to elected officers (such as assigning the Vice President the duties of Archivist-Historian), then the Structure Committee Chairman should combine the duties under the job description of one officer and eliminate unneeded sections from the following example.



Lutheran Women’s Missionary League
<district name> District <zone name> Zone Bylaws

The name of this organization shall be Lutheran Women’s Missionary League <district name> District <zone name> Zone (hereinafter referred to as <short name>). The <district name> District is a subordinate organization of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (hereinafter referred to as LWML).

The object of this organization shall be to:

  1. promote the LWML object: mission education, mission inspiration, mission service, and mission grants;
  2. support the programs of the district and the LWML;
  3. provide opportunities for spiritual growth and Christian fellowship among the women of the zone;
  4. provide opportunities for leader training; and
  5. provide representation at LWML conventions in accordance with LWML bylaws.


Section 1

  1. The zone shall be composed of LWML groups in congregations of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (hereinafter referred to as LCMS), on college campuses, in resident homes, or in other settings, and individual members within the geographic boundaries of the zone.
  2. If there is more than one (1) LWML group in a congregation or other setting, the groups in a single setting shall be considered one (1) unit for the purpose of representation at LWML conventions. (Districts may set their own guidelines for LWML group representation at district conventions.)

Section 2

An individual member:

  1. is not considered an LWML group or unit;
  2. is a woman communicant member of an LCMS congregation who is unable to be affiliated with the LWML group in her congregation for any reason or is a member of an LCMS congregation that does not have a group affiliated with LWML;
  3. may attend zone meetings and conventions;
  4. may have voice and vote at zone meetings (or not as determined by each zone); and
  5. may have voice and vote at district and LWML conventions only if she is a certified delegate.

Section 3

Application for both individual and LWML group membership is made to the LWML district as specified in the district bylaws.


Section 1

(This section on LWML district conventions must conform to district bylaws.)

Section 2

Zone representation at LWML conventions shall be as follows:

  1. One (1) certified delegate is sent from each zone having ten (10) or fewer units and one (1) certified delegate is sent for each additional ten (10) units or major fraction thereof as of January 1 preceding the convention. (Note: All LWML groups in one congregation or setting are considered as one member unit for the purpose of representation at LWML conventions.)
  2. Each certified delegate shall have a certified alternate if possible.
  3. The names of the delegates and the alternates shall be presented to the District President in accordance with the district bylaws for certification.
  4. In the event neither the delegate nor the alternate is able to serve, a member of this zone may serve as delegate upon certification in writing by the LWML District President and presentation to the LWML Recording Secretary.


Section 1

The elected officers shall be: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. (Other titles may be used for these positions, and if the zone has additional elected officers, they should be added here and in the following sentence.) The President and the Vice President shall be elected in (insert even or odd-numbered) years, and the Secretary and the Treasurer shall be elected in (insert even or odd-numbered) years. (Note: If it is considered desirable that the Vice President follow the President after her tenure as Vice President, then the two officers should be elected in the same year.)

Section 2

Officers shall be elected by ballot at the <season or month> rally to serve for a term of two (2) years or until their successors are elected, and shall be eligible for one (1) reelection. If there is only one (1) candidate per office, a voice vote may be taken. A majority vote shall elect.

Section 3

Newly-elected officers shall assume their duties at the close of the meeting in which they are elected (or insert date).

Section 4

Each officer shall keep notes and operational material pertinent to the responsibilities of the office and, with the exception of the Treasurer, transfer them to their successors within thirty (30) days following the election. The Treasurer shall transfer all records and materials pertaining to her office within sixty (60) days following the election.


(Check district bylaws for additional duties required by the district.)

Section 1

The President shall:

  1. preside at all zone rallies and other zone meetings and all meetings of the zone Executive Committee (hereinafter referred to as the EC);
  2. attend meetings of the district Board of Directors (hereinafter referred to as the Board) and have voice and vote (this paragraph must conform to district bylaws);
  3. serve as ex officio member of each committee except the Nominating Committee; and
  4. perform such other duties as the EC may prescribe.

Section 2

The Vice President may perform the duties of the office of President when requested to do so by the President and shall:

  1. fill a permanent vacancy in the office of the President;
  2. <Here and in subsequent sentences, list additional duties the zone requires of the Vice President>; and
  3. perform such other duties as the EC may prescribe.

Section 3

The Secretary shall:

  1. keep minutes of all rallies and meetings of the zone and the EC, or designate another person to substitute if she is unable to attend;
  2. keep an updated list of all zone and group officers and individual members, and furnish same to all zone officers and group presidents;
  3. provide copies of EC minutes to all members of the EC within thirty (30) days of each meeting;
  4. provide one (1) copy of rally or other zone meeting minutes to each local group and to each member of the EC within thirty (30) days of such meeting;
  5. conduct needed correspondence;
  6. provide notices of all zone meetings and activities to all local groups and individual members (unless the zone has a publicity chairman to handle this responsibility);
  7. provide zone minutes to the district Archivist-Historian as directed in the district bylaws; and
  8. perform such other duties as the EC may prescribe.

Section 4

The Treasurer shall:

  1. receive all monies and deposit them in a financial institution approved by the zone EC;
  2. keep an itemized account of all receipts and disbursements;
  3. make all authorized disbursements;
  4. submit financial reports at each EC meeting and each regularly scheduled zone rally or meeting;
  5. submit records for financial review at the close of each fiscal year and with the change of officer; and
  6. perform such other duties as the EC may prescribe.

Section 5

(If there are additional elected zone officers, their duties should be spelled out in this and subsequent sections.)


Section 1

A Nominating Committee of at least three (3) members shall be elected at the rally preceding elections. (Note: The Nominating Committee is independent of the President and EC and should not be appointed.)

Section 2

The Nominating Committee shall:

  1. solicit from members names of nominees for positions to be filled;
  2. receive from nominees consent to serve if elected; and
  3. prepare printed ballots with the names of candidates printed in alphabetical order by last name for each office to be filled.

Section 3

Nominations of qualified candidates may be made from the floor, provided consent to serve if elected has been obtained from the candidate.


Section 1

The appointed officers may be an Archivist-Historian, Parliamentarian, and Public Relations Chairman, and shall:

  1. be appointed by the President with the approval of the EC and serve for a term of two (2) years and be eligible for reappointment;
  2. attend EC meetings in an advisory capacity; and
  3. keep notes and materials pertinent to the office and transfer them to their successors within thirty (30) days after the termination of their appointment.

Section 2

The Archivist-Historian shall:

  1. gather and preserve records and other materials of historical value to the zone;
  2. write an annual history of the zone and send to the district Archivist-Historian; and
  3. send material of historical value to the district Archivist-Historian.

Section 3

The Parliamentarian shall:

  1. attend all zone rallies and meetings and serve as advisor on parliamentary procedure upon request; and
  2. serve as an ex officio member of the Organizational Resources Committee when it amends the bylaws.

Section 4

The Public Relations Chairman shall:

  1. be alert for news from the zone and submit articles and information to the LWML district newsletter as directed in the district bylaws;
  2. be coordinator of publicity for all zone functions;
  3. notify all local groups and individual members of zone activities; and
  4. perform other duties as requested by the EC.


Section 1

The zone shall hold at least two (2) rallies or zone meetings per year in the spring and fall for the purpose of Christian fellowship and conducting the business of the zone. Additional zone activities such as retreats, workshops, servant events, Gospel outreach activities, prayer services, etc. may be held as determined by the EC.

Section 2

All members of local groups and individual members in the zone may attend zone functions and have voice and vote. Members present at any rally or zone meeting shall constitute a quorum.

Section 3

(In this section, or in a standing rule, outline the method for selecting rally sites and responsibilities for hosting zone events.)


Section 1

The Executive Committee (EC) shall be composed of the elected officers, standing committee chairmen, and group presidents with the appointed officers and pastoral counselor serving as advisors. A majority of the voting members shall constitute a quorum.

Section 2

The Executive Committee shall:

  1. meet before each rally and at other times at the call of the President;
  2. conduct the business of the zone between rallies and other regularly scheduled zone meetings;
  3. with the President, plan zone activities and functions;
  4. assist the President in implementing zone activities and district and LWML programs;
  5. fill vacancies in elected offices; and
  6. approve the financial institution in which funds are deposited.


The Pastoral Counselor shall:

  1. be an LCMS pastor serving a parish within the zone;
  2. be appointed by the President with the approval of the EC, or elected at a zone meeting;
  3. serve a term of two (2) years and be eligible for one (1) reappointment;
  4. attend all zone functions and EC meetings, serving in an advisory capacity;
  5. serve on the Christian Life Committee;
  6. prepare a short Bible study for EC meetings as requested by the President;
  7. attend LWML district conventions, serving in an advisory capacity;
  8. approve recipients for special designated offerings and Gifts from the Heart (ingatherings); and
  9. perform other duties as requested by the President and EC.


Section 1

The standing committees shall be Christian Life, Gospel Outreach, Special Focus Ministries, and Organizational Resources. The committee chairmen shall be voting members of the EC.

Committees shall:

  1. be composed of a chairman and two (2) members appointed by the EC;
  2. have its members serve a term of two (2) years, permitting reappointment to one (1) additional term;
  3. serve as liaison with their corresponding committees at the district level; and
  4. keep records and materials pertinent to the committee and transfer to their successors within thirty (30) days following the end of term of office.

Section 2

The Christian Life Committee shall:

  1. prepare devotions for zone rallies and other functions when requested to do so by the EC;
  2. with the EC, plan zone retreats and prayer services;
  3. publicize Christian Life materials available from the LWML website;
  4. encourage use of inspirational materials within the local groups;
  5. maintain a file of Christian Life materials available for use within local groups and the zone; and
  6. perform other duties as requested by the EC.

Section 3

The Gospel Outreach Committee shall:

  1. publicize district and LWML mission grants and report on their progress;
  2. encourage use of the Mite Box and voluntary contributions to the district and LWML mission grants;
  3. plan Gospel Outreach activities for members of the zone such as sharing the Gospel with residents of nursing homes or veterans facilities, conducting inner city Vacation Bible School, etc.;
  4. encourage local groups to use Gospel Outreach materials available from the LWML website; and
  5. perform other duties as requested by the EC.

Section 4

The Special Focus Ministries Committee shall:

  1. plan zone servant event activities in which members can reach out in Christian love to those in their community who are hurting and in need;
  2. plan, at zone events, service projects such as Gifts from the Heart (ingatherings) for food banks, shelters, nursing homes, etc.;
  3. promote Special Focus Ministries projects of the district and the LWML; and
  4. perform other duties as requested by the EC.

Section 5

The Organizational Resources Committee shall:

  1. serve as encouragers to the local groups and lead them through the long-range planning process when requested to do so;
  2. plan leader development activities for zone rallies or other functions that help zone members recognize and use their leadership skills;
  3. encourage local groups to use Organizational Resource materials available from the LWML Store and free downloadable resources from;
  4. be responsible for keeping the zone bylaws current, suggesting to the EC amendments it deems necessary;
  5. present all bylaws amendments or revisions to the district Structure Committee for review before presenting to the zone members for approval;
  6. send the required number of copies of zone bylaws to the district Structure Committee Chairman for filing after adoption by the zone members;
  7. review and keep a file of local group bylaws and encourage local groups to keep their bylaws current; and
  8. perform other duties as requested by the EC.

Section 6

There may be other standing committees or special committees added as the zone and EC deem necessary.


Section 1

The zone shall:

  1. adopt no mission grant projects; and
  2. promote use of the Mite Box and voluntary contributions by zone members to the district and the LWML mission goal.

Section 2

The zone may:

  1. collect registration fees or an offering at rallies or other zone functions to cover zone expenses such as:
    1. honorarium for speaker, rental of audio-visual equipment, or other program aids;
    2. food preparation when a meal is served at zone function;
    3. printing, postage, telephone, fax;
    4. convention costs for delegates, pastoral counselor, and young woman representative;
    5. district assessments; and
    6. other costs approved by the EC. 
  2. designate a special offering and/or Gifts from the Heart (ingathering) for prayer services, retreats, servant events, etc., and request the zone pastoral counselor’s approval of the designated recipients.

Section 3

(Other zone financial policies may be listed in this section and subsequent sections if necessary.)


The fiscal year shall be from <month, day> to <month, day>, inclusive. (Note: As nearly as possible, the fiscal year should coincide with the Treasurer's term of office so that the books can be closed, reviewed, and transferred to the new officer in a timely manner.)


The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the proceedings of the zone in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws, district bylaws, LWML Bylaws, applicable law, or Christian principles.


Section 1

  1. These bylaws may be amended by a two thirds (2/3) vote of the members present and voting at a regularly scheduled zone meeting. The proposed amendments shall have been approved by the district Structure Committee and then sent to each member LWML group and individual member sixty (60) days prior to the meeting in which they will be considered for adoption.
  2. By unanimous vote, a proposed amendment may be presented to a rally or other regularly scheduled zone function without prior notice. A three-fourths (3/4) vote shall be required for adoption.

Section 2

  1. The required number of copies of these bylaws and all amendments or revisions shall be submitted to the district Structure Committee for review before being presented to the zone membership for adoption.
  2. Upon adoption by the zone, the required number of copies shall be submitted to the district Structure Committee for filing.

Date zone became member of district LWML <date>
Date of original bylaws <date>
Date of last amendments to bylaws <date>

(If interested, the following is suggested standing rules.)


  1. Method of selecting delegates to district conventions <date of adoption>.
  2. Method of selecting delegates to LWML conventions <date of adoption>.
  3. Rotation for hosting zone events <date of adoption>. 


View printable PDF of introduction: Bylaws — Zone Level

Download Sample LWML Zone Bylaws (Word doc) to use as a template.

Zone Relationship to Other Levels of LWML

A printable PDF can be found at the end of this article.


The zone serves as a vital link in the organizational chain of LWML. Zones help members of local groups, individual members, and participants relate to the district by providing opportunities for:

  • a forum on issues such as elections, mission grants, bylaw amendments, and other business for district conventions;
  • selection of Young Woman Representatives to district conventions;
  • planning zone implementation of, and participation in, district and LWML activities and programs; and
  • encouraging support for district and LWML mission grants.


Through its delegate(s) to LWML conventions, the zone has voice and vote in all decisions of the convention. Zones may wish to caucus for consensus voting on elections, mission grants, and other business before LWML conventions.

Zones having ten (10) or fewer units may send one (1) certified delegate to LWML conventions. Larger zones may send one (1) certified delegate for each additional ten (10) units or major fraction thereof as of January 1 preceding the convention. (Note: All LWML groups in one congregation or setting are considered as one member unit for the purpose of representation at LWML conventions.) For example:

  • A zone with 16 – 25 member units would be eligible to send two (2) delegates.
  • Zones with 26 – 35 member units could send three (3) delegates.
  • (Note: Large zones are not encouraged. In order to be effective, zones should strive to mirror the makeup of the district circuits.)

Names of zone delegates are sent to the LWML District President as designated by the district, and the District President forwards the names of the delegates to the LWML Recording Secretary in accordance with the LWML Bylaws.


View printable PDF of this article, Zone Relationship to Other Levels of LWML

Zone Structure

A printable PDF can be found at the end of this article.


LWML districts organize member LWML groups into zones that conform to LCMS circuit lines as much as possible. (See Lutheran Women’s Missionary League Bylaws, Article III, Section 1.) Zones structure themselves:

  • to best meet the needs of the local groups they serve;
  • in accordance with the limitations imposed by their geographic boundaries (non- geographic districts may have non-geographic zones);
  • to conform to the directives of their districts; and
  • to effectively promote the object of LWML — mission education, mission inspiration, mission service, and mission grants.


Zones generally have the following officers:

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Pastoral Counselor

Additional officers should be elected or appointed to enable the zone to implement the programs dictated by its bylaws and the programs and object of the district and the LWML.


Unless the bylaws specify differently, the Nominating Committee should make every effort to secure as many qualified candidates for each office as possible. This allows the voting delegates the opportunity to select from a slate of capable individuals for each office, thus providing the best leadership for the organization.


View printable PDF of this article, Zone Structure

Resources for Members and Local Groups

A printable PDF can be found at the end of this article.

The LWML offers a variety of resources to assist local groups and to enable individual women to grow in their Christian walk, including:

Many LWML resources are available online as free downloads at Contact the LWML Office if you have questions.

View a printable PDF of this article, Resources for Members and Local Groups.

Bylaws — Local Level


Organizations differ and each local group should write basic bylaws that best describe its structure and method of transacting business. The person responsible for drafting the group's bylaws may contact the zone or district bylaws chairman for help and information as needed. Below are sample bylaws which groups may adapt to fit their particular situations. Articles on object, membership, and parliamentary authority must conform to national bylaws.


Lutheran Women’s Missionary League
<local group name> Bylaws

The name of this organization shall be <local group name> of <congregation name> Church, <city>, <state>. This organization shall be affiliated with the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (hereinafter referred to as LWML).

The object of this organization shall be:

  1. to develop and maintain a greater mission awareness among the women of <congregation name>;
  2. to provide opportunities for spiritual growth and Christian fellowship among the women of the <congregation name>;
  3. to gather funds for mission grants;
  4. to assist <congregation name> in its ministry to build the Kingdom of God; and
  5. to foster and support the program of the LWML.

Any woman who is a communicant member of <congregation name>, who expresses a desire to join and has made the object of the organization her own, is eligible for membership.

Delegates and alternates shall be selected to represent the organization at LWML <district name> District conventions.
[LWML units using alternative structures such as the circle plan should insert a different “Article IV – Structure” at this point and describe the organizational plan, then renumber the subsequent articles (i.e., “Article V – Conventions,” “Article VI – Officers,” etc.)]


Section 1
The elected officers shall be: President (or Coordinator, or Director, or Chairman, or other title), Vice President (optional), Secretary (or Recorder, or other title), Treasurer (may be combined with office of Secretary as Secretary-Treasurer).

Section 2
These officers shall be elected by ballot at the <season or month> meeting to serve for a term of one (1) year (or two years, or three, etc.) or until their successors are elected, and shall be eligible for reelection. If there is only one (1) candidate per office, a voice vote may be taken. A majority vote shall elect.

Section 3
Newly-elected officers shall assume their duties at the close of the meeting at which they are elected (or insert date).


Section 1
The President shall:

  1. preside at all regular and special meetings, or arrange for someone to do so;
  2. be authorized to sign checks in the event of an emergency; and
  3. perform such other duties as the organization may prescribe.

Section 2
The Vice President shall:

  1. perform the duties of the office of President when requested to do so by the President;
  2. fill a permanent vacancy in the office of the President;
  3. <here and in subsequent sentences, list additional duties the organization requires of the Vice President>; and
  4. perform such other duties as the organization may prescribe.

Section 3
The Secretary shall:

  1. keep minutes of all regular and special meetings of the organization;
  2. conduct needed correspondence;
  3. keep records of current bylaws and standing rules; and
  4. perform such other duties as the organization may prescribe.

Section 4
The Treasurer shall:

  1. receive all monies and deposit them in a financial institution approved by the members;
  2. keep an itemized account of all receipts and disbursements;
  3. make all authorized disbursements;
  4. regularly remit Mite Box offerings to the designated district LWML financial officer;
  5. submit regular financial reports to the organization;
  6. submit records for financial review at the close of each fiscal year and with the change of officer; and
  7. perform such other duties as the organization may prescribe.

Meetings shall be held as specified by the members. Special meetings may be called by the President or at the request of <insert number> members. The members present at any duly called meeting shall constitute a quorum.


Section 1
There shall be no dues, but voluntary offerings will be accepted at each regular meeting.

Section 2
Mite Box offerings shall be gathered at each regular meeting and submitted to the designated district financial officer.


The fiscal year shall be from <month, day> to <month, day> inclusive.

[If the local group wishes to cite a parliamentary authority, that article should be inserted here:
The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the proceedings of the organization in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws, zone bylaws, <district short name> bylaws, LWML Bylaws, applicable law, or Christian principles.]

[If the local group wishes to use Article X above, then change from “ARTICLE X” to “ARTICLE XI” below.]

Section 1

  1. These bylaws may be amended by a two thirds (2/3) vote of the members present and voting at a regularly scheduled meeting. The proposed amendments shall have been approved by the district Structure Committee and then sent to each member <number> days prior to the meeting in which they will be considered for adoption.
  2. By unanimous vote, a proposed amendment may be presented at a meeting. A three-fourths (3/4) vote shall be required for adoption.

Section 2

  1. The required number of copies of these bylaws and all amendments or revisions shall be submitted to the district Structure Committee for review before being presented to the local group membership for adoption.
  2. Upon adoption by the local group, the required number of copies shall be submitted to the district Structure Committee for filing.


Date organization became an LWML group (date)
Date of original bylaws (date)
Date of last amendments to bylaws (date)


View printable PDF of introduction: Bylaws — Local Level

Download Sample LWML Local Group Bylaws (Word doc) to use as a template.

How to Start a New Group

A printable PDF is available at the end of the article.

A new LWML group begins when a group of women in a congregation of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS), or in various other settings where groups of LCMS women live or work, wish to share their delight in serving the Lord through the LWML with others. 

A good way to start a new group is with a Bible study, using material from the Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly. Free downloadable resources, including devotions, Bible studies, leader helps, PowerPoint presentations on LWML basics, and ideas for programming can be found on the website Additional Bible study workbooks and DVDs may be purchased through the online LWML Store. 

The mission and ministry of the LWML can be explained by relating the purpose of the LWML to the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20). Both the LWML and district mission grants can be introduced, with a Mite Box (see description on the following pages) given to each participant, encouraging both prayer and financial support. Developing personal relationships among the women is also important to mentor and assist one another along life’s path. 

Steps to form a new group: 

  • The prospective new local group contacts their LWML district president and informs her that a new group wishes to be affiliated with the LWML.
  • The district president sends the district’s new LWML group form (if available; otherwise the form at the end of this document can be used) to the new local group leader; the leader of the new group fills it out and submits it to the district president.
  • The district president completes the LWML New Group Report Form. She mails or scans/emails the form to the LWML President.
  • The LWML President sends (through the LWML Office) the new group a letter of welcome.
  • The new group can subscribe to the Lutheran Woman's Quarterly. Learn more about that below.
  • Membership certificates give identity and name recognition to new groups and relate them to the national organization. Presentations are often made by the district president at zone rallies; the new group is then announced and recognized at the next LWML district convention.

To begin a bank account for your group, contact your district president for how to name the account and for the Federal Employer Identification Number (EIN) for your district.

View a printable PDF of this article, How to Start a New Group.

Go to the LWML New Group Welcome Packet

The League Pledge

In fervent gratitude for the Savior's dying love and His blood-bought gift of redemption we dedicate ourselves to Him with all that we are and have; and in obedience to His call for workers in the harvest fields, we pledge Him our willing service wherever and whenever He has need of us. We consecrate to our Savior our hands to work for Him, our feet to go on His errands, our voice to sing His praises, our lips to proclaim His redeeming love, our silver and our gold to extend His Kingdom, our will to do His will, and every power of our life to the great task of bringing the lost and the erring into eternal fellowship with Him. Amen.

© 1955 LWML authored by Rev. Harry Fricke
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LWML Pledge — Responsive Reading
Large Print LWML Pledge — Responsive Reading

Member Relationship to Other Levels of LWML

A printable PDF can be found at the end of this article.


The local group relates directly to the zone. Zones offer opportunities for participants from different congregations and settings to meet for:

  • spiritual development;
  • Christian fellowship;
  • mutual encouragement;
  • leader training; and
  • sharing information and ideas.

Groups may keep their link in the organizational chain strong by attending zone functions, communicating with zone officers, and hosting zone activities when possible.


Individual members hold the same rights and privileges in relation to the zone that members of groups have, including eligibility to serve as zone officers and as delegates/alternates to district and LWML conventions. When the district welcomes an individual member, information regarding the new member should be sent to the zone so that the member can be included in zone communication and be invited to participate in zone activities. Individual Membership Guidelines are available as a free download at


Through its delegate(s) to district conventions, the local group has voice and vote in all decisions of the convention. All LCMS women are encouraged to participate in district workshops, retreats, and other programs as additional opportunities for spiritual development, Christian fellowship, mutual encouragement, and leader training.


Individual membership is processed through the LWML district in which the member resides. The district provides the new member with a Mite Box and pertinent information about the district and national organization. The individual member should be included in district mailings and be encouraged to participate at district conventions, meetings, and events. The member has the same eligibility as any other district member to hold office at the district level. Individual Membership Guidelines are available as a free download at


The local group has voice and vote at the LWML convention through the delegate(s) chosen from its respective zone. The LWML offers outstanding opportunities for Christian growth and service. The LWML relates directly to the local group through communication with each congregation. The group should designate an individual to receive the communication and disseminate the information to members.


Individual members are encouraged to attend LWML conventions, to use LWML materials and to participate in events and programs sponsored by LWML. An individual member who is active in the zone has the same eligibility as other zone members to serve as a delegate/alternate to LWML conventions. The member is also eligible to serve on LWML committees and to be nominated for LWML offices. Individual Membership Guidelines are available as a free download at


View printable PDF of this article, Member Relationship to Other Levels of LWML

LWML General Resources

A printable PDF can be found at the end of this article.

Official Publication: Lutheran Woman's Quarterly

The Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly, published four times a year, is the official publication of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League. The purpose of the publication is to inform women of the activities of the organization and to provide topics for study and discussion that promote the object of LWML. Bible studies, including one in Spanish, are found in each issue of the Quarterly, as is a column for young women. An issue prior to the biennial convention contains registration procedures, convention information, and business to be brought before the voting assembly. 

Local groups are encouraged to order at least one subscription per member, while many order extra subscriptions so copies may be distributed to all women of the congregation. The magazine is sent via bulk mail to the congregation, but individual subscriptions may be ordered through the LWML Office or online. 

The district is billed for magazines that are sent to its local units. Some districts pay for the subscriptions from the district’s share of mite offerings. However, districts are encouraged to ask local groups for contributions to pay for the magazine. 

Each year local groups are asked to notify their zone or district regarding the number of subscriptions needed; decreases may be made at this time. Increases in the number of subscriptions per congregation may be made at any time by contacting the LWML Office. Address changes may also be made directly through the LWML Office.

The Quarterly is also available as an electronic subscription; go to to subscribe to the eQuarterly. 

LWML Catalog

The LWML Catalog features products and resources produced by LWML Office staff, departments, committees, and individuals. Items in the LWML Catalog focus on LWML’s mission and include Bible studies, devotions, and inspirational materials; leadership, planning, and organizational resources; and materials for outreach. A wide array of clothing, jewelry, professional, household, and personal items are also available. Catalogs may be obtained from the LWML Office or viewed online. LWML has partnered with Concordia Publishing House (CPH) for ordering and shipping. Orders may be placed by telephone (1-800-325-3040) or online through the “Shop” button on the website. 

Contact Information

The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League Office is located at 801 Seminary Place, Ste. L010, St. Louis, Missouri 63105. Thousands of volunteers at the national, district, zone, and local levels serve the Lord with gladness in elective or appointive positions.

Lutheran Women’s Missionary League
801 Seminary Pl, Ste L010
St. Louis, MO 63105

Telephone  800-252-LWML (5965)
President's blog

View printable PDF of this article, LWML General Resources

View contact information for current national LWML officers.

Group Structure

A printable PDF can be found at the end of this article.


The structure taken by an LWML local group depends upon the needs of the women involved. A group may adopt, but is not restricted to, one of the following patterns as its framework:

  • A separate group formed especially for the purpose of supporting the object of the LWML and participating in LWML programs. Such groups ordinarily have officers (elected and/or appointed), bylaws, and regularly scheduled meetings.

  • Part of a women’s group formed for another purpose (such as Bible study, social/fellowship, exercise, mother’s club, etc.) but committed to the object of LWML. Such groups frequently devote at least one meeting each quarter to the study of missions and to LWML business.

  • A women’s ministry program organized according to a circle plan (see below for more details). A circle plan unites the women of the congregation in one general LWML group, with smaller groups (circles) working separately in their areas of interest (e.g. altar care, Bible study, missions, nursery, quilting, etc.). Groups using a circle plan usually have quarterly meetings which bring all the circles together for a special program.

  • Flexible in structure, with members participating in the object of LWML individually or as a group, but having none or some of the following: schedule of meetings, officers, bylaws. However, members of such groups are invited and encouraged to attend zone, district, and LWML events when possible.

  • A group of LCMS members from different congregations who live in the same environment (college dorm, nursing home, etc.) or work at the same facility (office, factory, hospital, etc.) and form an LWML group to meet at a convenient time and location. Such groups should apply to their LWML district for recognition as an LWML group and placement within a zone so that they are included in zone activities and communication.

  • Members of two small churches, geographically close to one another, who unite to form one LWML group.

  • A virtual group holding “meetings” electronically. (See Guidelines for a Virtual Group at

More information on various organizational structures can be found in the PowerPoint LWML 104—Your LWML Designed 4 U, found on the website

When two or more LWML groups exist within one congregation or other single setting, they are considered a single unit for purposes of representation at the LWML convention. Representation at zone and district functions is determined according to zone and district bylaws.


A circle is a group within the LWML local group (core group) that meets regularly to accomplish a specific purpose.

  • The core group holds regular meetings or general assemblies monthly or quarterly with an LWML emphasis and gathering of mites. All women in the church are encouraged to take part in these meetings. The core groups choose leaders who meet regularly as an executive board to take care of business that does not need to be brought before the general assembly and to coordinate circle activities.
  • The number of small groups or circles is determined by the goals adopted. Circle chairmen may be appointed by the executive board or be selected by circle members. Circle chairmen serve as members of the executive board. Circles choose their leaders/officers, meeting frequency, time, place, and special projects or service activities. “Participation,” rather than “membership,” is to be emphasized.
  • Suggestions for implementing the circle plan:
    • Meetings – A coordinated schedule of meetings should establish monthly circle meetings, monthly executive board meetings, and general assemblies.
    • Membership – Circle membership may be determined by interest groups or special service areas such as altar guild, quilting, visiting shut-ins, mother’s morning out, convenience of meeting times, geographical location, etc.
    • Leadership – The circle chairman should prepare an agenda and preside at circle meetings, appoint topic and devotional leaders, represent the circle on the executive board, report board activities at circle meetings, and report circle activities at general meetings.
  • Some successful groups with circles suggest women should have the option of being part of the core group without being a member of a circle. They also have women who want to contribute mites and receive copies of the district and LWML official publications, but do not want to come to meetings. These members are counted as associate members or members-at-large. A large Mite Box in the church narthex on predetermined regular Sundays can allow all women, men, and children of the congregation to contribute.


To carry out a program effectively, most local groups have a chairman, a secretary, and a treasurer who have specific assigned duties. Some groups may decide to work with coordinators instead of officers. Larger groups may have other officers, such as a vice president, a program chairman, or standing committee chairmen who are elected or appointed. An executive committee (officers and committee chairmen) may serve by planning and evaluating the LWML group program.

For small groups in the early stages of LWML affiliation, a chairman or contact person (or mite collector) may be the only officer. This person’s responsibilities include keeping members informed of, and encouraging participation in, LWML activities and submitting mite offerings to the designated LWML district financial officer.


View printable PDF of this article, Group Structure

Symbols of LWML

A printable PDF can be found at the end of this article.


Purple and Gold


Designed by Mrs. Quinn Dennis, Huron, SD. Adopted in Convention 1947, Chicago, IL 


First Logo

Adopted June 1991



Adopted June 2017


Current Logo

Adopted January 2023

Official Membership Pin

The LWML Official Membership pin is composed of interlocking elements representing the past, present, and future. The different textures on each of the interlocking elements symbolize the diverse cultures of the women of LWML. The triangle, representing the Triune God above, connects with the circles which stand for the world and eternity. The point where all intersect is marked with the cross, Christ, as the center of our lives. 

Adopted July 2001


Young Woman Representative Pin

The double links represent LWML women of all ages who are joyfully united in spirit and purpose. While each member is different, in Christ all are linked together, complementing one another’s gifts, talents, and strengths.  

Adopted June 1997 

(Districts are encouraged to send a Young Woman Representative (YWR) to each national convention. A smaller version of the pin is available for YWRs to district conventions.) 

Heart to Heart — Sisters of All Nations Logo and Pin

The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League recognizes there are gifted women serving with joy and passion in many multicultural ministries throughout The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.

Heart to Heart logo

The logo represents women joined together under the cross of our Lord who serve in the Church and LWML. We are all Heart to Heart sisters from many nations who come together to worship, support missions, and serve those around us.
(Adopted September 2021)

We are committed to assisting LWML districts in establishing Heart to Heart — Sisters of All Nations programs so multicultural women may mutually encourage one another, support each other, and work together living out the beautiful ethnicity that is the body of Christ.

The Heart to Heart — Sisters of All Nations Pin

The Heart to Heart — Sisters of All Nations pin was first presented at the Lexington convention in 2021. The women who received the pin were participants in the Heart to Heart District Leaders Training prior to the convention. It was presented at a special luncheon with their district presidents. The pin will be presented in the upcoming years to all those who complete the training.
(Adopted September 2020)

LWML districts are encouraged to send a representative to the training who has a desire to connect with multicultural women within her district and to assist them in becoming active members of Lutheran Women in Mission. 


View printable PDF of this article, Symbols of LWML

View logos and style guide information.

View the video of the LWML logo through the years with the logo reveal video first shown at the 2017 LWML Convention

Basic Facts

A printable PDF can be found at the end of this article.

What is the Lutheran Women's Missionary League?

The Lutheran Women's Missionary League (LWML) is an official auxiliary of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS).

It has as its "mission heart" thousands of volunteers who are daily dedicating their lives to making a difference in this world.

It is also “Lutheran Women in Mission,” a phrase that reflects the object of the LWML, adopted by the Board of Directors in January 1998.

It is women who are finding avenues to use their God-given talents as they meet the challenge to share the Gospel message.

It is composed of individual women and women's groups within congregations of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, on campuses, in resident homes, or in other settings.

It provides individual membership to women in LCMS congregations with or without a group affiliated with the LWML. Women may have an interest in the mission and ministry of the LWML – and wish to be part of the organization – but cannot, for a variety of reasons, be part of a local group. Individual membership is designed for these women.

It seeks to develop and maintain a greater mission consciousness among the women of the Synod through education, inspiration, and service.

It places a major emphasis on the support of mission and ministry throughout the world by means of Mite Box offerings. These Mite Box offerings have funded over 100 million dollars in mission grants since the organization’s inception in 1942.

The Mite Box

Mite Box

Based on the Biblical account of the widow’s mite (Luke 21:1–4), the Mite Box is intended for regular contributions of “mites” — offerings above and beyond the support given to the congregation and the Synod. Mite Box contributions amount to millions of dollars that fund district and national mission grants and implement the LWML program.

Mite Boxes are available from the district, zone, through the LWML Catalog, and/or online. They are distributed to every woman in a group, and often to each member of the congregation. Mite Boxes ideally will be located in a prominent place where all who see them will be reminded to contribute regularly and pray for the grant recipients. Some congregations display a large version of the Mite Box so those who do not attend LWML events may contribute their mites.

Mite Box offerings should be gathered at LWML functions, preferably with a prayer or a Mite Box devotion. Some resources are available as free downloads at Groups remit Mite Box contributions regularly to a designated district financial officer; individuals may send their mites to that same district financial officer.

Learn more about Mite Boxes and their history.

View printable PDF of this article, LWML Basics and The Mite Box


LWML Resources