Soon many of us will gather together in person to be inspired as we hear God’s Word, sing His praises, and hear the amazing things God does through us in the LWML. However, it dawned on me that convention won’t be in session on a Tuesday. So I pose a challenge. 5-Minute Friday!
Take five minutes on Friday, June 26, whether you are in Des Moines at convention or at home. Take five minutes to reach out to someone and get to know them. Perhaps it will be the lady with whom you eat lunch. Maybe you will walk a new route through your neighborhood and find someone new to chat with and visit. Just. Five. Minutes.
As you spend a little extra time, remember what our Lord says: And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work (2 Corinthians 9:8). We do not go alone, but God works and abounds through us in His time … even if it takes more than five minutes. May God bless your time as you share His love with someone new on Friday or anytime!
Katy Gifford
Chairman, Mission Servants Committee