
2023–2025 Mission Grant #19

Tanzania Children's Homes

Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania, Africa β€” $74,500

About This Mission Grant

The Tanzania Children’s Home welcomes albino children to offer security, care, and education. Albinism (limited melanin pigment in the skin, eyes, and hair) is especially prevalent in Tanzania. Children with albinism face health risks of skin cancer and visual impairment and are threatened by the pagan practices of the tribal religions that falsely teach their body parts have magical powers to make one rich, successful, and powerful. The home offers security and specialized care for the children that their families cannot provide and is located on the campus of the Lutheran Boarding School in Mwadui. They are raised in the knowledge and love of the Lord and are transported to the Mwadui Lutheran Secondary School for their education.Β 

This grant will help purchase a bus for safe transportation of the children and will contribute to the support of the children.


group of people standing outside of a building "St. John Bingen Home of Children"

In July 2022, a group from St. John, Bingen (Decatur, IN) travelled to Tanzania to meet the pastors, deaconesses, church leaders, and children at the home they funded for their 175th anniversary.

More Mission Grant Photos

large group of children sitting outside under canopy for shade. Adults standing around the edges.

Children at the overcrowded and underfunded public orphanage in Shinyanga.

Several of the children (names in photo) at the St. John Bingen Home of Children.

Several of the children (names in photo) at the St. John Bingen Home of Children.


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